Diad 6 tips and tricks

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I follow 100% if I’m helping someone else because I don’t know the area. And I can’t stand how stupid I feel when it has me backtracking, going in circles, passing stops on the right then being taken back to deliver them on the left.. you know all the normal ORION stuff. It feels as stupid as putting a piece of cloth over your face and thinking you’ve prevented covid.

I can’t do it on my own route. I’d go stark raving nuts. I enjoy out ORIONing their stupid solution every day.
You need that red pill BADLY.


Well-Known Member
Diad 6 is completely inept, don’t expect it to be anything like the old diad. Be prepared to be frustrated and management will do nothing to assist, you’re on your own to figure it out. The good side is that it’s so cumbersome and slow you’ll have late NDA everyday. I guess they didn’t think we were getting enough overtime so lets put this anchor around our necks. Nothing but the finest.


Is it true there is no more pre-record? My mall route will become impossible to do without it or will add hours to my day
I was gonna make a smart ass comment to this but I use prerecord a lot and I’m sure they came up with an alternative. They prob got rid of it because all the late ndas when people forget them.

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
I was gonna make a smart ass comment to this but I use prerecord a lot and I’m sure they came up with an alternative. They prob got rid of it because all the late ndas when people forget them.
There is such an easy fix to this problem that does not involve gutting the whole feature. Literally "if item is a part of the commits group, return a y/n prompt"
Also it get's pressed so much because function 5 is deliver and right next to it is function 4 all it requires is stabbing your thumb a quarter inch further to the left.


Well-Known Member
passing stops on the right then being taken back to deliver them on the left
There's certain roads where I'm not gonna deliver out the driver side door even if God Himself told me to do it. I'll back into the driveway if the opportunity presents itself, otherwise we're circling the block or running it a different order. I'm not gonna get hit by a car bc I was trying to prove a point.