DIAD on lunch...


Well-Known Member
Ever hear of the 9.5 list? Your 9.5 just kicks in earlier.
The guys that work through lunch are going to file? The first thing the steward or ba is going to say is stop working through lunch......plus once the routes are gone they are very difficult to get back........8 drivers working 8 hours getting done can easily turn into 7 drivers working 9 or 6 drivers working 10


Well-Known Member
The guys that work through lunch are going to file? The first thing the steward or ba is going to say is stop working through lunch......plus once the routes are gone they are very difficult to get back........8 drivers working 8 hours getting done can easily turn into 7 drivers working 9 or 6 drivers working 10
It all looks the same on paper, but the guy who only takes 30 mins lunch gets back 30 mins earlier. If it helps the driver with some flexibility, I am for it.


It all looks the same on paper, but the guy who only takes 30 mins lunch gets back 30 mins earlier. If it helps the driver with some flexibility, I am for it.

But if they are all business routes,just gives them an excuse to cut one.

If they take off 10 businesses, they'd switch it for 20 resi.

That's why I am on the list.



Well-Known Member
In my area working through lunch helps the company by getting done earlier....for example having to break off route for comm savers.....not breaking off saves 20-30 minutes.....not having to break off for savers comm before 5 and pu changes the whole route

There still paying me the same whether I take my full lunch or not. I don't work for free..


Well-Known Member
It's you're and their. We have 30 minute lunch in our area. Most guys are back by 5-5:30 on an average day. Don't think they will add drivers if everyone now gets back at 5:30-6.

No but they can cut a few trips and the average day would be 6:30 7:00 and sprinkle a couple 7:30 to 8:00 in there or is their.