Discharged for Dishonesty


Decisions to terminate are usually made by the division manager with input from the district manager. Center managers normally do not terminate without approval from their superiors. Often the center manager fights to have a good employee reinstated.

The center manager knows how hard my husband works. He told my hubby not to worry. He told my husband hes worried about me. We almost took UPS to court when they said my husband was not going to get the pay raises he was to get while he was on active duty. So I printed out over 100 pages about the rights military members have when the are activated. So the next day they had it fixed. His boss was happy that I brought in the papers so they have information on file since we are in a military town.:happy-very:


To Endeavor To Persevere
how is that dishonesty??? should it be failure to follow procedure? or instructions even?? or did he not sheet them and just leave them on the truck???

guys in my center do it all the time and get warning letters for it...

also.. isnt there some language in the contract that says that he is to remain on the job until an arbitration hearing??

I remained on the job for months until my arbitration a while back and never missed a single day....

Is that what happen, because that would explain why they fired him instead of a warning letter?


Well-Known Member
Is that what happen, because that would explain why they fired him instead of a warning letter?

I know that works in the reverse... you can get fired if you sheet something in dishonestly.

But if you just somehow forget to sheet something in, that sounds like just not following procedure. I dont see how they can refer to this as "dishonesty". hmmm.. do we have the whole story here?


To Endeavor To Persevere
I don't agree with firing some one for "dishonesty" for making a honest mistake, but they must not believe that he just forgot about it and it was an honest mistake. We don't know the whole story, but I seen drivers get terminated for "stuffing packages." They were reinstated later, after both sides agree to lower it to a suspension. All cases are different, but the old "dishonesty" termination is used often and you do not work until it is settled. They had a bad load, and left the building late that day, too, but it wasn't much of a defense for them.

How did they find out about the package?
I know that works in the reverse... you can get fired if you sheet something in dishonestly.

But if you just somehow forget to sheet something in, that sounds like just not following procedure. I dont see how they can refer to this as "dishonesty". hmmm.. do we have the whole story here?

Ok, here's a question for you then..... isn't it dishonest of THEM when you work your arse off all week and look at your paystub and it's 1, 2 or maybe even 3 hours short? Aren't they "falsifying" documents by changing your hours.... hours that are recorded to the minute by the DIAD?


To Endeavor To Persevere
Call the 1 800 number and blow the whistle and they will have to answer to the man.
If no one from out side of your center knows about it, it will keep happening.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I normally don't write on blogs since this is a personal matter. But I can't get answers from the people who have them. My husband has worked at UPS 10 years next month. That includes the 2 years he was activated with the National Guard.

Well on Wednesday they put his on a different route. Ok cool not a big deal. Well I called my husband to see if he wanted to meet for lunch. He said no way because his truck was loaded like there was a bull in there and he couldn't find packages. So I went on with my day as he did with his.

He had packages that were miss loaded. Now explain this how the heck do you miss load packages for Wal-mart that is on the other side of town. He saw the packages when he stopped at his first stop. He knew to call them in but with the way his truck looked at how far he was behind since they had a late start he simply forgot.

On our way home from dinner his supervisor calls. He said to him that they would be talking to him in the morning about it. Hubby calls me Thursday to come get him. We car pool to save money. I said why do I need to come get you. He told me that they fired him for not calling in the miss loads. I flipped out because we have bills and kids.

The manager told him not to worry; he should get his job back. But it can take a few weeks. Well a few weeks with the hubby not working isn't going to pay the bills and put food on the table. Let alone know we have no medical insurance. With kids that is not good.

So he files a grievance and meets up with the union guy that night. He was fueling up his truck and I had my car window down as they talked. I heard him tell me husband not to worry because JP did the same thing. Then another guy did it and falsified papers about it. They both got there jobs back.

I went to the PO Box to get the mail. There sits the paper for me to sign to get his YOUR FIRED letter. All it says is:
Effective January 22, 2009, you are here by discharged for dishonesty per Article 52 of the current labor agreement.

What the heck does that say? Shouldn’t they explain it a little more than there one sentence. My husband asked me why I signed for it. I told him that I wanted to so that way the Business manager sees that I signed it. The business manger knows not to mess with me.

If they go ahead and say nope your fired, we are planning on taking them to court since there are 2 other people who did the same thing and kept there jobs.

Does any one know what will happen next? I can’t stand sitting here waiting. I think a nice bottle of Southern Comfort will be my best friend soon. Any advice would be great. I don’t normally get involved with my husband work. But this is a big deal since he brings in all the money. I work part time from home and on the road. So I know we can’t go to long without his pay check. I also heard something about asking for pay for that time off.

I am sorry you guys are going through this. I have found myself in this situation. My husband was dyeing of terminally ill cancer. I had fmla leave in place ups sent me an intent to terminate for to many days missed. My husband recieved it and shot himself the next day. My thinking on this is why drag families through this their has got to be another way. Since then I have been terminated twice. Please do not let ups get to you if you need to talk please message me. I am a good listener.


Ok, here's a question for you then..... isn't it dishonest of THEM when you work your arse off all week and look at your paystub and it's 1, 2 or maybe even 3 hours short? Aren't they "falsifying" documents by changing your hours.... hours that are recorded to the minute by the DIAD?

My husband keeps track of his hours down to the minute. When I look at his check and look at his hours its off by an hour or 2 a week. I figure what his pay is going to be so I know how much his check will be after taxes. When its off I am mad. UPS says oh it is right. To bad so sad. That is a law suit waiting to happen.


grieve the discharge. and CYA when returning to work!!

He has already grieved it. The same day it happened. I got am email from the Union rep and he said he will take care of it asap. It is nice when you know someone on the "Inside". When my husband first became a driver UPS was saying that he would make one thing and then turn around and said oh we were wrong and tried to take money. But I was one step in front of them and had it in a email from the center manager. When this was brought up the center manager said oh I guess I messed up. I keep every email, letter and record every phone call. We live in a state where we dont have to tell the other person that the call is being recorded. :happy-very: I learned a lot, since my husband used to be a cop in the military. If they go a head and fire him, then he will just go to post and get a job where he can sit in a warm/cold car and drive around the military base.


Well-Known Member
My husband keeps track of his hours down to the minute. When I look at his check and look at his hours its off by an hour or 2 a week. I figure what his pay is going to be so I know how much his check will be after taxes. When its off I am mad. UPS says oh it is right. To bad so sad. That is a law suit waiting to happen.

How is he keeping track of hours worked?

Is he recording his time correctly. In a center
of 100 drivers 30-40 % make timecard errors
on a daily basis that could potentially affect
their pay.

There are actually more errors made in the drivers favor and
those are almost never reported by the driver.


Im thinking your husband made the mistake of admitting he knew about the packages and " forgot" .... your innocent until proven guilty and they cant PROVE knowledge or intent without confession...

that said... if he would have said just said " what packages?? " I mean unless it was a check in audit where they were waiting for him when he got back to the building then how can they prove those packages were on the truck when he was on the road??? How can they prove that another driver didnt toss them in there so he wouldnt get in trouble???

you said the supervisor called him at home which if that ever happened to me I think I would pop a blood vessel if I was being called to be discilplined or threatened over the phone when i am with my family...

Since your husband was terminated... is he not eligable for unemployment??


Also...if you dont want to deliver a misload then sheet it missed... you wont get fired for missed pieces... but in all honesty I have found that most misloads if within a town or so arent horrible to just go and deliver quick at the end of the day.... Easiest overtime in the world....

like I said.... you dont want to deliver it.... sheet it missed.... better than not at all...


Well-Known Member
Since your husband was terminated is he not eligible for unemployment??

Here in NY he would not be eligible as he was fired for misconduct (dishonesty). Also, your advice for sheeting misloads as missed is questionable--you should always call and ask what they want you to do with the misloads.


Well-Known Member
As far as not being paid the hours you worked, why wouldn't you complain and if need be call the 800 number? Easiest way to get rid of a dishonest Sup.


He has already grieved it. The same day it happened. I got am email from the Union rep and he said he will take care of it asap. It is nice when you know someone on the "Inside". When my husband first became a driver UPS was saying that he would make one thing and then turn around and said oh we were wrong and tried to take money. But I was one step in front of them and had it in a email from the center manager. When this was brought up the center manager said oh I guess I messed up. I keep every email, letter and record every phone call. We live in a state where we dont have to tell the other person that the call is being recorded. :happy-very: I learned a lot, since my husband used to be a cop in the military. If they go a head and fire him, then he will just go to post and get a job where he can sit in a warm/cold car and drive around the military base.

Ma'am reading through this you now become extra incentive to fire your husband. If the case is one where the center could decide to fire or settle your constant interference in hubbys work would be another reason the center might decide to follow through and go for the discharge. you need to learn to but out of your husbands affairs at work and let him handle it.
I would never discuss the husbands activities or email anyone in the family with his work business.


Im thinking your husband made the mistake of admitting he knew about the packages and " forgot" .... your innocent until proven guilty and they cant PROVE knowledge or intent without confession...

that said... if he would have said just said " what packages?? " I mean unless it was a check in audit where they were waiting for him when he got back to the building then how can they prove those packages were on the truck when he was on the road??? How can they prove that another driver didnt toss them in there so he wouldnt get in trouble???

you said the supervisor called him at home which if that ever happened to me I think I would pop a blood vessel if I was being called to be discilplined or threatened over the phone when i am with my family...

Since your husband was terminated... is he not eligable for unemployment??

sounds like the sup likes her husband and gave him a heads up warning.