I was discharged today for “theft.” I’ve been a full time package driver for a little over two years now (still utility). So what happened was I did a delivery and then grabbed a printer (delivered by amazon) on the way back, they have it on there door cam and everything. I don’t remember anything about the stop, but I must have grabbed it for some reason, btw I would never steal anything more or less a PRINTER! I didn’t get an odp or have a call tag for it. So my guess is it either had a double label or I just completely zoned out. The problem is that it came from amazon and claim there packages are clean with no double label. I met with the head of security a couple of times, and all the evidence points towards me stealing it, can’t locate the package etc. I know if they check telematics they can see I didn’t stop anywhere off route or anything like that. On top of all that the resident filed a police report, it’s just all bad. I have a panel hearing to try and get my job back and he said it won’t be for another 3-6 months. Sooo yea feel kinda screwed for making a simple mistake, any input would be great. I didn’t steal the printer.