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Blue in Brown
Something similar here. A article 22 employee was cussed out in graphic & racist terms by a white female on-road. She had a history of verbally abusing people, other employees witnessed it and the guy filed a grievance.That's funny.
At my old center we had a black driver who had 3 tier 3s in a 12 month period. All were his fault, and the most recent one involved him running a red light, which was caught on video.
Steward said if they fired him they would go to the news and claim it was racism.
He worked inside for a week and then was back on the road.
The business agent wanted the on-road gone, the employee wanted to sue so the company repeatedly transferred her until she quit and the employee has been here for 27 years with a "no-cut" contract.
Everybody hates him, he's a lazy bum that's had multiple accidents and enough warning letters & suspensions to fill an entire file cabinet drawer but they won't fire him.