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Blue in Brown
That's funny.
At my old center we had a black driver who had 3 tier 3s in a 12 month period. All were his fault, and the most recent one involved him running a red light, which was caught on video.
Steward said if they fired him they would go to the news and claim it was racism.
He worked inside for a week and then was back on the road.
Something similar here. A article 22 employee was cussed out in graphic & racist terms by a white female on-road. She had a history of verbally abusing people, other employees witnessed it and the guy filed a grievance.

The business agent wanted the on-road gone, the employee wanted to sue so the company repeatedly transferred her until she quit and the employee has been here for 27 years with a "no-cut" contract.

Everybody hates him, he's a lazy bum that's had multiple accidents and enough warning letters & suspensions to fill an entire file cabinet drawer but they won't fire him.


KTM rider
We had a guy go to a house with a 1lb RS1 tag and absent mindedly put it on their 50lb box of dog food fed ex delievered and hauled it back. Man was she PIIIISED. It was a utility driver who did it and the regular driver was getting harassed all the time asking for her dog food back lmao. Its gone lady, amazon is probably scratching their heads wondering what to do with the chewy box.

Guy in my building went to a house with 4 call tags. There were 4 boxes on the porch, so he put the tags on the boxes. Turns out, it was for 4 different companies and he got all of them wrong. One of them was a textbook that was never found, the customer lost a $100 deposit on it.


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Guy in my building went to a house with 4 call tags. There were 4 boxes on the porch, so he put the tags on the boxes. Turns out, it was for 4 different companies and he got all of them wrong. One of them was a textbook that was never found, the customer lost a $100 deposit on it.
And that right there is why every call tag should be an RS-1. Drop the tag and let them figure it out. If they are too lazy to drive their returns somewhere to send them back out, then they can pay for an ODP.

I have a regular who gets anywhere from 5-10 boxes a day just from Fedx and USPS. Am I supposed to dig through all their S* to figure out which package of rubber sandals is going back today? NOPE.


I was discharged today for “theft.” I’ve been a full time package driver for a little over two years now (still utility). So what happened was I did a delivery and then grabbed a printer (delivered by amazon) on the way back, they have it on there door cam and everything. I don’t remember anything about the stop, but I must have grabbed it for some reason, btw I would never steal anything more or less a PRINTER! I didn’t get an odp or have a call tag for it. So my guess is it either had a double label or I just completely zoned out. The problem is that it came from amazon and claim there packages are clean with no double label. I met with the head of security a couple of times, and all the evidence points towards me stealing it, can’t locate the package etc. I know if they check telematics they can see I didn’t stop anywhere off route or anything like that. On top of all that the resident filed a police report, it’s just all bad. I have a panel hearing to try and get my job back and he said it won’t be for another 3-6 months. Sooo yea feel kinda screwed for making a simple mistake, any input would be great. I didn’t steal the printer.
You get your job back yet?
will find out today


Well-Known Member
Thanks brotha, and I will!
If it’s an honest mistake, let the panel know and you’re willing to pay for it. In the end tho, your work ethics will always back you up in the panel. In terms of, How many accidents have you had? Does this driver delivery next days on time? Is this driver competent and never asks for help?, etc and etc. It’s always good to have good standing with the company and not just full of grievances towards them.


I'm a star
If it’s an honest mistake, let the panel know and you’re willing to pay for it. In the end tho, your work ethics will always back you up in the panel. In terms of, How many accidents have you had? Does this driver delivery next days on time? Is this driver competent and never asks for help?, etc and etc. It’s always good to have good standing with the company and not just full of grievances towards them.

From what he said, there is clear evidence that exonerates him completely. The company should be begging his forgiveness.