Who are you kidding?
We have to use safe driving methods moreso than a package driver. The physics of the job are not ONE in the SAME.
We cant stop like a package car, we cant turn like a package car, we cant back like a package car and we cant accelerate like a package car.
Stopping at freeways speeds is most critical, so keeping a long deep pocket between us and the car in front is essential to safety.
Now, we dont have the stupid standards that are required in package.. We are not racing from stop to stop to keep some sup off our backs. We are not cutting corners on the road to get to our next destination. We dont have sups in our face the next day asking why we took X amount of time at a stop.
And lastly, we dont save miles by any human stretch of the imagination.
While UPS is pushing package drivers to save miles, in feeder, we are wasting hundreds of miles doing nothing at times. For instance, they may send me 18 miles one way to do a pickup, once I get there, I find out someone has already covered it, I call in and they say, "just T.O. Back".
Thats 36 miles wasted.
That wipes out a 36 man package center if everyone saved one mile a day.
This happens everyday to dozens of feeder drivers.
You may have seen a couple of exceptions to the rules, but on the whole, feeder drivers realize the responsibility of handling an 80,000 pound truck.