Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
So, your arguments for a concessionary contract have fallen flat thus you have resorted to the tried and true backhanded insults. Got it, you're aYou are so smart! You should start your own business! What are you doing working here? I bet you could find a better job no problem.

You realize that a no vote keeps things the same! That means you will still have all the same RPCD’s problems we had all contract long and still have all the Two Tier TCD/Cover Drivers that already exist that get less pay and less pension than a 22.4. That’s not getting better!
A no vote means the ass hats who are supposed to represent us and not try and sell us out are sent back to the table to actually do their job! Nice try but nobody is buying your crap at this point!
They will only hire what will need for Saturday or that will have to pay daily guarantees for all the extra drivers.