Do I really need a union for a 2% raise ???


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
You are so smart! You should start your own business! What are you doing working here? I bet you could find a better job no problem.
So, your arguments for a concessionary contract have fallen flat thus you have resorted to the tried and true backhanded insults. Got it, you're a :censored2:!

You realize that a no vote keeps things the same! That means you will still have all the same RPCD’s problems we had all contract long and still have all the Two Tier TCD/Cover Drivers that already exist that get less pay and less pension than a 22.4. That’s not getting better!

A no vote means the ass hats who are supposed to represent us and not try and sell us out are sent back to the table to actually do their job! Nice try but nobody is buying your crap at this point!

They will only hire what will need for Saturday or that will have to pay daily guarantees for all the extra drivers.

Total :bsbullf: We have all been here long enough to know how it goes down. All new hires will be 22.4's! As the Regular (read higher paid drivers) leave through retirements, firings and finding other jobs to provide for their families because their hours get chopped due to Saturday and Sunday delivery the company will cry:people_crybaby: emergency conditions and bring on even more cheaper drivers! Round and round it goes!:chaseups:


Well-Known Member
You're taking subpar supplement language and saying it's the reason we should accept subpar national language.

No I am saying is the reality we are getting one or the other but still gonna have a Two tier driver either way. Might as well take the better one. A no vote does not take one away it just keeps the old one that already exists in most of the country that is worse than a 22.4.


Well-Known Member
So, your arguments for a concessionary contract have fallen flat thus you have resorted to the tried and true backhanded insults. Got it, you're a :censored2:!

A no vote means the ass hats who are supposed to represent us and not try and sell us out are sent back to the table to actually do their job! Nice try but nobody is buying your crap at this point!

Total :bsbullf: We have all been here long enough to know how it goes down. All new hires will be 22.4's! As the Regular (read higher paid drivers) leave through retirements, firings and finding other jobs to provide for their families because their hours get chopped due to Saturday and Sunday delivery the company will cry:people_crybaby: emergency conditions and bring on even more cheaper drivers! Round and round it goes!:chaseups:
The current two tier drivers all over the country are not being negotiated to be taken out of the contract. So your saying after 20 plus years and just now after this TA all the sudden in the 11th hour want them gone. Hmmmm it that realistic?
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Inordinately Right
No I am saying is the reality we are getting one or the other
No, we're getting both with the new proposal.
Might as well take the better one.
You don't get a choice, the proposal continues the current one, and adds another.
A no vote does not take one away it just keeps the old one that already exists
And stops the creation of an additional one.

It's pathetic that the Union's proposal is so bad that we're simply hoping to maintain the status quo at this point.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
No I am saying is the reality we are getting one or the other but still gonna have a Two tier driver either way. Might as well take the better one. A no vote does not take one away it just keeps the old one that already exists in most of the country that is worse than a 22.4.

So what you are arguing is our only choice is getting a castration by the kitchen knife instead of the kitchen scissors and in your OPINION we should be choosing the scissors.

Got it.
I was wrong, I'll admit it.
You aren't a :censored2:.
You are most definitely an Ass Hat!
So what you are arguing is our only choice is getting a castration by the kitchen knife instead of the kitchen scissors and in your OPINION we should be choosing the scissors.

Got it.
I was wrong, I'll admit it.
You aren't a :censored2:.
You are most definitely an Ass Hat!


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!


Well-Known Member
So what you are arguing is our only choice is getting a castration by the kitchen knife instead of the kitchen scissors and in your OPINION we should be choosing the scissors.

Got it.
I was wrong, I'll admit it.
You aren't a :censored2:.
You are most definitely an Ass Hat!
If you are too dumb to realize the truth that is on you. Name calling and emoji charms won’t fix it. I know that’s what you do when you don’t have an answer.

Frankie's Friend

So what you are arguing is our only choice is getting a castration by the kitchen knife instead of the kitchen scissors and in your OPINION we should be choosing the scissors.

Got it.
I was wrong, I'll admit it.
You aren't a :censored2:.
You are most definitely an Ass Hat!
Until I described Lagoon boy as a :censored2: I never knew it was a bad word, only a description.
Learn something every day on here.


Well-Known Member
So, your arguments for a concessionary contract have fallen flat thus you have resorted to the tried and true backhanded insults. Got it, you're a :censored2:!

A no vote means the ass hats who are supposed to represent us and not try and sell us out are sent back to the table to actually do their job! Nice try but nobody is buying your crap at this point!

Total :bsbullf: We have all been here long enough to know how it goes down. All new hires will be 22.4's! As the Regular (read higher paid drivers) leave through retirements, firings and finding other jobs to provide for their families because their hours get chopped due to Saturday and Sunday delivery the company will cry:people_crybaby: emergency conditions and bring on even more cheaper drivers! Round and round it goes!:chaseups:

Don’t sweat VaginaBrown...he’s a legend in his own mind...he keeps telling himself “Well, i’ve convinced three people to vote, myself, and I”


Well-Known Member
Oh I forgot most of you dorks think TCD’s are not two tier drivers.


No I am saying is the reality we are getting one or the other but still gonna have a Two tier driver either way. Might as well take the better one. A no vote does not take one away it just keeps the old one that already exists in most of the country that is worse than a 22.4.

and you’re not getting one or another....with a Yes, you get BOTH!!


Well-Known Member
So you are cool with the original two tier driver we have had for 20 years. Thanks

Funny, I asked you this very same question a few days ago and you never answered. Am i cool with it...i think i answered you a few days ago as well. I’m not cool with it as used by the company because they abuse it. I certainly dont want MORE language that they can abuse and use to slow the hiring of RPCDs.