Orion inc.
I like turtles
Kid please. I'm not concerned about my 30 days. I made it anyways.
No one cares if you have a college degree. It's not required and you know it. Everyone who doesn't have one makes the same pay as you, but hey, at least you're educated. Looks like it made a world of difference
The fact that you are even arguing what I said further proves my point. My best friend is a driver and I have gotten close to several and do landscape work for one. Is not thr hardest job in he world, not even close. Hate to burst your bubble
Get off your high horse you tool. You just sound like a huge V*.
Also, stop following me around in every thread I post in.
Oh you're fun. You know a few drivers and own a lawn business? Yeah I owned a landscaping business too while in college and ups. You aren't special big guy.
You never done the job and you're saying it's not hard???
You really are stupid. I mean we've all seen the quality of your posts and threads you start do there is no question about the level of your stupidity. It's definitely there in big quantities.
Nobody said you needed a college degree. Glad to see your reading comprehension is up to par. Most of the drivers I know have one though. It's more common then you know. I also know a lot of roofers too who have them as well.
An education does make a world of difference. For example, you lack one and it's obvious you're stupid as a rock. I'll take education over being someone like you any day of the week.
You sound like a big old piece of white trash in the trailer park. I'm betting my assessment of that is dead on.