Do you consider Richard Branson to have gone into space?


Well-Known Member
Saw something from NASA a while back stating no one has ever been outside of Earth's orbit. I think this story about him going into space is a distraction of some sort.


Legio patria nostra
Fair enough. Keeping in mind it costs $10k per pound to go into orbit. And look what it took for the shuttle. A long way from reliable reusable machines.
Man, where’s that optimistic Quad guy???
Plus, most vehicles are reusable anymore. Blue origin is getting those stumpy candlesticks to land back where they launched from.
Lots of failures, but that’s rocketry.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
There is no way I would pay large amounts of money to be weightless in a sub-orbital flight for a few minutes. Musk has already won the race with SpaceX as far as private companies go. Bezos and his Blue Origin "New Shepherd" capsule are going for eleven-minute flights at a higher altitude than Branson's Virgin Atlantic. The International Space Station orbits with an altitude of about 220 miles for comparison.


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
You might as well take a ride on the Vomit Comet
