

Huge Member
Try doing that at Walmart or Target and see just how quickly you will be told to go back there and complete the delivery.

Unfortunately, The NEW UPS cares more about miles than service.
Geeks in IE and soft-handed executives have never delivered a package, let alone a busy dock delivery.
Being forced to drive back instead of waiting has put targets on drivers whose miles have not conformed to Orion's.
In the good old days, we would just come back, no issue. Now we're forced to make decisions that will affect reports.


You smell that?
Try doing that at Walmart or Target and see just how quickly you will be told to go back there and complete the delivery.

Putting it on a pallet outside is what I did when the docks were full at Walmart on my old route...You must not have a good working relationship with the receiver at your Walmart.


Retired 23 years
Sit around waiting for a dock to open ".....and just see how quickly you......."are called into the office the next day wanting to know why you took so long.

So which is it?

I'm seeing conflicting instructions.

.....and, yes, I was a PC driver at one time.

Ask management what they prefer you to do in a full dock situation. Explain all the circumstances- go in depth--really drag it out. Time spent in the office is on the clock too. Thirty-five bucks an hour (or what ever it is now) to stand around and babble about something you have no control over seems like easy money to me. It seems like I heard the"what took you so long" speech or some variation of it just about every day for 30 years.


Geek in Brown
Some people get it.... but if i have to wait longer than 1 minute. I go grab a pallet , stack it nicely.... and tell them, everything is on a pallet out on the street or yard... sorry i dont wait...
I did that once at a Walmart when I was a cover guy. The manager came outside and apologized and said he was going to have to try to find someone certified to run their fork lift. (I had been to that walmart 3 times that day and they had 3 walmart trailers there with no tractors all_day_long. It was really weird.