Bad Moon Risen'
Ancient aliens came back and flew the planes.The angle of attack on the Pentagon is amazing.
How someone with little training was able to fly a 757 straight into the first floor is unbelievable.
Ancient aliens came back and flew the planes.The angle of attack on the Pentagon is amazing.
How someone with little training was able to fly a 757 straight into the first floor is unbelievable.
Suppose you believe Trump won the election also?It’s unbelievable because it is not believable. The government attacked its own people on 9/11. Then they attacked the constitution. Emergency !
Cmon, you can't have taken that reply seriously?Cmon. You’ve been in “current events” long enough.
Trump DID say after the WTC fell Trump Tower was now the tallest building in lower manhattan.........................Veddy InterestingHe was definitely behind it.
Did you notice that Trump tower wasn't a target?
Very very suspicious.
Merging threads?@BadIdeaGuy let's merge these threads before we have one conversation running the course of two separate threads and it's impossible to follow.
Does anybody still believe Tofficial 9/11 story ? | Current Events
You learn something everyday I had no idea ups has so many conspiracy theorist’s and far right republicans Plus a fair amount of maga’s You thought it was all far left democrats? Plus a fair amount of progressive loons?
I've pleaded to no avail.Merging threads?
Is that even a thing?
That nutcase fishtm has made dozens of threads with the exact same titles as others. Maybe start there.
On it.@BadIdeaGuy let's merge these threads before we have one conversation running the course of two separate threads and it's impossible to follow.
Does anybody still believe Tofficial 9/11 story ? | Current Events
You learn something everyday I had no idea ups has so many conspiracy theorist’s and far right republicans Plus a fair amount of maga’s You thought it was all far left democrats? Plus a fair amount of progressive loons?
Have you seen "The Matrix"? We have a very special participant here who'll enlighten you if you haven't. @rickybThe Blacklist is a good show about powerful world leaders if you’re interested in the cabal/free masons/illuminati
Liar.Trump calls fallen soldiers losers and suckers
I haven’t now I’m looking forward to itHave you seen "The Matrix"? We have a very special participant here who'll enlighten you if you haven't. @rickyb
Just as is the case with all other buildings, some PVD drivers got confused by the ORION solution given to them, they crashed their cars into the support beams and ultimately down they went. The plane and the explosion? That was simply a clip from a Myth Busters experiment gone wrong, pasted into the footage as instructed by UPS to cover up the "accident" which was ultimately retaliation against the Teamsters for their victory in 1997.Why did WTC building 7 fall?
It wasn’t on video.Liar.