Does anyone still believe the 9/11 story the government told us?


All Trash No Trailer
He was definitely behind it.

Did you notice that Trump tower wasn't a target?

Very very suspicious.
Trump DID say after the WTC fell Trump Tower was now the tallest building in lower manhattan.........................Veddy Interesting



Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
@BadIdeaGuy let's merge these threads before we have one conversation running the course of two separate threads and it's impossible to follow.



Inordinately Right
@BadIdeaGuy let's merge these threads before we have one conversation running the course of two separate threads and it's impossible to follow.

Merging threads?
Is that even a thing?

That nutcase fishtm has made dozens of threads with the exact same titles as others. Maybe start there.


Staff member


banned slut
The Simpsons predicted many things. Loved watching this in economics class senior year. The first prediction in 2000 Trump’s presidency “Bart to the Future” which to be fair he also ran then. 2015 the escalator scene. Let’s say he’s just full of himself and replicated
Coincidence? Maybe
I remember when I used to think the government cared about my best interests lol. Follow the money, we become what we eat. People don’t want to wake up. This hero exposed the hog feed industry and why were consuming micro plastic the size of a credit card a month. Enjoy your bacon and purified tap water. 🇺🇸
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banned slut
Why was the Johnny Depp trial force fed to us on tv for weeks but then Ghislaine Maxwell gets a slap on the wrist and quietly goes away. WHAT ARE THEIR NAMES?!? Oh wait guess there would be no honest people in power left.


banned slut
Trump calls fallen soldiers losers and suckers
Then denies it and change of topic. Kinda like the way our sups at UPS respond. Anyway, keep thinking they care. Iykyk


Methodically disorganized
Why did WTC building 7 fall?
Just as is the case with all other buildings, some PVD drivers got confused by the ORION solution given to them, they crashed their cars into the support beams and ultimately down they went. The plane and the explosion? That was simply a clip from a Myth Busters experiment gone wrong, pasted into the footage as instructed by UPS to cover up the "accident" which was ultimately retaliation against the Teamsters for their victory in 1997.

It was a win-win; they got away with it and no grievances were filed for falling debris, unsafe working environment, 9.5 violation, and so on.

That is the untold truth!


banned slut
It wasn’t on video.
When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, he blamed rain for the last-minute decision. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.

The Atlantic story also details other disturbing incidents: that Trump railed against lowering American flags after Sen. John McCain’s death because McCain “was a :censored2:ing loser,” and that during a Memorial Day visit in 2017 to the grave of then-Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly’s son, who was killed in Afghanistan in 2010, Trump asked why anyone would volunteer to serve in the military. “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?” he asked the fallen Marine’s father.