Really sucks that people have to be treated like this. Today was my last day. I have driven 2 years as a reg temp. This year they were
and confused why I was leaving. You guys put up with a lot of crap. The money is good but I just couldn't do it year round. At my hub it's easy to get away stuff. I'm the morning I have come and said my route is to heavy you need to take off some stops NOW. To my surprise they have done it a few times. Her is a funny story. The regular driver of my route had been out hurt for months. I took her route over the 3rd day as a reg temp. She finally came back and to her surprise the route has increased by 20-30 stops. When the route is light she decides to take it and I get sent home or run airs. I pretty much ran this route every day for the past 6 months. I told them the route was getting too heavy. To prove a point this is what I did. I came in said I'm not running the route it's too heavy. The regular driver showed up late as usual and I handed her the diad before she had a chance to see the load. I went to another sup and said I can run your airs. Big argument between sups occurred but I ended up running airs or I was walking out. Got done at 11 and went home. got a call at 1 from my sup asking me to come back to the hub and help the driver. Told her she may have had a chance to get me to help if she caught me before I left the hub. My point is more of you guys need to stand up for yourselves. This job is hard and they can't easily replace you guys. The new generation is lazy so new hires won't last.. They NEED you. Stick up for yourself. I don't regret leaving but I will miss my coworkers.