Does Tie Guy Flame Everyone?


Well-Known Member
I really have no problems with any of ya, to be honest. I did a little checking first before posting this.

I looked at who started giving negative feedback first just between BCfan and Tieguy. What i found was in each case BCfan initiated the negative feedback. Tieguy followed up with returning it.

BCfan gave tieguy: 4/24/07 9:45pm
tieguy gave tieguy: 4/28/07 6;49pm

BCfan gave tieguy: 5/10/07 9:04 pm
tieguy gave BCfan: 5/10/07 11:30pm

BCfan gave tieguy: 5/11/07 9:33pm
tieguy gave BCfan: 5/12/07 10:26pm

BCfan, believe me when I say I'm not trying to knock you, definately not my intentions. From what I am looking at tieguy basicly returned what he recieved.

I think both of you bring interesting points to a discussion. I think it can be said that you both could agree to disagree in some of your discussions. That really isn't a bad thing, either. That is what makes these discussions interesting, getting different views on subjects.

IMHO anybody on here, no matter who it is, has to have a certain amount of thick skin as we all have to have in our jobs. All of us have probably been put on the carpet at one time or the other. Crap always rolls down hill.


Well-Known Member
I agree. You throw BULL:censored2:, you better expect it to get hurled back! BC didn't realize that. I'm hoping he does now. And 804, incorrectly quoting a poster isn't just mean, its wrong! You put words in Tie's mouth (particularly insulting words) and he's gonna come back at ya! You were given the opportunity to apologize, retract what you said but I haven't seen it. If it was posted or PM'ed, I apologize for calling you out on it.

Lol taking things a little to serious here?
Incorrectly quoting tie bashing the union? Do you really think thats putting words in someones mouth? I remember his post pertaining to the UK guy and brought it up. If people would leave topics on one thread, we wouldnt have this problem. I really could care less what tie thinks about the union or if I cant find it on a post. Are you saying tie would never bash the union? who cares? I could care less.


Agent of Change
Lol taking things a little to serious here?
Incorrectly quoting tie bashing the union? Do you really think thats putting words in someones mouth? I remember his post pertaining to the UK guy and brought it up. If people would leave topics on one thread, we wouldnt have this problem. I really could care less what tie thinks about the union or if I cant find it on a post. Are you saying tie would never bash the union? who cares? I could care less.

No, I'm not taking things a little too seriously. I don't like having my words twisted and I don't like it done to anyone else. And yeah, I think what you did was putting words in his mouth. Ready to retract? I don't care if he bashes the union. If he does anything anti-union or otherwise illegal, I'll have a problem with it. Until then...lets play fair, shall we? -Rocky


Well-Known Member
Man no end your dishonesty. Now you not only put words in my mouth but you have me posting under other ID's. Ask Cheryl to research the ID's and sources and then conceed the point if you're man enough to.

Dishonesty? please lets be serious for a second here.
I thought the unregistered user was was you and it looks like I was wrong. I did not or will not contact Cheryl re: this and I doubt if I did she would give me any information. Lets not turn a mousehole into a mountain. Like I said in a previous post, Enjoy your weekend!


I keep getting negative reputation from good ole Tie Guy while I see his is growing so I took a peek at his profile and I noticed that most of my brothers and sisters that give him a negitive comment fail to check the I Disagree spot on the rep meter...... Am I the only pro worker pro teamster that good ole Tie Guy flames ....would love some input from y'all ....tell me also if I am off base with this and I certainly will accept that also (jut not you good ole Tie Guy) Thanks:thumbup1: BC

So you started this thing and then cried when I returned fire. Youl call me "good old tieguy" when that is the last thing you mean. Your buddy local 804 makes up some wild things about me and then begrudgingly conceeds "he may have been wrong" when confronted. Meanwhile he calls me tiegirl and claims I'm on some kind of power trip here just because I expect you two to be honest in your actions here. The only power trip I am on here Is I don't have to take your **** here where I may have to at work. I've seen many fine shop stewards in my time at ups. I've also seen the ones that call me tiegirl in the corners behind my back. I've seen too many that started a fight and cried when they lost. You two are the ones I always worried about at work. You two are the cowards that would make up some wild **** about me in the locker room when I was not there to defend myself. You two have no honor , no integrity and quite frankly you two disgust me for being the cowards you are. Have a nice weekend in whatever snake hole you two hide in.


Well-Known Member
You two are the cowards that would make up some wild **** about me in the locker room when I was not there to defend myself. You two have no honor , no integrity and quite frankly you two disgust me for being the cowards you are. Have a nice weekend in whatever snake hole you two hide in.

You also are entitled to your opinion and I thank you for speaking exactly whats on your mind. Instead of playing tit for tat and other childish name games, I am going to be the grown up and wish you a good weekend also. I just finished planting flowers with the wife and my son needs some practice learning to throw a baseball. Good day sir!


Browncafe Steward
You also are entitled to your opinion and I thank you for speaking exactly whats on your mind. Instead of playing tit for tat and other childish name games, I am going to be the grown up and wish you a good weekend also. I just finished planting flowers with the wife and my son needs some practice learning to throw a baseball. Good day sir!
When your teaching him to throw that baseball take of the yankee hat and shirt if you want him to take you serious.LOL


Well-Known Member
When your teaching him to throw that baseball take of the yankee hat and shirt if you want him to take you serious.LOL

Thats a funny one 705. I wear the Yankee Hat and shirt because I want my son to be a champion and to get the taste of winning.


Well-Known Member
Hey Tie, I have question, Dude are you retired or in a nursing home, is there a lap top strapped to your body with wireless internet. How much time do you spend on the net.. It seems with the length of your post and number of them causes me to question you sanity. Whens the last time you seen a little daylight.


Well-Known Member
Hey call me whatever you want but dont pick on my cubbies. This is the year we do it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Question for you.....
I know the Cubbies have two amazing pitchers named Kerry Wood and Mark Prior. How many games have they won this year? just curious


Well-Known Member
Tie, can I have your autograph?

All these positive/negative publicity stunts point to ONE THING. You've made it. You're famous now....

"His future's so bright, He's gotta wear shades..."

(And I promise not to stalk your house...)
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Hey Tie, I have question, Dude are you retired or in a nursing home, is there a lap top strapped to your body with wireless internet. How much time do you spend on the net.. It seems with the length of your post and number of them causes me to question you sanity. Whens the last time you seen a little daylight.
He should be retired/fired but he seems to think it's okay to post opinions from the company computers. Instead of working on company problems he's content to b.s. all day at his desk. No doubt he has a blog of some sort championing UPS virtues to all who would dare claim the oppsite. The name of his blog would go something like TIEGUY'S UPS IF I WERE QUEEN or WHEN I LOOSEN MY TIE I SOIL MYSELF or maybe TIEGUY'S CORNER OF MIKE'S LOWER BOWEL. Remember opinions are like bellybuttons and A-holes everybody has one :wink:


Well-Known Member
"Does Tie Flame Everyone?"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

OK, now I've got that out of the way I'll answer the question. Not everyone but you also have to understand a little history about Tie. Sometime back we had this girl here by the name of Sweet Suzy that Tie just took an immense liking too. I mean those 2 would go at one another like to animals in heat but one day his Suzy was taken away and he's been heart broken ever since. Now he spends his days in the misery of intellectual frustrations and takes his remorse out on others hoping to fill the huge whole in his heart of lost love and hoping that his Suzy will once again return to his waiting arms!

Sorry Tie, I was feeling silly and just couldn't resist!

I just figured a silly question deserved a equally silly answer.