Well-Known Member
brownie I agree with you as so much as its serious,
but I don't agree that we take it lite-hearted, we had
a UPS video last year, that "over dramatized" a situation
just like this, it was so poor it was hard to take it seriously.
We all know our jobs, and well I know I would have a hard
time living with myself if this happened to me, even though
accidents happen it is one of my biggest fears.(I used to be
on a very child-loaded route, 3 grade schools and a highschool
on my route)
I think you misunderstood me. I don't think ANY driver takes lightly the fact of fatal accidents or any accidents for that matter. I do, however, believe that some drivers take lightly the 5 seeing habits and they find it amusing that they can't recite them when asked by management. I myself would be embarrassed if I could not tell my sup: what they, what they do for you and how you do them. This stuff has been drilled into us day after day year after year. I was just saying, I think these drivers should be more aware.