center manager told us years ago, in a rant about how we were all underperforming, our medical and dental benefits are worth $60k a year per employee. No clue how accurate that was. I can’t imagine teamcare would be worth that much from what I’ve heard. Thankful the 177 is in the carve out with the western region. Basically status quo from when our insurance was very good 8-10 years ago. 10 years ago I could fill a script and get the generic for free, or pay $5 and get the brand name. That is an unheard of perk, probably why it doesn’t exist anymore. Thanks ObamaCare.
I'm no homer....
My wife is a cancer patient.....
Chemo treatments are $13k a pop. Double mastectomy, reconstruction.....not a cent.
We have NEVER gotten a bill.
Daughters On and on. We've had several surgeries over my career.....always free. No cost.
You guys that complain about our no cost insurance need to look around. My daughter bitched LOUDLY when she turned 26 and got kicked off our insurance.
Looking at retirement.....since I'm so young(59)(relatively to normal retirement age).....will begin to cost me $400 a month until age 65(both of us together). I've never paid for insurance. Ever.
You guys need to shut up.