I haven't read through this thread, but I am in total support of everyone
not getting the jab.
I'll say this--we can't know for sure
what the future or true purpose of the jab is, but I think we can safely assume it isn't good.
-Untested mechanism of delivery via mRNA with no longterm studies on humans
-Pushed onto the public using coercion throughout a pandemic narrative that seems like it was clearly planned in advance
-Financially backed by individuals who are obsessed with the idea of depopulation and globalism
-Created and distributed by companies that have routinely had to pay massive fines for malpractice
-Vaccines have socially and politically somehow transcended their status as a drug and questioning them in any capacity is akin to committing a sin before the almighty gods Anthony Fauci and the Main Stream Legacy Media
Let's all hold hands and tell the government + big pharma to
