dow 26000


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
What do the unions want in the new deal and will they support President Trump if this deal helps American unions more than the old deal?


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
What do the unions want in the new deal and will they support President Trump if this deal helps American unions more than the old deal?
basically they wanted the percentage of the way cars being made higher


Well-Known Member
when it comes to the stock market and the economy im like the joker, i hope for financial chaos as long as i dont lose my job. but if they want to bump me to a lower paying position working until the early morning, im perfectly fine.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
What's the possibility of the market moving sideways for 3 weeks and then moving 5% higher the week before elections after a new China trade deal is announced?