dow 26000

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Boo the economy is doing good we gotta kill it. What the hell is wrong with a strong economy oh masters of prosperity. Why doesn't CEO pay increases spook the inflation Hawks?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
That’s not exactly true. The market is spooked by the Fed and their return to raising interest rates and the specter of inflation.

These are the same two things that the administration was warned about before the tax know, the ones that aren’t paying for themselves.
Rates have been artificially low for a long time. Rates being raised are a good sign as far as the strength of the economy goes.

We just don't need the hyperinflation some countries are experiencing now.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
There is still underemployment. When every able body person is working a full-time job with benefits that's when real inflation might cause a problem. But it probably wouldn't because you could shut down the government charity programs, keep reducing international and corporate wellfare to off set private sector growth.


Staff member
LOL, can't get the spending he wants without working with Dems, who got the spending they wanted.
He could get the tax cuts without democrats but not the spending cuts? Lol.


If this very foreseeable correction lasts several weeks, will Trump and his republican parrots accuse the Fed of an October surprise?


Staff member
Child’s play


Well-Known Member
He could get the tax cuts without democrats but not the spending cuts? Lol.


If this very foreseeable correction lasts several weeks, will Trump and his republican parrots accuse the Fed of an October surprise?
Let's go real slow here. He could get spending cuts from Republicans, but they weren't willing to spend as much as he wanted on defense. To get what he wanted in defense spending he had to make a deal with the Democrats to keep Obama era spending in place. By working with Democrats he shocked the hell out of the Republicans. In spite of all the vicious vitriol from Dems, and some Repubs, Trump has proven repeatedly he's willing to make deals across the aisle. But as is typical of Dems, they took his deal then still stabbed him in the back to look tough on him to their base. "Look at all the spending!" they cry. And you eat it up. Makes it sound like Trump alone is responsible for doubling the national debt.


Staff member
Let's go real slow here. He could get spending cuts from Republicans, but they weren't willing to spend as much as he wanted on defense. To get what he wanted in defense spending he had to make a deal with the Democrats to keep Obama era spending in place. By working with Democrats he shocked the hell out of the Republicans. In spite of all the vicious vitriol from Dems, and some Repubs, Trump has proven repeatedly he's willing to make deals across the aisle. But as is typical of Dems, they took his deal then still stabbed him in the back to look tough on him to their base. "Look at all the spending!" they cry. And you eat it up. Makes it sound like Trump alone is responsible for doubling the national debt.
In what alternate universe did the above sequence of events occur?


Well-Known Member
In what alternate universe did the above sequence of events occur?
If you actually followed things you would know that the budget was passed after a deal with the Democrats. Squarely in this universe. So slamming Trump for spending means slamming your own party too. I would've preferred that they cut way back on spending because of the debt but it is what it is.


Staff member
If you actually followed things you would know that the budget was passed after a deal with the Democrats. Squarely in this universe. So slamming Trump for spending means slamming your own party too. I would've preferred that they cut way back on spending because of the debt but it is what it is.
In this universe republicans control both houses of congress and no budget gets passed without republican approval. Your fantasy scenario about democrats making some deal with trump to increase spending over republican objections is just that, a fantasy. It never happened.


Well-Known Member
In this universe republicans control both houses of congress and no budget gets passed without republican approval. Your fantasy scenario about democrats making some deal with trump to increase spending over republican objections is just that, a fantasy. It never happened.
Then you need to go back and check the budget bill and how it was passed. Apparently you've got the idea that Republicans are in lockstep about everything. Not the case. Trump made a deal with Democrats who voted to pass his budget because not enough Republicans were willing to vote for it to get it passed. The Republicans who were against the budget felt too much was being spent. So to get it passed Trump upped the spending to get Dems to go for it. That's how he got his defense spending. Be sure to duck, your world is falling down around you.


Well-Known Member
In this universe republicans control both houses of congress and no budget gets passed without republican approval. Your fantasy scenario about democrats making some deal with trump to increase spending over republican objections is just that, a fantasy. It never happened.

what alternative universe do you live in? This pig was greased for democratic support and thats the way it slid through. its really stupid to watch you two sides argue about blame when both sides are responsible for these spending excesses. Neither side is completely responsible and neither side is in a position where they can blame the other.

its a given that repubs constantly harp on the deficit and then constantly violate their alleged spending principles.

Everyone and I mean everyone who is one bit honest knows that the democrats are hell bent and determined to spend on domestic pig programs with no limits in mind.

what a stupid argument for anyone to engage in.