Driver canned for roll-away

browned out

Well-Known Member
A driver in my center had a rollaway accident...during her preseniority period...and she still was given seniority.

She had another rollaway accident 3 months later....and still was not fired.

I will let you all draw your own conclusions about why management allowed this to occur. Suffice it to say that there may have been some "affirmative action" issues involved....lets just say that we had a new District Manager at that time who came to our building, noticed a distinct lack of employees there who looked like him, and made it clear that something neded to change.

This employee made it about 4 more years (and 3 more accidents) before suffering a career-ending injury. We are all grateful for her time here, because managements handling of her situation created a precedent that has effectively eliminated their ability to succesfully terminate anyone else for a rollaway.

Too bad she didn't get fired a couple times for attendance problems, misdeliveries and for appearance standards (not shaving) You guys would be un-terminatable

Sorry that last one does not apply