driver fired numerous times...

They dont have a conscience bro. We have a guy that is the same way. Hasnt won a single won but has alot of them vs drivers anyway. Dont know about the part time shifts.
I've been fired twice in ten months for stupid stuff that just don't stick they will never learn I ride with Jesus they must not I pray for there soul even though they want my wife and two beautiful children to starve GOD bless there Soul.


Well-Known Member
I've been fired twice in ten months for stupid stuff that just don't stick they will never learn I ride with Jesus they must not I pray for there soul even though they want my wife and two beautiful children to starve GOD bless there Soul.

Their actions show that their passenger seat is empty. UPS would be a better place if it were occupied. My passenger is my peace in this crazy work environment. What the SUPES dont realize is they have no control over whether we stay or go.
Sounds like you went through a rough season for a bit their. I just went through a similar year. I wonder what the all time record for suspensions and firings are that dont stick by one person in a UPS career? UPS has given me good experience to help the others around me that are being harraseed. Inspired me to be a shop steward and watch out for my fellow teamsters.


Browncafe Steward
Ups creates the union mentality, they are our best recruiter. More people get involved with the union because of the way they have been treated. Each year I see more and more people wearing a Teamster Jacket,shirt etc, with bumper stickers on their car, coming to meetings or even showing upat the picnic we have here. Last year alone we had to shut down our picnic 3 times because of over crowding. We had a permit for 500 people and around 2,000 people showed, it was a good day!

Sick of Intimidation

Well-Known Member
Ups creates the union mentality, they are our best recruiter. More people get involved with the union because of the way they have been treated.

+1. I've been fired twice in the past few months and twice in the previous 17 years. It's only made me more knowledgable about how they do things and so, even though, i'm not a steward, people come to me for answers. I'm hoping I get my job back this time. I have my local level hearing next week, but my BA told me UPS labor told him that I would not be getting my job back this time at the local level since I had to sign a last chance agreement last time in order to get my job back at the local level for something I hadn't even done. Looking back, I wish I hadn't signed it, but at the time, I just wanted to get back to work and put all the bs behind me. After I came back, it's as if the last chance agreement gave them a free ticket to nit pick everything I do or say.


I've been fired twice in ten months for stupid stuff that just don't stick they will never learn I ride with Jesus they must not I pray for there soul even though they want my wife and two beautiful children to starve GOD bless there Soul.

It was always the guys preaching religion to me that worried me whether in the ranks or at the level of my boss. If they're trying to fire you then acting like a raving jesus freak won't help you and it may hurt you.
Ups creates the union mentality, they are our best recruiter. More people get involved with the union because of the way they have been treated. Each year I see more and more people wearing a Teamster Jacket,shirt etc, with bumper stickers on their car, coming to meetings or even showing upat the picnic we have here. Last year alone we had to shut down our picnic 3 times because of over crowding. We had a permit for 500 people and around 2,000 people showed, it was a good day!

First of all glad to hear the picnic was a success. Wearing teamster apparel though. doesn't really constitute a surge in union membership. Answer this: What is the membership of the teamsters in 2010 compared to say the early '70s?
It was always the guys preaching religion to me that worried me whether in the ranks or at the level of my boss. If they're trying to fire you then acting like a raving jesus freak won't help you and it may hurt you.

Tie guy I wear my faith on my sleeve on this site but not at the shop if someone were to ask about my faith I would have know problem telling them I am a Christian but it's not my only mission at ups there is nothing Christian about ups.


Well-Known Member
First of all glad to hear the picnic was a success. Wearing teamster apparel though. doesn't really constitute a surge in union membership. Answer this: What is the membership of the teamsters in 2010 compared to say the early '70s?

Lets just say that UPS has the rollercoaster on the upswing again.


Well-Known Member
It was always the guys preaching religion to me that worried me whether in the ranks or at the level of my boss. If they're trying to fire you then acting like a raving jesus freak won't help you and it may hurt you.

Tie, where is he preaching to you in his statement? I do agree w/ you that people like we saw in the funeral protest video are hurting themselves and other people that love the JC. I would not behave in the manor. However I do believe I work at UPS due to JC.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the beating he took in Chicago woke him up a little. As far as I know he did not win one termination and he had a bunch. You start looking like a fool after a while!:happy2:

red, in your experience, are these kinds of mgt people just taking orders from superiors on these absolutely pathetic, company wasting time and money, decisions, or are these self-producing ideas? Ups being such a money watching company, you would think that some ie bean counter would realize that ups is wasting millions of dollars a year having to deal with absolutely poor management decisions just to prove a point. People, do you think these type of things are happening at fedex...probably not at the extremes of this fine corporation.


Well-Known Member
red, in your experience, are these kinds of mgt people just taking orders from superiors on these absolutely pathetic, company wasting time and money, decisions, or are these self-producing ideas? Ups being such a money watching company, you would think that some ie bean counter would realize that ups is wasting millions of dollars a year having to deal with absolutely poor management decisions just to prove a point. People, do you think these type of things are happening at fedex...probably not at the extremes of this fine corporation.

I believe alot this is actually saving UPS money rather than losing them money. They lose money on people like RED and I and many others on here, but as far as the masses go this kind of management scares people into skipping breaks, working through lunch, running, etc. I know it because I know many more people like this in my own center than I do that do the job right. Everyone is so afraid of being on the radar they will do whatever it takes to get off.
So the bean counters in IE are probably holding classes on how to do this.


Well-Known Member
I believe alot this is actually saving UPS money rather than losing them money. They lose money on people like RED and I and many others on here, but as far as the masses go this kind of management scares people into skipping breaks, working through lunch, running, etc. I know it because I know many more people like this in my own center than I do that do the job right. Everyone is so afraid of being on the radar they will do whatever it takes to get off.
So the bean counters in IE are probably holding classes on how to do this.

they can fire me before Ill run at this job, or skip my lunch or breaks. What kind of company load you up so much that you cant even get your lunch or breaks...its an integrity issue, pure and simple. This company can preach about how the employees are fleecing the company, or fire a manager who only has 3 years left to retirement but they just raked in 37% higher profits than the year before.


Well-Known Member
they can fire me before Ill run at this job, or skip my lunch or breaks. What kind of company load you up so much that you cant even get your lunch or breaks...its an integrity issue, pure and simple. This company can preach about how the employees are fleecing the company, or fire a manager who only has 3 years left to retirement but they just raked in 37% higher profits than the year before.

I am w/ you bro. Thats why Im a shop steward. I hate this atmosphere. I will do what I can to impact it in a positive way.


Well-Known Member
I am a steward also. It takes many tries for an employee to be honest with me on what really happened. Management knows what the correct answer is before the question is asked. It is hard to defend an employee when they lie too their own steward who is going to defend them. The steward looks like an ass because the truth is never told to them by the employee and in the grievance hearing mgmy has all the facts.


I've been fired twice in ten months for stupid stuff that just don't stick they will never learn I ride with Jesus they must not I pray for there soul even though they want my wife and two beautiful children to starve GOD bless there Soul.

Tie, where is he preaching to you in his statement? I do agree w/ you that people like we saw in the funeral protest video are hurting themselves and other people that love the JC. I would not behave in the manor. However I do believe I work at UPS due to JC.

I'm not speaking against your beliefs. I'm simply commenting on the point that it has been my experience at work that those who preached to me or claimed holier then thou status at work were the ones I had to watch the most. If in the driver ranks they were either the thieves or the ones that would be caught at a truck stop with a lot lizard. if in the management ranks they were the ones that would be the first to stab you in the back. Again my personal experience.


golden ticket member
Originally Posted by SWORDFISH
Tie, where is he preaching to you in his statement? I do agree w/ you that people like we saw in the funeral protest video are hurting themselves and other people that love the JC. I would not behave in the manor. However I do believe I work at UPS due to JC."

The Junior Chamber got you your job at UPS ???:surprised:


Staff member
Originally Posted by SWORDFISH
Tie, where is he preaching to you in his statement? I do agree w/ you that people like we saw in the funeral protest video are hurting themselves and other people that love the JC. I would not behave in the manor. However I do believe I work at UPS due to JC."

The Junior Chamber got you your job at UPS ???:surprised:


Jessica Claus