BlindMelon Chitlin
New Member
Hello fellow Upsers, I have been working pt at ups for a little less then a decade. I had worked the night sort for about 7ish years before requesting a move to mornings. Things have been alright for me other than the usual BS the know it all sups try to facilitate. But recently I have noticed a common trend among a certain FT sup, he shows up drunk on a constant basis, smelly drunk its noticeable among my comrades I rarely see it because he hides from me cause i'm not afraid to file on contract fails and have mastered the put it back on them methods, but he recently has started a belligerent trend of writing up the not so well versed in the contract newby employees inciting them to work "faster" not better and being at the bottom of the hill I have to deal with way more BS then I should normally have too. The center manager seems to have a little knowledge about the drunk starts but doesn't care as long as he gets his work done so telling him seems to be worthless. If I worked at a bar or McDonald's or something I could care less but he is the guy "in charge" and daily I see blatant disregard for employee safety, well being, and parcel safety. I'm not trying to put a target on my back and want to remain anonymous in bringing this issue to light to someone that can actually bust his ass so I came here to get some ideas on how to handle. also the guy is a time thief and a real jerk liar (Surprise!) and I feel its about time someone kicked him off the horse he seems to sit so high on. any good ideas or comments would be appreciated thank you.