Dumb questions



Beat down = the yelling and the nit picking and production standards that are unattainable if working by the methods.
So they are gullible to think they can do the job in the manner management wants them to?


Victory Ride


Well-Known Member
So they are gullible to think they can do the job in the manner management wants them to?
They are under the impression that their management has realistic expectations of the job performance performed by their underlings. If that is your definition of gullible, then yes.


nowhere special
They are under the impression that their management has realistic expectations of the job performance performed by their underlings. If that is your definition of gullible, then yes.

Maybe more it's an expectation of management knowing what they were doing and having the authority to actually manage employees.


Well-Known Member
What helped me make the transition was my military experience and work ethic.

I will concede that the average Joe would have a hard time qualifying as an off the street hire in today's UPS.
I think being a cop for so long has really helped me in this job.

I've just came in every day 45 min or so early kept my mouth shut and head down unless I had a question. Worked as hard and fast as I could while being safe. Called in after every route and asked if anyone else needed help or there was anything else that needed done, which is a good way to secure some OT also.

Fair amount of work and lots of luck. My center is very small 20 or less routes ran in non peak conditions. Generally someone works in my area for UPS for 10 -14 years before being hired as a delivery driver. Still shocked at my luck which makes me want to work that much harder. Very excited to start a new career with UPS.
I was warned of lack of work but was told I was guaranteed 40 just may have to work center jobs on days I don't drive. Which honestly wouldn't be bad experience wise I don't think.


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Thank you! everyone tells me how they never hire off the street and how lucky I am ...coming from a previous career in law enforcement I actually love this job management at my center is surprisingly approachable ...I sense some tension with some drivers ...I assume because I didn't "climb through the ranks" but all in all am very happy
Welcome aboard and good luck. Spent 15 years on the job in Phoenix


They are under the impression that their management has realistic expectations of the job performance performed by their underlings. If that is your definition of gullible, then yes.


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Probably should start a new thread but anyone already aware of a ups decision or whatever concerning trying to get a center to approve taking part of no shave November
***Update*** pretty sure I'm not gonna make book my first 90 just due to being slow but it seems like they are doing all they can to make sure I get hours even if I'm not driving ....still pretty happy with my decision to take the job


best 2 weeks ever
congrats new guy, hopefully you gain seniority with out incident. this time of year can be rough with volume fluctuation so be flexible. also i advise you to keep track of how many days you are putting in, this will help you when your counting down days to seniority.
a pocket calendar with days and hrs worked will help