EAM Driver 22.4

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Did you miss this part?

(7) Air drivers may, on an exception basis, be used to make service
on packages which are not air packages.
An exception package is intended to be when an Air Driver is making
a pick up, as outlined above, after the regular driver has been at the
customer’s premises, and the customer has an exception ground pack-
age(s) for shipment, the air driver may make service on this pack-
age(s). Air drivers may continue to pick up Automatic Return Service
packages but the features of this service will not be expanded.
Any violation of Section 1(a) (7), shall obligate the Employer to pay
the Air Driver involved the difference between his/her rate of pay and the top regular package car driver wage rate existing at that
building. Grievances concerning violation or abuse of this shall be
referred directly to the National Air Committee.
The company has been using the exception clause for close to 20 years and all the Union does is nod their head and say at least it is a bargaining unit member performing the work. Some air drivers are making bank doing ground work everyday.


My Senior Picture
The company has been using the exception clause for close to 20 years and all the Union does is nod their head and say at least it is a bargaining unit member performing the work. Some air drivers are making bank doing ground work everyday.
....and I'm telling you I have banked tens of thousands of dollars in grievance settlements over the last 10+ years on this very same scenario.

The key is to pile these grievances up, so when the Local and Company finally get around to hearing them, they have a hard time arguing that it is being done on an "exception" basis.