Fox News Personality Spreading Stimulus Falsehood
Fox News' Bill Sammon - echoing a falsehood previously forwarded by several other Fox News hosts and reporters - claimed that the Economic Recovery Bill protected mouses in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's district .
The bill, in fact,
contains no language allocating funding to protect the salt marsh harvest mouse in San Francisco wetlands.
Looks like somebody just woke up from a 5 day drunk!
We put that mouse myth to bed last week so roar about something else there cowardly lion.
Hey Cowardly Lion, instead of spending so much time at mean mediamatters, why not spend some time at a real progressive/liberal websites and do some waking up about what's really going on with your messiah.
Martin Wolf started off his Financial Times column for February 11 with the bold question: “Has Barack Obama’s presidency already failed?” The stock market had a similar opinion, plunging 382 points. Having promised “change,” Mr. Obama is giving us more Clinton-Bush via Robert Rubin’s protégé, Tim Geithner. Tuesday’s $2.5 trillion Financial Stabilization Plan to re-inflate the Bubble Economy is basically an extension of the Bush-Paulson giveaway – yet more Rubinomics for financial insiders in the emerging Wall Street trusts. The financial system is to be concentrated into a cartel of just a few giant conglomerates to act as the economy’s central planners and resource allocators. This makes banks the big winners in the game of “chicken” they’ve been playing with Washington, a shakedown holding the economy hostage. “Give us what we want or we’ll plunge the economy into financial crisis.” Washington has given them $9 trillion so far, with promises now of another $2 trillion– and still counting.
This from the Washington Post, reporting on Secretary Tim Geithner's appearance before the Senate Finance Committee on Feb 10, 2009.
"I do not believe we can put ourselves in position of raising the prospect where government comes in and directly manages at great detail the choices [companies] make," Geithner said. "Ultimately, we will end up costing the economy and taxpayers much more."
Geithner said that he is "deeply offended" by "many of the judgments" top executives have made, clearly referring to big bonuses and other perks. "But the important offsetting obligation we have is to not create the prospect that the government is going to come in and make decisions for institutions that want to remain in private hands," he said.
The bottom line is, companies can take money from the Federal government, then go out and hire cheap labor abroad so as to make the maximum profit. The American worker, it would appear, is once again left in the cold in this nifty piece of bypass surgery. Why is this any different than the Liar's Loans made famous by the subprime scandal?
That an American Secretary of the Treasury could be so unconcerned by this -- 'cavalier' is indeed the correct word -- should set aside any doubt that the Obama administration is a worthy follower to the Clinton and Bush administration in its unconcern towards the draining of the nation's wealth.
I may disagree with some of these folks in areas but one thing they got it dead right on is that the stinch of death and disease that Washington DC was prior to Jan. 20th is still there and sadly even growing. At least the so-called libs/progressives have the courage to face facts and that in itself is a hopeful sign.
Ronald Reagan pulled a huge con job on true small gov't/limited gov't believers from 1980' to 1988' and a lot of us woke up and realized the true about our so-called 2 party system. If you are true to the beliefs of doing what is right by the American citizen first and foremost, I believe Obama is your wake up call like Reagan was ours. You are being lied too!
but wait!
And then 6 months before the fact, Bill Kristol (at the 4 minute mark) got it right about the messiah as we now see with it nearly one month into his adminstration. His policy is the old Bush policy!
Published: Friday, Feb. 06, 2009
Responding to a request by President Barack Obama, top military and diplomatic advisers on Iraq have submitted a report to the White House that spells out the risks of drawing down U.S. forces in Iraq over periods as long as 23 months, two defense officials told McClatchy.
You see cowardly lion, the problem is
Washington DC itself. It's own power and desire to preserve that power is at the heart of all of this and the first step in making a tiger into a pussycat is to de-fang and de-claw and this means vast de-centralization. The matrix truly is a lie!
Your idea is to further empower Washington and the first rule of politics is that politics is like a pedulium and it will at some point swing back the other way. In the meantime, the average american who is just out to live their lives will suffer under the increasing weight of both democrat and republican excess who further consolidate power more and more in Washington and with that come the thieves and liars who hope to profit from it all. We can't because we're to busy working our butts off scratching out a life for ourselves and the harder we work, the more they take from us to pass it on to themselves!
Did you ever once entertain the idea for example if there were no legal tender laws and that individual citizens or even communities could establish means of commerce transactions among themselves? Yeah, it's radical but it sure would be hard if not impossible to create nationwide economic bubbles and clearly not ones of global proportion. For african americans, they would no longer have to crawl for white man money if you will as they could create their own economies and build their own wealth with in themselves based on their own fruits of labor. Who would in their right mind want to give that up for white man's welfare?

to all you white people tired of welfare taxes. Are you thinking yet? Talk about true emancipation! I could argue very strongly that you cowardly lion are the real racist and the real slave master who refuses to grant true freedom to an oppressed people. All that you do and say only maintains and strengthens the master's plantation. I bet you ride a horse and carry a whip too!
Did it ever occur once to your thought process that by virtue of legal tender laws making the federal reserve note the monopolistic money of choice and that by a central body in the Federal Reserve Bank has monopolistic control over every aspect of economic life and to now complete the schrade, we continue to make the chief economic oversight and enforcement person in the Sec. of Treasury a person from the Central bank ranks or from it's favorite son in the Wall Street elite? I wonder how they would feel about African Americans creating their own wealth and their own economy and being free men equals in our society? I'd bet the so-called drug problem in the african american community would almost disappear as the motive to more honest, worthwhile and positive pursuits would prove more rewarding along with the obvious importance of seeking a better education or skill sets.
You continue to demand and defend gov't oversight levels that over time only creates bubbles and crisis that further require gov't to further increase it's power. Even in the current crisis, it goes back and forth as to who caused it, republicans or democrats and most honset folks know and admit the fault is about equal on both sides. But the real root cause we've yet to admit to ourselves is that it was gov't itself that is the culprit of this crisis. When the likes of an Enron or other disaster in the private sector, we are quick to demand people are fired and the doors of that business closed for good. Yet we lack the courage to make that same judgement when bad things happen in the public space.
What would you expect to find the next morning if you asked a gang of foxes to guard your hen house? Did it ever once occur that the real push behind more regulation are certain characters pushing to tighten their monopoly and cartel control over our economy?
Stop wasteing so much time on mediamatters because for once the real truth really is out there!