Well-Known Member
Ah come on Jones, she's making headway in realizing gov't really doesn't work so cut her some slack. I mean you have to crawl before you walk. When reality of gov't sets in, then we'll work on her about searching for facts and where to find them!

If I remember correct, at the time I think it was 60 Minutes who did a story on this and they pointed out that the property was disposed of at auction. The funny part was watching some of the, let me see how do I put this, ah non-attached property items that were sold individually. The auctioneer would stumble for words and of course everyone would then laugh and he finally gave in and just said, "what'll you give for this!"

BTW: The Mustang Ranch is back as of a USA Today piece in August 2007'. It also gives a bit of history of the Mustang Ranch and you might want to send that urban legends link to USA Today because in the article nearly 2 years ago, they pretty much said the same thing as Moreluck did.
If it's any consolation to Moreluck, she's saying nothing that major national new media outlets themselves aren't saying even nearly 20 years later. I think where the humor of this gets into the way of the truth is that typically the IRS by law does try and keep a business going when it has been seized because the idea first is to get the money owed but also they don't won't to compound the situation by putting people out of work. The cost for example of the lost tax revenue from displaced workers may outweigh the gains from the back taxes, that kinda thing. Even your urban legends link admits the plan was to continue the operation which complies with IRS regs. but it did become such a joke a judge intervened to say in this situation the benefits to the gov't would be best served by shutting the doors. No amount of money is considered with gov't ever looking bad or inept! See TARP and Stimulus plan for proof of that!
We'll spend your money to bury "OUR" Sins and yes this is exactly how I see all this gov't action.
More's point however is factually wrong in that the gov't didn't really fail at running the business and then to conclude this with how can they run the nation is not techinically correct. But I contend the gov't still couldn't run a whorehouse because IMHO Washington DC is nothing but a big whorehouse and do any of us truly believe it's being run in the best interest of the citizens no matter which side of the political isle we sit?
In that sense, IMO More's point has some validity to it after all!
UH OH! We kinda, maybe disagreed again. This relationship may be in trouble. Should we seek counseling? A second honeymoon cruise? Romantic dinner and wine?

Always leave em with a laugh!

If I remember correct, at the time I think it was 60 Minutes who did a story on this and they pointed out that the property was disposed of at auction. The funny part was watching some of the, let me see how do I put this, ah non-attached property items that were sold individually. The auctioneer would stumble for words and of course everyone would then laugh and he finally gave in and just said, "what'll you give for this!"

BTW: The Mustang Ranch is back as of a USA Today piece in August 2007'. It also gives a bit of history of the Mustang Ranch and you might want to send that urban legends link to USA Today because in the article nearly 2 years ago, they pretty much said the same thing as Moreluck did.
By 1990, the IRS had seized the ranch, putting the federal government in the unique position of running a brothel.
The government failed and the ranch was padlocked for the first time. The IRS auctioned off beds, the bidets -- even the room numbers -- to recover some of Conforte's tax debt.
The brothel was sold for $1.49 million to a shell company overseen by Conforte and his attorney, Peter Perry. Conforte returned briefly to run the ranch, then fled to Brazil in 1991.
The IRS got its final say in 1997 when it filed a $16 million tax lien, followed in July 1999 by indictments of Conforte and principals in his shell company on charges including racketeering and money laundering. Millions of dollars allegedly were wired to Conforte in Brazil.
Four years later, the brothel's new owner, the federal Bureau of Land Management, put the brothel up for grabs on eBay.
If it's any consolation to Moreluck, she's saying nothing that major national new media outlets themselves aren't saying even nearly 20 years later. I think where the humor of this gets into the way of the truth is that typically the IRS by law does try and keep a business going when it has been seized because the idea first is to get the money owed but also they don't won't to compound the situation by putting people out of work. The cost for example of the lost tax revenue from displaced workers may outweigh the gains from the back taxes, that kinda thing. Even your urban legends link admits the plan was to continue the operation which complies with IRS regs. but it did become such a joke a judge intervened to say in this situation the benefits to the gov't would be best served by shutting the doors. No amount of money is considered with gov't ever looking bad or inept! See TARP and Stimulus plan for proof of that!

More's point however is factually wrong in that the gov't didn't really fail at running the business and then to conclude this with how can they run the nation is not techinically correct. But I contend the gov't still couldn't run a whorehouse because IMHO Washington DC is nothing but a big whorehouse and do any of us truly believe it's being run in the best interest of the citizens no matter which side of the political isle we sit?
In that sense, IMO More's point has some validity to it after all!
UH OH! We kinda, maybe disagreed again. This relationship may be in trouble. Should we seek counseling? A second honeymoon cruise? Romantic dinner and wine?

Always leave em with a laugh!