ECS clerk has to work the sort?

iowa boy

Well-Known Member
Yes sir they did threaten me in front of my coworkers. I did tell them that i want to be trained on how to sweep out trucks, and was told that my mother should have trained me how to sweep.


I wholeheartedly agree with what 'menotyou' said earlier. You need to immediately file an art. 37 grievance for harassment.

You have been trained on how to do every other facet of your job(s) that you currently do, correct? Evidently there is a specific way they want the cars swept out so its done in 5 minutes or less. They have accused you of doing it the wrong way, which they can do, but if they have a way to do it that is better than yours, (which they will no doubt), make it known to them that you just want to do it the right way and not get into any trouble. And at the end of the conversation, politely remind them that your mother does not work for UPS and to leave her out of any future conversations that they have with you.

If I was in your position with regards to the threat, I would go to your part-time sups' boss and mention that you don't like having your job threatened in front of your coworkers, and not having a steward present at the time the threat was made to you.


bella amicizia
I would call 1-800-220-4126 and file a complaint. Then, I would file a complaint with the union via the grievance. Then, I would file a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board and the Justice Dep't for workplace violence. He threatened you livelihood. That is a violent act, in my opinion. I have learned not to take what they try lightly.