El Paso Shootings


Well-Known Member
And that’s a fair distinction.

Half of America gets their health insurance through their employer.

Maybe they like it, maybe they don’t, but they have it.

I think that gets lost in the weeds sometimes, like who is Bernie talking to?

If you’re mad poor, you’re on the dole, but if you’re not poor and you make ‘too much’, you’re screwed.

A better question is, ‘Why doesn’t everyone in America have basic health insurance?’

The amount of money we spend taking care of the uninsured seems to me a powerful argument for some sort of basic universal coverage.

Oh, van-down-by-the-river, you’re showing up now with multiple health issues?

Never saw a doctor?

Geez, wish we could have seen you earlier, we could have prevented or managed your diabetes.

Oh well, now we’ll spend 3800% of what we need to because our government can’t quite get that lobbyist :censored2: out of their as
My diabetes is being managed, thanks for your concern.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Had not heard that. The far left can be as bad as the far right as far as homegrown terrorists.
These people are okay though...…

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
The shameful lefty Dems made NYT's change their headline to "Assailing Hate Not Guns" Do they really care about the victims or are they just about making political hay ?
New York Times.jpg

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Is there a new movie that may have some relevance to this mass shooting.
Something about women/men hunting other humans.
It reminded me of the witnesses talking about how he hunted victims, cornered tham and then shot them ...
Ya think there was some correlation?
"The Hunt"
A movie about Leftist Elites hunting deplorables.



t doesn't work. Your POS president is willing to call out inner cities such as Baltimore but turns a blind eye to the increasing mass shootings in the name of hate

He's not entirely wrong though...I mean it's Baltimore.... ever go down to the Inner Harbor for 4th of July?


Well-Known Member
What the :censored2:? Is this real life?! Watched the trailer expecting it to be revealed as some sort of thing from The Onion or a prank site.
The Left talks about Trump's rhetoric but does things like this. Last year there was a play depicting a Trump like character being assasinated. If Republicans had done this, "hunting" Obama supporters, there'd be hell to pay. And before anyone talks about how Trump is stirring up white supremacists, which is silly, keep in mind this movie was conceived and filmed long before the recent shootings.