Election is over.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
hardly a technicality but the foundation of our system. Had the popular vote been the decider Trump would clearly have spent much more time in California , texas , Illinois , new York and florida.

you cant use the popular vote argument when its clear the efforts of both candidates was to gain the electoral count not the popular vote. As it is Trumps electoral vote count under our system was a decisive win.

I'm not using the "popular vote argument."

I believe in the Electoral College and I accept that Trump won fair and square.

Just pointing out 2 things: Trump was opposed to the Electoral College until it helped him win, and with less than 25% of voters choosing him and fewer voters choosing him than Hillary, his "victory" can hardly be described as a sweeping mandate.


Pees in the brown Koolaid

Since Trump has apparently been unable to satisfy the first two wives who divorced him, what makes him think that HE can satisfy America?


Well-Known Member
"She gets out and she starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions,” Trump told CNN’s Don Lemon. “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.”

He knew exactly what he was saying and he knew exactly what he meant and you are being obtuse if you refuse to see the obvious.

you still had to put words in his mouth. at the same time you had much more concrete actions taken by Bill Clinton attacking women and Hillary attacking those women to suppress their information. You liberals seem to be much more comfortable over looking actual physical actions taken by the Clintons and focusing on ambiguous at best wording of a candidate who is not a trained political communications person.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
that quote was a popular one from the right wingers. Trump just turned it into a trumpism

View attachment 105601
That quote is degrading, sexist, and would have been totally inappropriate in a locker room, much less coming from a man aspiring to be our President. Calling it a "Trumpism" changes nothing. A real man would never make such a remark.
Bill Clinton was not running for President, Hillary was. And his past infidelities have NOTHING to do with Hillary's fitness as a candidate.
Trump has been divorced twice. Should his failure to satisfy his prior wives sexually have any bearing on his qualifications as a President?


Well-Known Member
That quote is degrading, sexist, and would have been totally inappropriate in a locker room, much less coming from a man aspiring to be our President. Calling it a "Trumpism" changes nothing. A real man would never make such a remark.
Bill Clinton was not running for President, Hillary was. And his past infidelities have NOTHING to do with Hillary's fitness as a candidate.
Trump has been divorced twice. Should his failure to satisfy his prior wives sexually have any bearing on his qualifications as a President?

you didn't do all your homework on this subject. Hillary attacked Bill's accusers and threatened them into submission. that is a very relevant issue. you're trying to attack Trump for verbal miss speaks while ignoring bill and Hillary who actually took physical action .


golden ticket member
Mike Pence & family went to see Hamilton last night.
After the performance an actor onstage stepped forward and read a message to Pence........this is not the time or place to state your worries & complaints about the new to-be administration. I put all these N.Y. actors right along with the Hollywood nuts.
The entire cast was on stage while this jerk read this statement. Time & place. Time & place!!

Vice President-elect Mike Pence booed at 'Hamilton'


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Mike Pence & family went to see Hamilton last night.
After the performance an actor onstage stepped forward and read a message to Pence........this is not the time or place to state your worries & complaints about the new to-be administration. I put all these N.Y. actors right along with the Hollywood nuts.
The entire cast was on stage while this jerk read this statement. Time & place. Time & place!!

Vice President-elect Mike Pence booed at 'Hamilton'
Pence is a homophobe who believes an entire segment of society should be discriminated against.
He doesnt have the right to get butthurt if that segment decides to call him out on it. He made a choice to be a public figure.


Well-Known Member
Pence is a homophobe who believes an entire segment of society should be discriminated against.
He doesnt have the right to get butthurt if that segment decides to call him out on it. He made a choice to be a public figure.

yea yea , if you are a person of faith and believe that homosexual sex is wrong then you are a homo - phobe literally meaning you are afraid of homosexuals.

The liberal counter to conservatism has always been to label conservatism as racist , mysognist , homo phobic , abortion stealers etc.

remove those labels and Hillary's message was some mumbo jumbo about being stronger together.

thus why you guys lost. you keep thinking you can replay the same BS labels and win every election. Not only did the republicans win the presidency and congress but most state legislatures and governorships. Voters are rejecting your label attacks.


Well-Known Member
Pence is a homophobe who believes an entire segment of society should be discriminated against.
He doesnt have the right to get butthurt if that segment decides to call him out on it. He made a choice to be a public figure.

So that you saying that simply buying a ticket to a public performance of an opera waives his rights as an individual to privacy?

While I don't think anything that the main character said was out of line, I thought it was out of line for him to have said anything. Pence was there with his wife (and a few of his Secret Service buddies) to watch a performance of a show that is nearly impossible to get tickets for.


golden ticket member
Pence is a homophobe who believes an entire segment of society should be discriminated against.
He doesnt have the right to get butthurt if that segment decides to call him out on it. He made a choice to be a public figure.
Even homophobes have a right to enjoy a theater experience with their family that costs a lot.....or maybe you would just like to kill them all!!


golden ticket member
When Hilary came to the theater to see Hamilton, she was treated like a queen before the coronation....backstage greetings galore. Broadway likes a drunk!!


Inordinately Right
So that you saying that simply buying a ticket to a public performance of an opera waives his rights as an individual to privacy?

While I don't think anything that the main character said was out of line, I thought it was out of line for him to have said anything. Pence was there with his wife (and a few of his Secret Service buddies) to watch a performance of a show that is nearly impossible to get tickets for.
Individual rights to privacy at a public performance?
Come on man, think about what you're saying, it's nonsense.


Well-Known Member
I've heard convincing claims on both sides of this argument, and I'm just not sure.

Direct Democracy is a thing this nation hasn't tried, and our current system was designed in part to reject the unwashed masses having the final say in who actually runs the country.

Our forefathers had the wisdom to set up the electoral college to prevent mob rule where everyone can vote for their own entitlements.


golden ticket member
I'm hoping this little stunt by this actor with the cast egging him on will cost the box office about half their earnings for insulting half their future audiences. Shades of "basket of deplorables". I have no desire nor intention to see Hamilton. I would rather see Phantom for the 8th time.

How many performances have ended with a cast member chastising an audience member????


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping this little stunt by this actor with the cast egging him on will cost the box office about half their earnings for insulting half their future audiences. Shades of "basket of deplorables". I have no desire nor intention to see Hamilton. I would rather see Phantom for the 8th time.

How many performances have ended with a cast member chastising an audience member????

If the basket fits...