Election predictions


Inordinately Right
I believe Joe Biden made the same exact statement about shooting the criminals in the legs...I believe that most of our law enforcement people when they heard that ended on the floor laughing their heads off. When threatened you shoot to kill, all law officers and military are trained that way..You do not play games out there and It is a war zone in most of our urban areas. It is the law of the jungle, the criminals know this and when they test these officers they are fully aware of what is going to happen..
Frankly, I'm disgusted by his suggestion that the police should shoot him in the leg.

Obviously the most common sense thing to do would be to just shoot the knife out of his hand.



Well-Known Member
I suspect Trump will win, the tech companies will all shut down simultaneously claiming they we're "hacked". Possible shut down of power-grid to cause chaos. Martial Law implemented to restore order. At least, those are the things Im hoping for. Id love to see the military rolling through the ghettos in tanks.
it takes someone who struggles with hate to recognize someone dealing with it. i think hate is mostly well deserved. its part of reality and nature. evil has many sources, hate is one of them, but i don't think hate is evil. its raw energy. how its channeled is the challenge.


Bad Moon Risen'
Whos Hunter?
Vladimir Putin says he does not see anything criminal in Hunter Biden’s behaviour despite Donald Trump’s insinuations.
The Russian president voiced his disagreement with Mr Trump’s election attacks on Joe Biden’s son and his business dealings in Ukraine.
The president has tried to link his White House opponent with unproven allegations of “corrupt” business dealings, which the former vice president has dismissed as a Russian disinformation campaign.

Mr Putin appeared on Russian state television on Sunday night and refuted Mr Trump’s claims about the Bidens.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Frankly, I'm disgusted by his suggestion that the police should shoot him in the leg.

Obviously the most common sense thing to do would be to just shoot the knife out of his hand.

And tell us how many years of police or military training you have. Tour of Duty and Grand Theft Auto does not count no matter how many hours you have played.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Vladimir Putin says he does not see anything criminal in Hunter Biden’s behaviour despite Donald Trump’s insinuations.
The Russian president voiced his disagreement with Mr Trump’s election attacks on Joe Biden’s son and his business dealings in Ukraine.
The president has tried to link his White House opponent with unproven allegations of “corrupt” business dealings, which the former vice president has dismissed as a Russian disinformation campaign.

Mr Putin appeared on Russian state television on Sunday night and refuted Mr Trump’s claims about the Bidens.

Of course he wouldn’t..What a material witness...Putin has mastered the art of money laundering and hidden overseas bank accounts...

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Two cops, 14 rounds equals 7 apiece, sounds affordable.
I mean reasonable.

You shoot until you’ve neutralized the threat, simpleton.

"But in the movies one shot from the good guy's handgun instantly sends the bad guy flying across the room through a plate glass window and 3 layers of drywall!"



Well-Known Member
That is correct. The "red" states are by and large "recipient" states getting more money from Washington than what they send to it.
If I had to make a prediction the presidential' winner which right now favors Biden will get less than 300 electoral college votes. GOP retains a 1 seat majority in the Senate. House picks up 3-5 more seats.
about 120 less than 300 .


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Not just what the hell are you going to do if your Dear Leader does fail to get reelected? The law clearly states that the sitting president and vice president will leave office by noon on 1-20-21 .Either they take the oath for a second time IF reelected or get on the plane and leave.
Move your money into more secure investments, wait for the market to bottom out. Invest in tax free investments , laugh at the village idiot you guys elected as he bumbles through the day.