

golden ticket member
Very cynical... Not all of us would equate political promises to a marriage vow. Even in the course of political satire, it is not something I find funny.
Well, Dick Gregory has been an ass for as long as I can remember.....................He used to come on the old talk shows......Mike Douglas, Merv Griffin, etc. He started being a decent stand up comic and then got weird! He had some kind of liquid diet drink he was hawking.


Well-Known Member
Very cynical... Not all of us would equate political promises to a marriage vow. Even in the course of political satire, it is not something I find funny.

Oh Boo-Hoo! Go cry me a river! My wife and I have been married 32 years, together 37 and we both laughed. Comedians for all time have made mockery of marriage (politics too) for comedic sport so come off the high horse. Go watch Phyillis Diller talk about "Fang" if you want to see marriage as a laughing stock. And she's considered (and she is) a comedic genius.

Or have I struck a nerve?

Note to self for future, remember where to jab the needles!

"You can't trust politicians. It doesn't matter who makes a political speech. It's all lies - and it applies to any rock star who wants to make a political speech as well." ~ Bob Geldof


Staff member
Marriage vows wouldn't be such a joking matter if more people knew or wanted to keep them. As it is, however, "No new taxes before the closing of Gitmo and read my lips, my administration will be based on transparency," remain as ridiculous as, "I do" in a nation with close to 50% of marriages ending in divorce and God only knows how many instances of infidelity.


golden ticket member
Tuesday, October 25, 2011 @ 1:18 pm |

Obama Bans Photographers From LA Fundraisers With Rich Donors, Allows Them In At Chicken Shop…

He has to keep up that phony image.
Via Keith Koffler:
The White House wants you to see President Obama bash the rich, and everyone in the press corps is invited to cover the various rallies and speeches where he claims average people can’t get a break and the wealthy aren’t paying their fair share of taxes.

. . . So not surprisingly, news photographers were barred from both of Obama’s L.A. fundraisers Monday. The best the public could do was get bare-bones written descriptions of the events that give only a hint of the lavishness that surrounded the president.
From the press pool report at the first fundraiser:
The President appeared at an intimate fund-raising dinner at the home of James and Mai Lassiter in LA’s Hancock Park area. He spoke softly to guests sitting at four tables, 8-10 seats per table. Tickets cost $35,800 per person.

Actor Will Smith, looking dapper in a three piece suit, stood near the back of the room and watched. Boston Celtics nemesis Magic Johnson sat at a table to the president’s right.
Pool was ushered out after 10 minutes, as potus opened it up for questions.
And from the second:
About 8:20 p.m. local time, pool was led to the rear of the imposing Spanish-style mansion of Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith and into a large white tent where about 200 people sat in folding chairs, just as someone said “the program” would continue soon. That gave the crowd, who paid at least $5,000 each, time to ogle the riff-raff of the Fourth Estate as we took our seats at the rear.

Soon, to enthusiastic applause, the hosts and POTUS entered with Eva Longoria, who introduced the president, as folks stood holding cameras and cellphones above their heads.
Meanwhile, news photographers were welcomed earlier in the day when Obama made an unscheduled stop at Roscoe’s House of Chicken ‘n Waffles in West L.A., where he ordered the No. 9, “Country Boy” – 3 wings with choice of waffle, potato salad or French fries for $8.90.
Because that’s who Obama is supposed to be​


Staff member
I don't mind a president campaigning in private as much as I mind a vice president setting energy policy behind closed doors, if you know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
What exactly is "campaigning in private"?

It's like what Monica did to Bill but this time it's any given candidate for office playing Monica to the Big Dollars of Corporations and Special Interests playing the part of Bill. And it's the taxpayer who wakes up the next morning with the sore ass!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Gotta get those young Liberal votes and go around Congress to do it. So i pay for my sons college education dominated by Liberal brainwashing professors and Obama will make me pay more for the rest of the spoiled Liberal brainwashed brats. If you want your bills paid then pay some service to your country you bums.

Obama to Announce Student Loan Relief Plan

Millions of student loan borrowers will be eligible to lower their payments and consolidate their loans under a plan President Barack Obama intends to announce Wednesday, the White House said.
Obama will use his executive authority to provide student loan relief in two ways.
First, he will accelerate a measure passed by Congress that reduces the maximum repayment on student loans from 15 percent of discretionary income annually to 10 percent. The White House wants it to go into effect in 2012, instead of 2014. In addition, the White House says the remaining debt would be forgiven after 20 years, instead of 25. About 1.6 million borrowers could be affected.

Read more: Obama To Announce Student Loan Relief Plan | Fox News



Well-Known Member

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Oh Boo-Hoo! Go cry me a river! My wife and I have been married 32 years, together 37 and we both laughed. Comedians for all time have made mockery of marriage (politics too) for comedic sport so come off the high horse. Go watch Phyillis Diller talk about "Fang" if you want to see marriage as a laughing stock. And she's considered (and she is) a comedic genius.

Or have I struck a nerve?

Note to self for future, remember where to jab the needles!

No nerve struck... I love a GOOD marriage joke just like the next person. I have been with my wife over 40 years and l love her more every single day. I used to love the jokes about Fang. I happen to agree with bbsam that a marriage vow is not a joking matter ESPECIALLY when it is compared to politics.

Part of our make up is our upbringing, our environment. It is what makes us who we are and why we are so uniquely individual. I find denigrating a marriage vow, very flippant and disrespectful (Dick Gregory). To me personally, I would compare it to making some sort of a joke about rape or murder..

You are usually pretty even keeled in your posts so the "Boo-Hoo" leads me to believe I struck a nerve! That was not my intention but maybe my criticism just was not taken well. Sorry!


golden ticket member
Fun Fact of The Day: Obama Has Hit a Whopping 60 Fundraisers Since Taking Office, Bush Attended Only 28 At Same Point In His Presidency…

(WHD) — President Obama in 2011 has attended more than twice as many presidential campaign fundraisers as George W. Bush had by this time in 2003 — the year before his reelection in 2004 — but has raised less money than Bush for his campaign.

Obama has been electioneering and fundraising at a torrid pace in recent weeks. White House officials say he is making up for time lost during the deficit negotiations with Republicans this summer, when some events had to be cancelled.

Obama was out of the office three days this week and three the week before. His excursion out West this week, from which he returned Wednesday afternoon, included six fundraisers in Las Vegas, Denver, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

The president last week took a three-day bus tour through the key battleground states of North Carolina and Virginia. While supposedly a trip to promote his jobs plan, many saw the barnstorming as an obvious de facto campaign swing.

According CBS Radio News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller, Obama has staged 60 campaign fundraisers this year compared to only 28 by Bush by this time in 2003.


golden ticket member
Mooch: “Grab Somebody By The Shoulders. . . Shake Them Up. . . Make Them Understand ” Why Obama Needs To Be Reelected…

And if that doesn’t work, pummel them into submission.
(Daily Caller) — The president is facing a very tough re-election campaign, first lady Michelle Obama told audiences at three Florida fundraisers on Thursday.

“This is going to require each of you to grab somebody by the shoulders and make them understand what’s at stake; how their self-interest is directly tied. . . It’s up to each of you to work like you’ve never worked before,” Mrs. Obama told an afternoon crowd of 200 people at the waterfront Tampa home of property developer Joel Cantor.

She used the same mix of threats and promises at a lunchtime fundraiser in Jacksonville. “This is not a joke. The choices are clear. We need you fired up and ready to go, working hard every minute of the day,” she said at the end of her stump speech. “We don’t have time to joke around. You got to shake people up. You got to get them ready to roll. We can do this.”

The first lady’s alarmist tone is certainly justified by the polls, which show her husband trailing in swing states, low in national surveys, disadvantaged by the national mood and nearly out of time to spur an election-saving economic recovery.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

2 controversies? Whos talking about them other than FOXED SPEWS?

What about Darryl Issa's useless hearings on fast and furious, by his own admissions, there were no laws broken, he just has a bunch of useless questions to ask with his committee so they can make the evening sound bites on FOXED.

What has been accomplished by these hearings? answer; NOTHING.

What will be the outcome of these hearings? answer: NOTHING.

The intention is to DRAAAAAAAG out the conversation as long as possible and make political hay out of it. At the end of the day, ISSA's hearings will be another waste of goverments time and taxpayers money.



golden ticket member
That is a BIG problem I have with MSM. There's a big story and none of the idiots cover it. I don't want the news sifted through ......................just cover it all and I'll sort it out for myself !!

Eric Holder is in trouble.....period!
Solyndra shows how stupidly this admin. spends OUR money!!