

Well-Known Member
PHOENIX (Reuters) –
“It was clear to the court that she was stymied by many questions, did not understand many questions, failed to comprehend what was being asked, and guessed at answers,” the court ruling said.

Damn, that sounds like any average political candidate debate in this country so I hope this lady kicks their arse in court and wins!


Staff member
Damn, that sounds like any average political candidate debate in this country so I hope this lady kicks their arse in court and wins!
Why even bother. Doesn't sound like she'd get many votes. Don't you trust the electorate...? Oh. Nevermind.:wink2:


golden ticket member
Does this surprise you ?


The three who brought down Wall Street.

Here's a quick look into the three former Fannie Mae executives who
brought down Wall Street.

Franklin Raines was a Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Fannie Mae.
Raines was forced to retire from his position with Fannie Mae when
auditing discovered severe irregularities in Fannie Mae's accounting
activities. Raines left with a "golden parachute valued at $240 Million in
benefits. The Government filed suit against Raines when the depth of the
accounting scandal became clear.

Tim Howard - was the Chief Financial Officer of Fannie Mae. Howard "was a strong internal proponent of using accounting strategies that would ensure a "stable pattern of earnings" at Fannie. Investigations by federal
re gulators and the company's board of directors since concluded that
management did manipulate 1998 earnings to trigger bonuses. Raines and Howard resigned under pressure in late 2004. Howard's Golden Parachute was estimated at $20 Million!

Jim Johnson - A former executive at Lehman Brothers and who was later
forced from his position as Fannie Mae CEO. Investigators found that
Fannie Mae had hidden a substantial amount of Johnson's 1998 compensation from the public, reporting that it was between $6 million and $7 million when it fact it was $21 million." Johnson is currently under investigation for taking illegal loans from Countrywide while serving as CEO of Fannie Mae. Johnson's Golden Parachute was estimated at $28 Million.
Raines works for the
Obama Campaign as his Chief Economic Advisor.
Howard is a Chief Economic Advisor to Obama under Franklin Raines.

Johnson was hired as a Senior Obama Finance Advisor and was selected to run Obama's Vice Presidential Search Committee.

Our government is rotten to the core !

Are we stupid or what?

Vote in 2012..it is the most important election of our lives...


Well-Known Member


golden ticket member
Wednesday, February 8, 2012 @ 3:34 pm | Gallup: Obama Quarterly Approval Rating Lowest Of All Presidents Since WWII…
Even lower that than Obama’s idol, Jimmah Carta.
Via Gallup:
The three presidents since World War II who were not re-elected — Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and George H.W. Bush — all had job approval ratings below 50% in the last Gallup measure before the election took place. Five presidents who won re-election — Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton — all had job approval ratings above 50% in the last Gallup poll before the election. Two presidents were re-elected with sub-50% approval ratings. George W. Bush had 48% approval in October 2004 among national adults.

Harry Truman’s final Gallup job approval rating in 1948 was 40%, but that was from a poll conducted nearly five months before Election Day, making it unclear precisely what Truman’s level of support was at the time of the election.

This historical pattern suggests that Obama would need to see his job approval rating climb to 50% to be in a comfortable position for re-election.

History shows that by March of the election year, all winning presidents in the modern era, including George W. Bush, had job approval ratings above 50%, and all losing presidents had job approval ratings below 50%. This suggests that where Obama stands by next month may be an important indicator of his ultimate re-election chances.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Amazingly, the posted graph shows BUSH with approval ratings of over 50% up to re election, but lets look at approval ratings for BUSH after re election:

NOT SO GOOD. When OBAMA gets to 22% like BUSH, then we ALL can call him the worst president in HISTORY, until THEN, that award is FIRMLY planted on BUSH's mantle in Crawford!!

Right now, OBAMA is hovering at 50% approval and improving each month. Come November, that number will rise and his Re election GUARANTEED!




golden ticket member
Amazingly, the posted graph shows BUSH with approval ratings of over 50% up to re election, but lets look at approval ratings for BUSH after re election:

NOT SO GOOD. When OBAMA gets to 22% like BUSH, then we ALL can call him the worst president in HISTORY, until THEN, that award is FIRMLY planted on BUSH's mantle in Crawford!!

Right now, OBAMA is hovering at 50% approval and improving each month. Come November, that number will rise and his Re election GUARANTEED!


Nothing is guaranteed........what if he falls out of his golf cart, hits his head on a rock and dies???????????????

You plan, God laughs!!