Embassy Attacks


Well-Known Member
Are you asserting that Beck is an Atonist?

Don't look too much.



Have fun!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I am surprised by the people when you mention the cover up attempt concerning Benghazi. They look at you with blank eyes. They listen to their news and it's not covered.

The administration watches as Americans get killed and then tell 5 different stories about it and you are unaware ? You are stupid !!
i DELIVERED TO A GUY ON tHE 30TH, IT STUCK IN my mind. He came bounding out to my truck, to get his sword. He said he was going to campaign for Obama as pirates for Obama. i said, just dont go as us ambassadors for Obama, and by the duh, and the look in his eye, he did not have on clue what I was talking about, yeah, go Obama.


Just another victim of Obama's world view. Nothing to see here folks, move along.

What a horrible and disgraceful act by these "peace loving" muslims. These people are savages and our President brought this on us by encouraging the "arab spring". This was no spring, this is a dark, dreary, cold, harsh winter. Decisions have consequences, and in this case deadly ones. Hopefully this reflects poorly on the President in November.

yea kind of like the christian crusades, they invaded to murder them in gods name. what was that term? savages?


Staff member
I get the feeling that the right has about as much love for Charles Wood as they did for Linda Tripp.


golden ticket member
I get the feeling that the right has about as much love for Charles Wood as they did for Linda Tripp.
It's not about any one person......except that liar in power.

The truth should not be covered up and kept from the people who hired him.

You can pick at little bits, but it's all about the cover up!!


Staff member
It's not about any one person......except that liar in power.

The truth should not be covered up and kept from the people who hired him.

You can pick at little bits, but it's all about the cover up!!
I would cite Anne Romney and say, "Why put something out there just so the other side has things to attack the president with?"


Strength through joy
Investigation To Uncover Potential High Crimes And Misdemeanors In Benghazigate Today, Special Operations Speaks PAC released the following statement along with a petition demanding an independent investigation into Barack Obama’s administration and its actions that may constitute High Crimes and Misdemeanors by the President, regardless of the outcome of the November 6th Presidential Election. “It remains uncertain if the tragedy in Benghazi was caused or compounded by Obama’s reckless inaction, gross negligence, or incompetent leadership,” said Joe Stringham, BG, USA (Ret), Special Forces/Ranger and Chairman of Special Operations Speaks PAC. “What is clear is that the deaths of Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty are on Obama’s bloody hands,” said Chairman Stringham.


Well-Known Member
Aleister Crowley!

Or maybe Jesus himself had a whole other intent when he's quoted as saying, "on earth as it is in heaven." And let's face it, Jesus may not have been as far removed from the ideas of Nag Hammadi as his contemporary followers who like us to think he is. Or for that matter, the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Or the 17th century Jesuit priest Athanasius Kircher who said:

Heaven above, heaven below; stars above, stars below; all that is above, thus also below; understand this and be blessed.


But actually, just having a little fun with "Just" and his hermeticism.

But then in defense of "Just" maybe at some level he has a point too.

Anyone care to explain why this artwork from a 16th century monastery shows Jesus surrounded by the apostles and then surrounded by the celestial zodiac? "On Earth as it is in Heaven?"


So far in my life, I had seen something similar to that only once in my life, in the church of Taxiarches, in Milies village, Pelion Mountain. In Taxiarches you can see the Zodiac Circle depicted on a side wall, in the first hall of the church, surrounding a "person" called "Cosmos". Strange but somehow made some sense.

This time, in Mani region, I saw it again, and not just once, but twice, in "Aposkieri" (West) Mesa Mani, in a "private" monastery of the 16th century, Moni Dekoulou-Μονή Δεκούλου (where this photo was taken) and in "Prosiliaki" (East) Mesa Mani, in a monastery of the 14th century, Moni Sotiros (Μονή Σωτήρος ή Μονή Γωνέας). This time the Zodiac Circle surrounds the Pantocrator (Jesus Christ) on the roof of the churches, making it even more extraordinary and theologically inexplicable.

The above quote was attached to the picture found here.


golden ticket member
Another Important Benghazi story: Presidential vengeance…..

Obama Fires Top Admiral For Advocating Libyan Rescue?

Monday, October 29, 2012 8:50

According to this report, yesterday (27 October) Obama ordered the immediate removal of Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette from his command of the powerful Carrier Strike Group Three (CSG-3) currently located in the Middle East .

CSG-3 is one of five US Navy carrier strike groups currently assigned to the US Pacific Fleet. US Navy carrier strike groups are employed in a variety of roles, which involve gaining and maintaining sea control and projecting power ashore, as well as projecting naval airpower ashore.

The aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74) is the strike group’s current flagship, and as of 2012, other units assigned to Carrier Strike Group Three include Carrier Air Wing Nine; the guided-missile cruisers USS Mobile Bay (CG-53) and USS Antietam (CG-54); and the ships of Destroyer Squadron 21, the guided-missile destroyers USS Wayne E. Meyer (DDG-108), USS Dewey (DDG-105), USS Kidd (DDG-100), and USS Milius (DDG-69).

US news reports on Obama’s unprecedented firing of a powerful US Navy Commander during wartime state that Admiral Gaouette’s removal was for “allegations of inappropriate leadership judgment” that arose during the strike group’s deployment to the Middle East .

This GRU report, however, states that Admiral Gaouette’s firing by President Obama was due to this strike force commander disobeying orders when he ordered his forces on 11 September to “assist and provide intelligence for” American military forces ordered into action by US Army General Carter Ham, who was then the commander of the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM), against terrorist forces attacking the American Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

General Ham had been in command of the initial 2011 US-NATO military intervention in Libya who, like Admiral Gaouette, was fired by Obama. And as we can, in part, read from US military insider accounts of this growing internal conflict between the White House and US Military leaders:

“The information I heard today was that General [Carter] Ham as head of Africom received the same e-mails the White House received requesting help/support as the attack was taking place. General Ham immediately had a rapid response unit ready and communicated to the Pentagon that he had a unit ready.

General Ham then received the order to stand down. His response was to screw it, he was going to help anyhow. Within 30 seconds to a minute after making the move to respond, his second in command apprehended General Ham and told him that he was now relieved of his command.”

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
FOX NEWS narrative on BENGAZI is falling apart today ( SUNDAY ) as the CIA and the administration confront FOX NEWS bullchitt reporting on the events of BENGAZI.

New Details Discredit Fox News Reports On Benghazi Attacks | ThinkProgress

Who knew that FOX would put out false information??

Certainly not the faithful who watch religiously. Just like Fast and Furious that went NO PLACE, FOX gets called out for the liars that they are!




Well-Known Member
Was that like the false news they put out on your friend---Anthony Weiner? The Benghazi cover up is disgraceful and you know it!--- And as far as Mexican's getting killed by guns Obama gave them...Another total disgrace...Take the blinders off.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Was that like the false news they put out on your friend---Anthony Weiner? The Benghazi cover up is disgraceful and you know it!--- And as far as Mexican's getting killed by guns Obama gave them...Another total disgrace...Take the blinders off.

BUDDY, if you are saying "GUNS" kill people, then im on YOUR side.

I agree with you 100% that "GUNS" kill people. I love how you side with me on this issue, instead of the GOP, Right wing, Christian belief that "PEOPLE" kill people.

I wish all guns were banned, but thats only a wish. I know it will never happen, the gun makers like death and the supporters of guns like dead people by the thousands every year all over the planet.

Thanks for agreeing with me.

