Embassy Attacks

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Hey BUG, tell us please, WHAT DIFFERENCE WOULD IT MAKE TODAY if the description of events was different on that fateful night? Would these people have been saved?

If you say they "might have" then you would know more than the head of CIA and Defense department who testified that the event was over long before any help could have been sent militarily.

Maybe you missed that part?

Until then, you cling to a phoney contoversy stirred up by the kooks of the right wing spin machine. You all want the "TRUTH" but, you ALL dont know what the truth is. You just "HOPE" its different than what you heard.

The republicans as well as their followers ( like yourselves) are desperate to hang on to power in the house. You havent learned your lessons from the 2012 elections. Nonstop hearings on useless events paid no dividends in the election.... Nonstop pandering by FOX news and their counterparts on right wing radio paid no dividends.

Radio meatheads like Sean Hannitys "stop Obama express" amounted to nothing more than wasted air time.

The american voting majority clearly REJECTED these types of political tactics and the voters have made their voices heard. STFU already and run the country.

NOT ONE of the phoney issues that the GOP/Republican/Fox news/ right wing radio or talking heads spoke of in 2012 got any traction from the majority of the country. Just those of you in the backwoods with one channel on the dish or those in retirement homes with nothing better to do than have fox on for background noise can believe in this chitt.

From Obamas birth certificate, to his golfing, to his fancy dinners, to his vacations, to his children, to his friends, to his clothes, to his bowing, to his being black and now bengazi, the republicans are pinning their hopes on more useless hearings wasting tax payer dollars in the millions while the country suffers.

Just last week, the republicans in the house passed a bill to take away overtime pay from hourly workers and replace that with unpaid time off and this affects some of you still young enough to work, and for you old goats, it affects your grandchildren and yet, all you can drone on about is BENGAZI.

You all have your priorities backwards.

Pathetic bunch.




Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Would you like to name which of this pathetic bunch has their priorities backwards? Quite judgemental on your part. It is a fact, that the truth has been covered up, and we would like to know why. Not one of the witnesses said there was not enough time for some back up to get there. A flyover would have sent the attackers scurrying for cover. I never heard them say the event was over long before any help could be sent. They were told not to go by Someone. Us pathetics who do not worship the ground our government walks on would like to know who that was, and why.
I have noticed that most of us pathetics, post our views without namecalling. I think it is pathetic when multitudes disagree with you, that for some reason you get to be judge and jury on our intelligence.
No one reports you any more because most just ignore you. I happen to think this is an important topic so I keep reading it. I could appreciate your opinion, if you could do it without slander. But that's just you, you need to throw the insult in, because for some strange, deranged reason, you think it solidifies your point. It don't.


Well-Known Member

Hey BUG, tell us please, WHAT DIFFERENCE WOULD IT MAKE TODAY if the description of events was different on that fateful night? Would these people have been saved?

If you say they "might have" then you would know more than the head of CIA and Defense department who testified that the event was over long before any help could have been sent militarily.

Maybe you missed that part?

Until then, you cling to a phoney contoversy stirred up by the kooks of the right wing spin machine. You all want the "TRUTH" but, you ALL dont know what the truth is. You just "HOPE" its different than what you heard.

The republicans as well as their followers ( like yourselves) are desperate to hang on to power in the house. You havent learned your lessons from the 2012 elections. Nonstop hearings on useless events paid no dividends in the election.... Nonstop pandering by FOX news and their counterparts on right wing radio paid no dividends.

Radio meatheads like Sean Hannitys "stop Obama express" amounted to nothing more than wasted air time.

The american voting majority clearly REJECTED these types of political tactics and the voters have made their voices heard. STFU already and run the country.

NOT ONE of the phoney issues that the GOP/Republican/Fox news/ right wing radio or talking heads spoke of in 2012 got any traction from the majority of the country. Just those of you in the backwoods with one channel on the dish or those in retirement homes with nothing better to do than have fox on for background noise can believe in this chitt.

From Obamas birth certificate, to his golfing, to his fancy dinners, to his vacations, to his children, to his friends, to his clothes, to his bowing, to his being black and now bengazi, the republicans are pinning their hopes on more useless hearings wasting tax payer dollars in the millions while the country suffers.

Just last week, the republicans in the house passed a bill to take away overtime pay from hourly workers and replace that with unpaid time off and this affects some of you still young enough to work, and for you old goats, it affects your grandchildren and yet, all you can drone on about is BENGAZI.

You all have your priorities backwards.

Pathetic bunch.






golden ticket member
If things weren't done wrong....then why are they doing it differently now that there is another threat to OUR people around the same area?? They were moving planes closer, in case. ......shipping people out , in case...... It's like somebody said we'd better do it right this time.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Would you like to name which of this pathetic bunch has their priorities backwards? Quite judgemental on your part. It is a fact, that the truth has been covered up, and we would like to know why. Not one of the witnesses said there was not enough time for some back up to get there. A flyover would have sent the attackers scurrying for cover. I never heard them say the event was over long before any help could be sent. They were told not to go by Someone. Us pathetics who do not worship the ground our government walks on would like to know who that was, and why.
I have noticed that most of us pathetics, post our views without namecalling. I think it is pathetic when multitudes disagree with you, that for some reason you get to be judge and jury on our intelligence.
No one reports you any more because most just ignore you. I happen to think this is an important topic so I keep reading it. I could appreciate your opinion, if you could do it without slander. But that's just you, you need to throw the insult in, because for some strange, deranged reason, you think it solidifies your point. It don't.

Not being judgemental, the thoughts and expressions about bengazi by the majority group in current events speak for themselves. You say the "TRUTH" has been covered up. So I again ASK you, what is the truth???

You have no clue what that is, and you have to wait until you are again told what to believe before you could even possibly answer the question. TO you "hunt at any cost" crowd, you are searching for a ghost.


Did the talking points kill the ambassador? Did the talking points affect the militarys inability to mobilized sooner? The event was going to happen anyways. The outcome would have still remained the same.

As your for your knowledge, the reason you havent heard about the testimony about responses, it goes without saying that you DIDNT listen to the hearings, and the selective hearing you do have is all based on what is presented to you by FOX NEWS.

Here's Leon Pannetas explanation about the events, since you SAID you didnt hear it the first time..

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. military did not quickly intervene during the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya last month because military leaders did not have adequate intelligence information and felt they should not put American forces at risk, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Thursday.
In his most extensive comments to date on the unfolding controversy surrounding the attack in Benghazi, Panetta said U.S. forces were on heightened alert because of the anniversary of 9/11 and prepared to respond. But, he said, the attack happened over a few hours and was over before the U.S. had the chance to know what was really occurring.
"(The) basic principle is that you don't deploy forces into harm's way without knowing what's going on; without having some real-time information about what's taking place," Panetta told Pentagon reporters. "And as a result of not having that kind of information, the commander who was on the ground in that area, Gen. Ham, Gen. Dempsey and I felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation."

Panetta: US lacked early info on Benghazi attack

Understand now?

In war and on the battlefield, there are "calls" that have to be made. Sometimes, people are in harms way, and decisions to not send help depend on the likelyhood of rescue. If the rescue would then endanger more lives , then its not sent. Those people at the CIA black site and the temp embassy were dead meat either way.

Maybe if Darryl Issas CUT to the defense of our embassys worldwide hadnt reduced the ability to protect our ambassadors, they would be alive today. But I BET this is something you will reject. YOUR very own political party was DIRECTLY responsible for cutting the funding for protection, and YET, drone on today about why these people were killed and adequate security wasnt provided.

YOU rely on a news source whos only intention is to MISLEAD you, to FOOL you, to TREAT you like a maroon and to KEEP you in the pathetic crowd.

Americans that were PAYING ATTENTION to the hearings HEARD L Panetta state that help wasnt send because the EVENT WAS OVER and he wasnt going to endanger further lives without knowing the full extent of the attack.

You apparently, were one of the minority voters who werent paying attention.

As for the name calling, listen bro, your "gang" does most of the name calling around these parts, and just because your the majority around here doesnt mean that YOUR side has it right. Respect is something that is earned, and while I accept that I am on the "other side" of you all, I take what is dished out without reporting anyone.

Maybe , if you could step away from fox news long enough to research your own facts, you would walk away from this non issue, but your hatred for our president will not allow you to do that. He only has 3 years remaining, and he will be out. Hopefully, you all can go on with your lives after that point.

But for now, its about attempting to hurt the president with useless charges against his character, and also, to attempt to scare Hillary for 2016. This political theatre being conducted by the republicans in the house is laughable at best, and the reason WHY the GOP will lose the house in 2014.

The jokes on you TOONER, whether you like it or not.




Well-Known Member
Our fearless leader not in the situation room ,going to bed --while heros were slaughtered.

Help could not arrive on time ???? How did ANYONE know how long the attack would go on for ??

Just go to bed and get ready for the fundraiser in Vegas.

What happens in Benghazi stays in Benghazi ---Again a demonstration of lack of leadership.

Send the calvary in ---you have a chance to save lives --stand down order --100% death sentence--What if they were your fathers,brothers,sons or husbands ???


Age quod agis
...However, Boehner, whose violent, uncontrolled public sobbing is clearly indicative of mental illness, will not turn the tables on his new golfing pal...


What the hell do you know about mental illness and crying is not indicative of mental illness.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Benghazi and the IRS scandal could be the watershed events that bury this administration. If nothing else, make it so ineffective and weak, it cannot get anything done.

One of the potential impeachment charges against Nixon had to do with the IRS politicizing policy. Hyper-politics, arrogance and the intoxication effect of power, is getting this administration (as it did with Nixon) into big trouble.



Well-Known Member
Hey BUG, tell us please, WHAT DIFFERENCE WOULD IT MAKE TODAY if the description of events was different on that fateful night? Would these people have been saved?

If you say they "might have" then you would know more than the head of CIA and Defense department who testified that the event was over long before any help could have been sent militarily.

Maybe you missed that part?

Until then, you cling to a phoney contoversy stirred up by the kooks of the right wing spin machine. You all want the "TRUTH" but, you ALL dont know what the truth is. You just "HOPE" its different than what you heard.

The republicans as well as their followers ( like yourselves) are desperate to hang on to power in the house. You havent learned your lessons from the 2012 elections. Nonstop hearings on useless events paid no dividends in the election.... Nonstop pandering by FOX news and their counterparts on right wing radio paid no dividends.

Radio meatheads like Sean Hannitys "stop Obama express" amounted to nothing more than wasted air time.

The american voting majority clearly REJECTED these types of political tactics and the voters have made their voices heard. STFU already and run the country.

NOT ONE of the phoney issues that the GOP/Republican/Fox news/ right wing radio or talking heads spoke of in 2012 got any traction from the majority of the country. Just those of you in the backwoods with one channel on the dish or those in retirement homes with nothing better to do than have fox on for background noise can believe in this chitt.

From Obamas birth certificate, to his golfing, to his fancy dinners, to his vacations, to his children, to his friends, to his clothes, to his bowing, to his being black and now bengazi, the republicans are pinning their hopes on more useless hearings wasting tax payer dollars in the millions while the country suffers.

Just last week, the republicans in the house passed a bill to take away overtime pay from hourly workers and replace that with unpaid time off and this affects some of you still young enough to work, and for you old goats, it affects your grandchildren and yet, all you can drone on about is BENGAZI.

You all have your priorities backwards.

Pathetic bunch.



These old school right wing political tactics just dont work anymore folks. The younger generations can see right through the agenda of Fox News and right wing radio. Karl Rove and Twitt Robme spent how much to beat Obama?

The Bengazi attack is over and done. The facts are in and the military has stated WE COULD NOT GET TO THE EMBASSY IN TIME TO HELP THE WORKERS.

Maybe Fox news and right wing radio should JUST FOCUS ON NEW IDEAS TO MAKE AMERICA BETTER. Instead of constantly being negative and attacking Obama.

And speaking of new(old actually) Republican ideas.:wink2: You have to love this idea of taking away overtime pay and replacing it with comp time. Good luck getting time off with your comp time.:sick: Because the company you work for isnt going to hire more workers to cover for you when you are off.


Well-Known Member
Benghazi and the IRS scandal could be the watershed events that bury this administration. If nothing else, make it so ineffective and weak, it cannot get anything done.

One of the potential impeachment charges against Nixon had to do with the IRS politicizing policy. Hyper-politics, arrogance and the intoxication effect of power, is getting this administration (as it did with Nixon) into big trouble.

The IRS thing was already explained. It WILL NOT BE A WATERSHED MOMENT. If the TEA PARTY groups arent cheating on the tax codes then whats the difference? Do you really think the avg. American cares if political groups are checked out by the IRS? Most Americans hate the TEA PARTY.


golden ticket member
The difference being........when you get audited by the IRS, it's usually not that they have money to give to you.......it's usually about you owing more money to them. Did theycollect more money from these people? Did they give ulcers to these people?
This wasn't just some underlings being bored with nothing to do............Somebody ordered it !!!


Well-Known Member
Hey BUG, tell us please, WHAT DIFFERENCE WOULD IT MAKE TODAY if the description of events was different on that fateful night? Would these people have been saved?

If you say they "might have" then you would know more than the head of CIA and Defense department who testified that the event was over long before any help could have been sent militarily.

Maybe you missed that part?

Until then, you cling to a phoney contoversy stirred up by the kooks of the right wing spin machine. You all want the "TRUTH" but, you ALL dont know what the truth is. You just "HOPE" its different than what you heard.

The republicans as well as their followers ( like yourselves) are desperate to hang on to power in the house. You havent learned your lessons from the 2012 elections. Nonstop hearings on useless events paid no dividends in the election.... Nonstop pandering by FOX news and their counterparts on right wing radio paid no dividends.

Radio meatheads like Sean Hannitys "stop Obama express" amounted to nothing more than wasted air time.

The american voting majority clearly REJECTED these types of political tactics and the voters have made their voices heard. STFU already and run the country.

NOT ONE of the phoney issues that the GOP/Republican/Fox news/ right wing radio or talking heads spoke of in 2012 got any traction from the majority of the country. Just those of you in the backwoods with one channel on the dish or those in retirement homes with nothing better to do than have fox on for background noise can believe in this chitt.

From Obamas birth certificate, to his golfing, to his fancy dinners, to his vacations, to his children, to his friends, to his clothes, to his bowing, to his being black and now bengazi, the republicans are pinning their hopes on more useless hearings wasting tax payer dollars in the millions while the country suffers.

Just last week, the republicans in the house passed a bill to take away overtime pay from hourly workers and replace that with unpaid time off and this affects some of you still young enough to work, and for you old goats, it affects your grandchildren and yet, all you can drone on about is BENGAZI.

You all have your priorities backwards.

Pathetic bunch.



These old school right wing political tactics just dont work anymore folks. The younger generations can see right through the agenda of Fox News and right wing radio. Karl Rove and Twitt Robme spent how much to beat Obama?

The Bengazi attack is over and done. The facts are in and the military has stated WE COULD NOT GET TO THE EMBASSY IN TIME TO HELP THE WORKERS.

Maybe Fox news and right wing radio should JUST FOCUS ON NEW IDEAS TO MAKE AMERICA BETTER. Instead of constantly being negative and attacking Obama.

And speaking of new(old actually) Republican ideas.:wink2: You have to love this idea of taking away overtime pay and replacing it with comp time. Good luck getting time off with your comp time.:sick: Because the company you work for isnt going to hire more workers to cover for you when you are off.

Ugh....amazing. A clearly biased left wing nut media spews half truths and lies 24/7-365 and all the silver tails from the 60's are "teaching" in schools and colleges across the country....having no influence whatsoever on anyone? Seriously?

This community organizers administration has more people on feed stamps than ever before in our history....panders to illegals that aren't required to show ID for ER visits or anything else they are now entitled to....gee, that sure couldn't have gotten him any more votes huh???

The majority of Americans have no clue what actual limited government "freedom" is in this country any more.. And you ostriches play right into the trap of the media BS on both sides who try to pin us against each other! STOP IT!

Wake up. If its not already too late that is.


Staff member
The real problem is that the IRS has been used illegally by both sides for these intimidating tactics. The party in power remains relatively silent as the party out of power poses in front of news camera displaying shock and outrage at these unAmerican activities.


Well-Known Member
The real problem is that the IRS has been used illegally by both sides for these intimidating tactics. The party in power remains relatively silent as the party out of power poses in front of news camera displaying shock and outrage at these unAmerican activities.

It's OK because at some point in the future the parties in and out of power will swap places and that goes for in front of the camera too. The important part is to keep the narrative alive so that the masses don't think beyond what is in front of their faces. I always like to look and see what's not being covered and that is where one wants to spend their time looking but then one would realize the political puppet show taking place and well you know what happens after that. And that's the last thing they want!


Well-Known Member
The real problem is that the IRS has been used illegally by both sides for these intimidating tactics. The party in power remains relatively silent as the party out of power poses in front of news camera displaying shock and outrage at these unAmerican activities.
Undisputed fact. Both sides have used it.

I am conservative, but truth, is truth.

Both sides have leaned on it as a probe to those they did not care for.