Embassy Attacks


Well-Known Member
Ugh....amazing. A clearly biased left wing nut media spews half truths and lies 24/7-365 and all the silver tails from the 60's are "teaching" in schools and colleges across the country....having no influence whatsoever on anyone? Seriously?

This community organizers administration has more people on feed stamps than ever before in our history....panders to illegals that aren't required to show ID for ER visits or anything else they are now entitled to....gee, that sure couldn't have gotten him any more votes huh???

The majority of Americans have no clue what actual limited government "freedom" is in this country any more.. And you ostriches play right into the trap of the media BS on both sides who try to pin us against each other! STOP IT!

Wake up. If its not already too late that is.

I am awake and I can see the politics of Benghazi being played on both sides. The Republicans are just trying to make a TV commercial for upcoming elections. Are they not?


And where IS THE LEFT WING MEDIA? I listen to alot of talk radio and Id like to know where it is? And dont tell me NPR is left wing. its not.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Ugh....amazing. A clearly biased left wing nut media spews half truths and lies 24/7-365 and all the silver tails from the 60's are "teaching" in schools and colleges across the country....having no influence whatsoever on anyone? Seriously?

This community organizers administration has more people on feed stamps than ever before in our history....panders to illegals that aren't required to show ID for ER visits or anything else they are now entitled to....gee, that sure couldn't have gotten him any more votes huh???

The majority of Americans have no clue what actual limited government "freedom" is in this country any more.. And you ostriches play right into the trap of the media BS on both sides who try to pin us against each other! STOP IT!

Wake up. If its not already too late that is.


So, I gather that YOU dont have an explanation of why your "OUTRAGED" over Bengazi either?

Somehow, you want to drape yourself in the constitution as protection for your political ignorance?

For the last 4 years, the GOP, FOX NEWS, FOX NEWS OPINION hosts, Right wing radio and EVERY Talking head who comes onto FOX news everyday with the whole constitution draped around their necks couldnt MOVE THIS country into their direction.

The majority voting americans REJECTED this tactic in 2012 and sent the GOP packing.

"WE" know that the people who overtly drape themselves in the constitution DONT HAVE THE FIRST UNDERSTANDING of what the constitution means. Its merely something to repeat. Glen Beck tried it, and got kicked off the air. Limbaugh tries it, and his profits sink to new lows. Hannity attempts it and his listening audience gets OLDER and OLDER.

OLD PEOPLE watch fox news for "news", but they they are soo old, they dont know the difference between NEWS and MAKE BELIEVE. The elder folks that watch FOX news will listen to anything fox news has to tell them no matter how unbelieveable it is.

You talk about freedom, but really dont know what youre talking about. I bet you supported President BUSH's Patriot Act, even though it TOOK AWAY YOUR BASIC FREEDOMS, but today, your all about "smaller goverment".

That is a joke.




Well-Known Member
Undisputed fact. Both sides have used it.

I am conservative, but truth, is truth.

Both sides have leaned on it as a probe to those they did not care for.

Making the flat tax look better and better.....what a marvelous thought....with one swoop imagine the amount of bureaucracy we'd be rid of! And what a better start to the downsizing of a wasteful over inflated government!


Well-Known Member
I am awake and I can see the politics of Benghazi being played on both sides. The Republicans are just trying to make a TV commercial for upcoming elections. Are they not?


And where IS THE LEFT WING MEDIA? I listen to alot of talk radio and Id like to know where it is? And dont tell me NPR is left wing. its not.

I don't know about anyone else but me.....and it wouldn't matter to me who was in power right now.....I'd be just as critical. As should any freedom loving American.


Well-Known Member
Oh please...NPR is totally bias liberal bile! They receive federal funds, why on earth would they bite the hand that feeds them? Especially given the latest crap going on in the IRS.......how much more evidence to you government trusters need??? Screw party lines, downsize DC NOW!



Well-Known Member
Oh please...NPR is totally bias liberal bile! They receive federal funds, why on earth would they bite the hand that feeds them? Especially given the latest crap going on in the IRS.......how much more evidence to you government trusters need???...

Actually a very small percentage of NPR's budget is from the federal government...it's majority listener-funded.

And, for what it's worth, Benghazi has been almost NPR daily since it happened, more so this week. The IRS issue has received daily coverage and analysis as well.

What you won't find on NPR is the histrionics of certain other media - from my perspective, they try to showcase both sides of whatever issue they present.



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
It is amazing because I have a different view, I get accused of being a Fox News addict. I have a radio in my truck, it gets one channel. I have 3 hrs of a far left luny, from 6-9, a middle of the road guy from 9-12, local, rush from 12-3 and another leftist from 3-6 local guy also, and baseball, basketball, foot ball all local from 6 to whenever. I decided what I was, based on this radio, clear channel.
Right now Im watching American Pickers, And last night storage wars, and alligator hunters. I hardly bow to the beast of any station to form an opinion. But you can and will think what you want to.
If the joke is on tooner, so be it. I think its a dirty,dirty, thing going on. I hope I am wrong. I really do. But in the meantime, I don't know who is more insulting. But I do know I do not usually insult anyone for having a different view. Somehow I manage to work along side people who think like some of you. I remain friends with them, and neither they nor I call each other pathetic, or uninformed. I don't accuse them of listening to only one station or news source. We share our thoughts, disagree and move on. Pity we cannot do that here.


Well-Known Member
What the hell do you know about mental illness and crying is not indicative of mental illness.

No AJ, I was quoting from the previously posted blog and pointing out how over-the-top the blog's author is.

I don't know where the author found it, but the quote I posted is right below a picture of John Boehner with tears in his eyes.

Whomever the blog author is, they have a lot of hate for Republicans and Democrats alike.

When I said 'classic', it was in reference to the rabidity of the blog author...


Age quod agis
If the joke is on tooner, so be it. I think its a dirty,dirty, thing going on. I hope I am wrong. I really do. But in the meantime, I don't know who is more insulting. But I do know I do not usually insult anyone for having a different view. Somehow I manage to work along side people who think like some of you. I remain friends with them, and neither they nor I call each other pathetic, or uninformed. I don't accuse them of listening to only one station or news source. We share our thoughts, disagree and move on. Pity we cannot do that here.



Age quod agis
No AJ, I was quoting from the previously posted blog and pointing out how over-the-top the blog's author is.

I don't know where the author found it, but the quote I posted is right below a picture of John Boehner with tears in his eyes.

Whomever the blog author is, they have a lot of hate for Republicans and Democrats alike.

When I said 'classic', it was in reference to the rabidity of the blog author...

Mac explained it was a quote that I missed.


Age quod agis

So, I gather that YOU dont have an explanation of why your "OUTRAGED" over Bengazi either?

Somehow, you want to drape yourself in the constitution as protection for your political ignorance?

For the last 4 years, the GOP, FOX NEWS, FOX NEWS OPINION hosts, Right wing radio and EVERY Talking head who comes onto FOX news everyday with the whole constitution draped around their necks couldnt MOVE THIS country into their direction.

The majority voting americans REJECTED this tactic in 2012 and sent the GOP packing.

"WE" know that the people who overtly drape themselves in the constitution DONT HAVE THE FIRST UNDERSTANDING of what the constitution means. Its merely something to repeat. Glen Beck tried it, and got kicked off the air. Limbaugh tries it, and his profits sink to new lows. Hannity attempts it and his listening audience gets OLDER and OLDER.

OLD PEOPLE watch fox news for "news", but they they are soo old, they dont know the difference between NEWS and MAKE BELIEVE. The elder folks that watch FOX news will listen to anything fox news has to tell them no matter how unbelieveable it is.

You talk about freedom, but really dont know what youre talking about. I bet you supported President BUSH's Patriot Act, even though it TOOK AWAY YOUR BASIC FREEDOMS, but today, your all about "smaller goverment".

That is a joke.



How do you know so much about Fox News?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

How do you know so much about Fox News?

I pay attention to details. It doesnt take a genious to figure out the motives of a politically operated television channel. Further, I pay attention to the reality of that channels history. FOX NEWS was sued for reporting false stories on the air, and had it NOT been for RIGHT WING appellate courts overturning decisions against the channel, they would be punished for false news reporting.

FOX NEWS OWN lawyers argued in the Florida state supreme court that it was "OK TO LIE ON THE AIR" and those lies were protected "FREE SPEECH" under the US Constitution.

For a "NEWS" channel to argue that "LYING" to the public in public broadcasts is ok, then, that alone disqualifies them as a reliable news channel. FOX NEWS parent owner, Rupert Murdoch is a scumbag along with his degenerate son, who BOTH are close to getting thrown out of the UK for their deceptive practices.

Many countries BAN FOX NEWS from being shown because of their "FALSE REPORTING".

The cable giant is nothing more than a political mouthpiece for the GOP/REPUBLICAN machine. ALL of its lineup of hosts express nothing more than their "PERSONAL OPINIONS" on issues and none of them can back up anything they say on the air.

Each hour, its the same nonsense... "SOME SAY", "THERE ARE THOSE THAT SAY", "PEOPLE SAY". "ITS BEEN SAID", "SOME IN CONGRESS" , "SOME IN THE SENATE",.... the same old lines of someone or somebody saying something that is never proven.

Same talking heads come on and repeat the days political talking points.. Monica Crowley, is the latest meathead willing to sell her soul to say the most ridiculous things about the president. What does she have to lose? Her career ended years ago, and she found some resurection on FOX during the 2012 elections despite being WRONG on every issue she spoke about.

She made predictions on many things during 2012, and in EACH CASE, she was WRONG, yet, the base viewers of FOX still eat up the chitt she is cooking.

As long as FOX presents the "ANTI" OBAMA rhetoric its base desires, then even donkey doo would taste like filet mignon.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Since I originally asked for someone to explain what the "OUTRAGE" was over bengazi, NOT ONE OF YOU CAN DO SO.. I find this hilarious.

You people dont have the FIRST CLUE what the issues are regarding Bengazi, and all you seem to know is that you are being told to be pissed off, so you are.

I challenged any of you, and yet, we have pages diverting away from the question.

Talking points, and more talking points. Comparing Bengazi to watergate and such is a joke.

This will end up being another ginormous waste of time for the republicans.




Strength through joy
Tos is the BC's expert on all things relating to Fox News , Rush Limbaugh , WH false talking points and racists name calling .


Well-Known Member
Outrage, indeed!

Oh wait, where was the clamor over the multiple lives lost in embassy attacks during Dubya's turn at the helm?

(the irony!)...:wink2:


Well-Known Member
Outrage, indeed!

Oh wait, where was the clamor over the multiple lives lost in embassy attacks during Dubya's turn at the helm?

(the irony!)...:wink2:

The whole thing is a play, a theatrical performance par excellence. The deeper question is why were Stevens and the rest even there to begin with? When one understands this as a CIA op to move Libyan SA-7 surface to air missiles from Libyan hands and into the hands of Al Qaeda jihadists otherwise known as Syrian rebels, then the "theater of the stars" performance becomes more understandable.

When the so-called good guys are in reality playing both sides of the street, I dare say the republican flag wavers will only grandstand this thing so far until they get the mileage out of it and then like a fart, it will disappear into the wind.

Here's a real intrigue for you. The democrat party power players (the unseen ones) don't want Hillary in 2016' so she gets sliced and diced to save Obama's legacy while tarnishing her own towards un-electibility and the next favorite son moves up the food chain. Who knows, maybe it's the GOP's turn at the helm.

You really think the treachery of Rome died with the Julio/Claudian and Flavian Dynasties?


Well-Known Member
Since I originally asked for someone to explain what the "OUTRAGE" was over bengazi, NOT ONE OF YOU CAN DO SO.. I find this hilarious.

You people dont have the FIRST CLUE what the issues are regarding Bengazi, and all you seem to know is that you are being told to be pissed off, so you are.

I challenged any of you, and yet, we have pages diverting away from the question.

Talking points, and more talking points. Comparing Bengazi to watergate and such is a joke.

This will end up being another ginormous waste of time for the republicans.



The outrage is obvious. Or it at least should be to anyone with an open mind. Less then two months before a crucial election that would have meant an obvious shift in power and control of a lot of things.....this administration lied. And they've been caught in the lie. And you guys still deem it some sort of Fox News conspiracy. Now the IRS is infringing on the first amendment rights of some groups and this administration still uses terms like "if this is happening" EVEN AFTER THE IRS HAS ADMITTED TO IT!!!!!



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
The outrage is obvious. Or it at least should be to anyone with an open mind. Less then two months before a crucial election that would have meant an obvious shift in power and control of a lot of things.....this administration lied. And they've been caught in the lie. And you guys still deem it some sort of Fox News conspiracy. Now the IRS is infringing on the first amendment rights of some groups and this administration still uses terms like "if this is happening" EVEN AFTER THE IRS HAS ADMITTED TO IT!!!!!

Stunning indeed. A here and now event, and they want to go back in history. Why the heck are they called progressive? Isnt that regressive?

What is the outrage? Ah gee maybe because it was a blatant lie, that the attack was caused by a video, because someone made that up, so the word terror was not uttered?

Or could it be because they did nothing, for months, to protect an embassy, who had requested more security, before budget cuts and sequestration were even in the picture.
Could it be because witnesses have stepped down from jobs and came forward with the fact, that the phone calls never said anything about a video, yet they continued to lie, and had other people lie as well. And the phone calls for help went unanswered. No one knew if this attack would be over in minutes, or days. People could have been sent, people wanted to go, someone told them no. Yet still Seals went, and unfortunately lost their lives, trying to do what they were trained to do, save lives, rescue people, and got ZERO back up. Thank you Hillary and Obama.
And I still say, if you are not outraged, about this, you are not paying attention. And it would not matter one bit to me if it had ben dubya as you all call him. I do not stand by my man when hes wrong. But this is not about the past this is about NOW. So whatever did or did not happen before I do not care. Its over. This is here now, and important.