Embassy Attacks


Well-Known Member
Ha, "Heads SHOULD ROLL" ought to be the headline. Too many corrupt libs have sadly been elected in DC of late for things like justice to happen. You know, things like accountability and character mean nothing to this lot and the ilk that defend them.


Strength through joy
[h=2]Benghazi Ad That Never Ran[/h] If only Willard Milquetoast had been less interested in convincing vicious media attack dogs that he is a nice guy and more concerned with winning the election so that the country might be saved, this ad would have been running last fall:

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RNC leadership approved the devastating ad, but the Romney camp nixed it, reportedly so as to “focus on the economy.”


golden ticket member
Maybe the smoke in the West Wing in the press room was a diversion away from Benghazi......OR......maybe it was a threat to the press to cool it with the Benghazi questions. Hmmmmm!!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
What is not true? Issa did some nasty things when he was an adult, beside voting to cut the budget for overseas State Department security.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
What is not true? Issa did some nasty things when he was an adult, beside voting to cut the budget for overseas State Department security.

Neither of which have anything to do with the attack on the embassy and the cover up.

But , when you can't debate the facts, attack the messenger... or the poster.


golden ticket member


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I would like to think, that as Americans we could get the facts, and then judge. For one if Mr. Stevens went to Benghazi without a plan filed, then maybe that is why no help was sent. I can keep an open mind, even though it is known I clearly think the President is over his head, incompetent, and at times an out right liar. But he is still the president, as unfortunate as that may be. I want the truth about fast and furious, Benghazi, Obamacare. We can argue all day, night and for years about what other presidents did wrong, or right. But this is current, this is now, and I for one will keep on my senators and congressmen, and women to get the whole truth. The fact that they are lying about what was done/not done is what irks me. Just admit it if you made a mistake. Quit lying.