Embassy Attacks


Well-Known Member
When you list happenings of years ago....you have to see that leaders are different, circumstances were different too.

Was help sent ? Did they just arrive too late ?
"I won't blame Bush, but here's the bad he did" ............ really?

Since Kennedy was killed I don't see convertibles in the parade of cars carrying the pres. Crap happens and things change.

Not even a blue stained dress will wake up the ostriches. It's still just a right wing conspiracy. :P


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No, CIA operatives (in this case) are supposed to be sequestered, monitored and have frequent lie detectors given to enhance their self esteem... :happy-very:

I'd say that the problem with government is that they don't talk when we need them to....But of course they can listen to us talk anytime they feel like it..

Hmm, something is wrong with that..and something stinks about Benghazi....

Agreed, something does stink about Benghazi. I think the stench comes from an unauthorized plan that was carried out without the knowledge of the State Dept or the White House. It wouldn't be the first time.


golden ticket member
Agreed, something does stink about Benghazi. I think the stench comes from an unauthorized plan that was carried out without the knowledge of the State Dept or the White House. It wouldn't be the first time.

That would make Hillary and Barack innocent.......NOT !!!

How come the injured from last Sept. 11th aren't being interviewed ? Why were they supposedly forced to sign disclosures? What were they paid off with ? Too many questions remain just to sweep things under the rug..


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Maybe they are covert CIA and what they were doing there is not something that should be publicly disclosed? That could be one explanation.


nowhere special
It does smell like a CIA operation but there is no way that it was going on without the approval of the State Dept. That is why the stalling and cover up - to prevent what really happened coming to light. The real scandal of Benghazi is the lies and cover up, not the 4 deaths there (while tragic but would not have generated a scandal if the administration admitted what really happened - which they still haven't done).


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
It does smell like a CIA operation but there is no way that it was going on without the approval of the State Dept. That is why the stalling and cover up - to prevent what really happened coming to light. The real scandal of Benghazi is the lies and cover up, not the 4 deaths there (while tragic but would not have generated a scandal if the administration admitted what really happened - which they still haven't done).

Yeah, there has never, ever been a rogue CIA operation. They always operate within the law and with full approval of the SOS and POTUS.


Well-Known Member
It does smell like a CIA operation but there is no way that it was going on without the approval of the State Dept. That is why the stalling and cover up - to prevent what really happened coming to light. The real scandal of Benghazi is the lies and cover up, not the 4 deaths there (while tragic but would not have generated a scandal if the administration admitted what really happened - which they still haven't done).


That is not always true about the State Dept. having the position of approval. The focus seems to be targeted on the victims as a means to a political "gotcha" but one needs to drill deeper to see why all the players were there in the first place and just what was this place and it's purpose to begin with? This opens a far bigger door and then the question arises if the victims were either hero or may have in fact been villains. Why were surface to air missiles floating around the area and then not long after, a ship set sail from the port in Benghazi and docked in Syria with those missiles going to Al Qaeda connected rebels that US policy backed? Where does looking for that answer take the one who dares to look?


Staff member

That is not always true about the State Dept. having the position of approval. The focus seems to be targeted on the victims as a means to a political "gotcha" but one needs to drill deeper to see why all the players were there in the first place and just what was this place and it's purpose to begin with? This opens a far bigger door and then the question arises if the victims were either hero or may have in fact been villains. Why were surface to air missiles floating around the area and then not long after, a ship set sail from the port in Benghazi and docked in Syria with those missiles going to Al Qaeda connected rebels that US policy backed? Where does looking for that answer take the one who dares to look?
And that brings us to questioning whether that operation is still ongoing.


Staff member
It does smell like a CIA operation but there is no way that it was going on without the approval of the State Dept. That is why the stalling and cover up - to prevent what really happened coming to light. The real scandal of Benghazi is the lies and cover up, not the 4 deaths there (while tragic but would not have generated a scandal if the administration admitted what really happened - which they still haven't done).
Maybe the operation is still going on. Silence on such an operation is neither a cover up nor a scandal, it is an imperative.


Well-Known Member
And that brings us to questioning whether that operation is still ongoing.

Being the missiles showed up in Syria would seem to suggest that is the case. Not only are we financing and outfitting Jabhat Al-Nursa but now trace these guys all the way back to Chechnya and then see the CIA fingerprints there through the Jamestown Foundation for example. Interesting that the older Tsarneav brother attended a meeting conducted by the Jamestown Foundation on his final visit to Chechnya before he and his bother went on their own rampage.

So that gov't you love and defend so blindly, whose side are they really on?

Now the question is, whose side are you really on?



Staff member
Being the missiles showed up in Syria would seem to suggest that is the case. Not only are we financing and outfitting Jabhat Al-Nursa but now trace these guys all the way back to Chechnya and then see the CIA fingerprints there through the Jamestown Foundation for example. Interesting that the older Tsarneav brother attended a meeting conducted by the Jamestown Foundation on his final visit to Chechnya before he and his bother went on their own rampage.

So that gov't you love and defend so blindly, whose side are they really on?

Now the question is, whose side are you really on?


Sadly, I have no idea. I once thought that I was a pacifist, but I'm not. I wouldn't be surprised to see the government ruthlessly playing one side against another to some vague endgame. War, like love and politics is a twisted, messy, sordid affair.


nowhere special
It is possible it was a rogue CIA operation and State Dept didn't know about it before the attacks, but they certainly know now and are participating in the cover up. State can't blame CIA for the changing stories of what happened and the push to convince everyone there was nothing there and it has been fully investigated. As Hillary said, "what difference does it make?" is the attitude of administration. And the administration is definitely trying to hide what really happened there.


nowhere special
still lies and cover up and if they didn't have knowledge of it before they certainly do now and if it is ongoing then with approval from administration


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still lies and cover up and if they didn't have knowledge of it before they certainly do now and if it is ongoing then with approval from administration

So you are suggesting that the cover be blown for numerous CIA employees and local collaborators? Who do you think you are? Dick Cheney?


Staff member
Of course it's with the administration's approval. But that doesn't mean they should disclose the details of covert operations.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Being silent, and lying about YouTube video created ruckuses are two very different things.

Going on talk shows - lying, going to the U.N. and lying. It is about a political cover up nothing more. The gang from Chicago knows all to well what phony is all about. They invented the word. :happy-very:


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Going on talk shows - lying, going to the U.N. and lying. It is about a political cover up nothing more. The gang from Chicago knows all to well what phony is all about. They invented the word. :happy-very:

Same could be said of the lead up to Iraq and the Bush administration.