Not interested in bashing Bush, but more interested in a little context.
If the Benghazi attack had happened under a hypothetical McCain Presidency, my guess is it wouldn't have turned into the 'issue' it is now, just like it never turned into an 'issue' under GW, HW, Clinton, Reagan, etc.
To be fair, the current administrations' handling of Benghazi was idiotic, foolish, and possibly politically motivated.
If you think Republicans are immune to playing politics with dead Americans, I'd point you toward 9/11 and the 'wars' in Afghanistan and Iraq, both of which are much better catalysts for expressing outrage about dead Americans, IMO.
And if you're interested, you might also check out WWI, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, etc...each and every one of those conflicts suffers from a serious display of realpolitik on both sides of the aisle...