Embassy Attacks


Well-Known Member
Spin it anyway you like. This adm went out of its way to make up a lie to cover their sorry pathetic @sses while our ambassador and Navy Seals where attacked and killed. Period.


golden ticket member
Of course it's with the administration's approval. But that doesn't mean they should disclose the details of covert operations.

Any covert action would be different in Benghazi than in say, Japan.
Disclosing the details about Benghazi is OK now that it has blown up!!!


Well-Known Member
Ad them lie about a efffing video and an ensuing riot rather than an outright ATTACK because that looks bad just weeks before a crucial ELECTION.

My God....,, stunning.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
That assumes that the CIA has wrapped up shop. I highly doubt that is the case.

No, they're still running arms to the Syrian rebels (Al Qaeda) through Libya. Thus all the very recent warnings not to travel to many places in the middle east prolly because of the newly acquired hell fire missiles that have been given to them by US... It certainly would be a sad self inflicted tragedy if a commercial airliner flying into Turkey was shot down by one! But then again what do I know...Nothing if this is being read by someone it wasn't intended for........:surprised:

State Department issues travel alert for Americans abroad

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Well-Known Member
No wonder Valerie Plame was outer. Republicans don't know what the CIA does!:)

Valeria Plame was outted for the simple reason that B Jennings was about to expose various interest from the country of Turkey, Pakistan/ISI and the A. Q. Kahn network along with the Israeli's who were all running a secret black market nuclear arms game. The US used this network of Turkey and Pakistan as go betweens to build Israel's supposed off books nuclear arsenal while Turkey and Pakistan themselves enjoy certain considerations and protections. Former CIA agent Richard Barlow just like Plame was outted and destroyed by Marc Grossman and Stephen Hadley, both big time Neo-Cons and Barlow like Plame knew the truth about the nuclear weapons market and who the real global wheeler dealers really were. Had Barlow and Plame not been taken down, the odds of the real truth in global WMD would come out, it will one day, and the American public would have to face themselves in the mirror.

Strike up the national anthem, unfurl the flag and speak of the great city on the hill and we'll believe any bullschitt fed to us.
We Americans are such easy suckers!


Strength through joy
With all the leaks coming out of this administration , our national secrets are no longer secret , it's not common knowledge yet because the media refuses to inform the people .


Well-Known Member
:wink2: I would expect all of us to agree that life is really short.

With the freedoms we have in this country along with the freedoms we grew up with --I am just shocked that many people live their short lives in a state of "Contradiction"...

for example : I hate all evil Corporations ---yet I work and spend most of my life at one of the largest Corporations.

America is evil and always has been --------pull a Snowden --at least he had the courage to leave--I am sure Putin has plenty of room

I believe Corporations are the backbone of the greatest Country in the History of the world.


Well-Known Member
:wink2: I would expect all of us to agree that life is really short.

With the freedoms we have in this country along with the freedoms we grew up with --I am just shocked that many people live their short lives in a state of "Contradiction"...

for example : I hate all evil Corporations ---yet I work and spend most of my life at one of the largest Corporations.

America is evil and always has been --------pull a Snowden --at least he had the courage to leave--I am sure Putin has plenty of room

I believe Corporations are the backbone of the greatest Country in the History of the world.

Corporations by definition are nothing but a legal fiction granted certain privileges by statute.

To ascribe greatness to a legal fiction and then roll that forward as a reason a collective of humans are great IMO is the contradiction.


:wink2: I would expect all of us to agree that life is really short.

With the freedoms we have in this country along with the freedoms we grew up with --I am just shocked that many people live their short lives in a state of "Contradiction"...

for example : I hate all evil Corporations ---yet I work and spend most of my life at one of the largest Corporations.

America is evil and always has been --------pull a Snowden --at least he had the courage to leave--I am sure Putin has plenty of room

I believe Corporations are the backbone of the greatest Country in the History of the world.
If evil is greatness, then you are 100% correct = corporations are the backbone of greatness.
And "earning a living wage" is a compulsory ideal in America, depending upon where you live, there are not many alternatives = so working for a large corporation is largely slavery.