Embassy Attacks


Well-Known Member
This is just like the cable news ratings --do not hold your breath for the source.

Neilson cable and tv has Fox News in commanding leads in all age categories for Cable news ---but tos has claimed that is not true--but does not supply a CABLE NEWS rating system that defends his position.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
2 million? Where is your source for that number?

The video was pulled down after the rioting in several countries, at the time, it had over 2 million views. Why do you think the rioting at our embassies started on 9/11?

Do you think they had nothing to do and just "coincedentally" mentioned the video that YOU claim had hardly any views..?

( i realize the fox news and especially Rush Limbaugh viewpoint is that nobody saw the video, Limbaugh says that everyday)


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This is just like the cable news ratings --do not hold your breath for the source.

Neilson cable and tv has Fox News in commanding leads in all age categories for Cable news ---but tos has claimed that is not true--but does not supply a CABLE NEWS rating system that defends his position.

CABLE NEWS , CABLE NEWS. Lets see, CNN, MSNBC, HLN, FOX.... its not the highest in ALL NEWS, just cable news.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This is just like the cable news ratings --do not hold your breath for the source.

Neilson cable and tv has Fox News in commanding leads in all age categories for Cable news ---but tos has claimed that is not true--but does not supply a CABLE NEWS rating system that defends his position.

Island, your beloved FOX news "#1 in cable news ratings" has an audience of roughly 1.7 million people per hour in their lineup of :censored2:bags.... But lets look at the EVENING NEWS shows, you know the ones, ABC, NBC, CBS

• Total Viewers:10,474,0009,400,0008,357,000
• A25-54:2,821,0002,703,000

NBC alone has over 10 million viewers for the evening news compared to fox 1.1 million in that same time slot.

ABC alone has over 9.4 million viewers for that same time slot.

CBS alone has over 8.3 million viewer for that same time slot.

DO the math ISLAND... thats 27.7 million viewers compared to FOX 1.1 million.

Do yourself a favor, give up this fight. FOX is a distortion source for the right wing to feed their desperation.



nowhere special
The video was pulled down after the rioting in several countries, at the time, it had over 2 million views. Why do you think the rioting at our embassies started on 9/11?

Do you think they had nothing to do and just "coincedentally" mentioned the video that YOU claim had hardly any views..?

( i realize the fox news and especially Rush Limbaugh viewpoint is that nobody saw the video, Limbaugh says that everyday)


The rioting had nothing to do with the video and there were only a few thousand hits before the attack when it did surge to millions because of the publicity. And again you show your ability to invent facts by being unable to support your statements.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

here is a timeline of events leading up to the 9/11 uprisings in the middle east... (ever wonder why fox news doesnt cover this part of the story?)


On July 1, 2012, a 14-minute-trailer of the film was uploaded to YouTube by "sambacile", thought to be one of Nakoula's aliases. Weeks later, right-wing Washington DC-based Coptic activist Morris Sadek sent the link to Gamel Girgis, an Egyptian reporter who writes about emigrant Copts for al-Youm al-Sabaa, a newspaper in Cairo.

Interest in the film then spread throughout the Egyptian media, with al-Nas channel presenter Khaled Abdullah, an ultraconservative Salafi, showing the clip dubbed into Arabic on September 8. Days later, violent protests broke out in two Muslim nations, as a firestorm was unleashed against US diplomatic posts.


Gee, I wonder why Limbaugh never mentions this when he drones on about Bengazi?


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Go figure that it would be a RIGHT WING NUT who sends the video to the middle east and kicks off this mess...

Sounds like it was planned by the right wing of this country.



nowhere special
Does Limbaugh drone on about Benghazi? I don't listen to him. You seem to be a conservative at heart because of all the time you spend watching Fox and Limbaugh.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Does Limbaugh drone on about Benghazi? I don't listen to him. You seem to be a conservative at heart because of all the time you spend watching Fox and Limbaugh.

I guess you were unable to respond to the actual timelines of the attacks because of the video. I figured you werent. In several countries, YOUTUBE was blocked so the video could no longer be seen.

If nobody watched the video as limbaugh and fox news claims, why did countries have to go to the extreme of blocking youtube when it refused to take it down initially??

I wont hold my breath for your answer, I already know you dont have the answer.



nowhere special
I guess you were unable to respond to the actual timelines of the attacks because of the video. I figured you werent. In several countries, YOUTUBE was blocked so the video could no longer be seen.

If nobody watched the video as limbaugh and fox news claims, why did countries have to go to the extreme of blocking youtube when it refused to take it down initially??

I wont hold my breath for your answer, I already know you dont have the answer.


I already posted a source of the times. You failed to respond with any proof of your comments other than more of your own creative fiction.


Strength through joy
I started this thread because no one else had.
It was a story from a non-usa media source , who interviewed the owner of the compound that the USA was using .
He stated that prior to the "riot" the streets were clear until men with guns arrived and ordered he & his neighbors back inside of their own homes .
He also interviewed other locals who worked at the embassy that had been told to stay away from work days before .
That report makes tos' arguments worthless .
It was a planned attack .


Well-Known Member
Island, your beloved FOX news "#1 in cable news ratings" has an audience of roughly 1.7 million people per hour in their lineup of :censored2:bags.... But lets look at the EVENING NEWS shows, you know the ones, ABC, NBC, CBS

• Total Viewers:10,474,0009,400,0008,357,000
• A25-54:2,821,0002,703,000

NBC alone has over 10 million viewers for the evening news compared to fox 1.1 million in that same time slot.

ABC alone has over 9.4 million viewers for that same time slot.

CBS alone has over 8.3 million viewer for that same time slot.

DO the math ISLAND... thats 27.7 million viewers compared to FOX 1.1 million.

Do yourself a favor, give up this fight. FOX is a distortion source for the right wing to feed their desperation.



Do YOURSELF a favor --many, many posters have stated we get it !!!--you do not like FOX news.

It is like you are OBSESSED. You claimed you watched it this morning . You claimed it only had "old " people watching it. YOU -YOU YOU --ENOUGH with the fox nonsense --move on.

These references to Fox are super repetitive and are very very old !!!
There should be an ignore button for repetitive dopey Fox news references !!

The fight you try to spin is the disinformation YOU posted claiming poor ratings on Fox cable.