Embassy Attacks


Nine Lives
Shhh.... island and Hoax might find out this picture is talking about them!


I never got into the Benghazi stuff.
They were Government employees in a foreign country where we have no business being.
Just another 4 government employees killed.
You know what they say, "The only good government employee is a dead government employee."


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

I never got into the Benghazi stuff.
They were Government employees in a foreign country where we have no business being.
Just another 4 government employees killed.
You know what they say, "The only good government employee is a dead government employee."
Where would you be without a functioning government?

I'm beginning to think you are either argumentative for the sake of argument, or as clueless as some lucky people living on islands, if you get my drift. ;)


golden ticket member
During the interview today, Bill O’Reilly brought up Benghazi and this one makes my blood boil.

O’Reilly says General Carter Ham testified he told Leon Panetta it was a terror attack. Then Panetta went right into speak to Obama. So O’Reilly asked “did Panetta tell you it was a terrorist attack”?

Obama dances this way and that and refuses to answer the question. It’s very simple. Either he did or he didn’t. But Obama refuses to say. O’Reilly says the question about whether it was a terrorist attack matters because of Susan Rice (because she was sent out to lie on the Sunday talk shows and say it was all because of the video). At this point, Obama broadly smiles and laughs dismissively about the question at around 4:10 of the video.

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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
During the interview today, Bill O’Reilly brought up Benghazi and this one makes my blood boil.

O’Reilly says General Carter Ham testified he told Leon Panetta it was a terror attack. Then Panetta went right into speak to Obama. So O’Reilly asked “did Panetta tell you it was a terrorist attack”?

Obama dances this way and that and refuses to answer the question. It’s very simple. Either he did or he didn’t. But Obama refuses to say. O’Reilly says the question about whether it was a terrorist attack matters because of Susan Rice (because she was sent out to lie on the Sunday talk shows and say it was all because of the video). At this point, Obama broadly smiles and laughs dismissively about the question at around 4:10 of the video.

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IF BENGAZI is all you have to offer in 2016, good luck with that. Desperate people try desperate things. Functioning americans understand that people get killed in war zones, functioning people understand that during BUSH, many "terror" attacks claimed the lives of many diplomats because of poor security.

This isnt a winning strategy, but heck, if its all you got, then go for it. The rest of america laughs.



Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Dear, sweet moreluck, if there is any attack on an American (Westerner) anywhere, be it Mugabe, London or Sochi, and it is done by an extremist group (be they Christian or Muslim), would it be considered terrorism?

Get over it, or ride it to the end.

Your hatred is really disturbing, on so many levels.


golden ticket member
Benghazi is Hillary's Achilles heel. 2016 is over for her. It's something she can't bury. Obama chuckles about the whole thing...........well, his son wasn't ambassador, was he?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
"The rest of america laughs." (TOS)

Explain why you don't capitalize America...........
Benghazi is Hillary's Achilles heel. 2016 is over for her. It's something she can't bury. Obama chuckles about the whole thing...........well, his son wasn't ambassador, was he?

How many Americans (never mind the brown people) died under Bush in HIS wars? How many under Obama trying to clean up Bush's wars?

I'll save you the research, over 4800 under Bush, under 2000 since Obama has been President.

State Dept deaths under Obama=4, Bush = 53.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Benghazi is Hillary's Achilles heel. 2016 is over for her. It's something she can't bury. Obama chuckles about the whole thing...........well, his son wasn't ambassador, was he?

You, more than anyone else on this board ( even though theres a ton of electoral forecast failures here) better not HOPE that Bengazi is YOUR winner ticket. You better take a look at the latest POLLS showing Hillary Clinton leading all candidates by a HUGE margin. 71% in fact.

As for your beloved set of losers, not ONE of the potential candidates can muster more than 21% of the GOP vote. Once again demonstrating, just like in 2012, that they cant field a decent candidate that can take a majority of the GOP voters.

In 2012, in each primary, no candidate could muster a majority and the GOP tore each other apart. It will happen once again in 2016 when the GOP cast of idiots battle amongst themselves and rip each other to shreds. The RNC, led by the same embecile who destroyed the party in 2012 has been entrusted once again to lead the party of idiots, but this time, the RNC has decided NOT to hold as many debates among themselves.

This has proven to be the "Achilles" heel of the GOP. Showcasing each extremist to the country for months until the circus of fools fell out ONE by ONE.

The Michele Bachmans, The Rick Perry's, The Newt Ginrich's, The Mitt Romneys, The Marco Rubio's, The Rand Pauls, The Donald Trumps, The Scott Walkers and Jeb Bushs will all lead the circus once again.

You should really concern yourself with restoring your political party, rather than worrying about Hillary who will STOMP anyone the GOP puts up against her.

You can HATE Hillary all you want, but rest assured, you will have another 8 years to post non stop jibberish from FOXnews, so I gues youll have something to do until 2020.



golden ticket member
How many Americans (never mind the brown people) died under Bush in HIS wars? How many under Obama trying to clean up Bush's wars?

I'll save you the research, over 4800 under Bush, under 2000 since Obama has been President.

State Dept deaths under Obama=4, Bush = 53.

This isn't about who has the most what. This is about Americans asking numerous times for help and the people who ignored their pleas and let them just die instead of at least trying to defend them.

That attack went on for 7 or 8 hours. There was plenty of time. At least look like you're trying.....you can always cancel. Can you even imagine the horror of knowing your country abandoned you?
What did the preezy do? He packed for his Vegas trip the next morning.

Never mind the brown people???? Everything is racist to you? This isn't about race. This is about accountability and responsibility.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This isn't about who has the most what. This is about Americans asking numerous times for help and the people who ignored their pleas and let them just die instead of at least trying to defend them.

That attack went on for 7 or 8 hours. There was plenty of time. At least look like you're trying.....you can always cancel. Can you even imagine the horror of knowing your country abandoned you?
What did the preezy do? He packed for his Vegas trip the next morning.

Never mind the brown people???? Everything is racist to you? This isn't about race. This is about accountability and responsibility.

Poor thing, you can even get the circumstances right about Bengazi, yet, your "OUTRAGED" over it. You should really try and look up the facts rather than just repeat some talking heads "opinion" of what happened in bengazi.

You hear "OPINION" and then accept that as fact.

You should try to do your own research.



Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
***** posting a Fox report doesn't prove anything.

Here's the real report:

And a conclusion reached:

In the main bipartisan report, however, the committee essentially held Stevens himself at least partially accountable for his own death.

******* had asked Washington to beef up security at the Temporary U.S. Mission facility in Benghazi in the months leading up to attacks, based on intelligence assessments and 20 separate security incidents in the area aimed at Western officials. But he also turned down offers of military help from U.S. Africa Command. Its then-commander, Army Gen. ******, offered to extend the tour of a Special Forces team in Tripoli but ****** declined the offer twice, the report said. At the time of the attack, only four Special Operations forces were in the embassy, including two from a unit whose identity is redacted in the report.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
***** posting a Fox report doesn't prove anything.

Here's the real report:

And a conclusion reached:

In the main bipartisan report, however, the committee essentially held Stevens himself at least partially accountable for his own death.

******* had asked Washington to beef up security at the Temporary U.S. Mission facility in Benghazi in the months leading up to attacks, based on intelligence assessments and 20 separate security incidents in the area aimed at Western officials. But he also turned down offers of military help from U.S. Africa Command. Its then-commander, Army Gen. ******, offered to extend the tour of a Special Forces team in Tripoli but ****** declined the offer twice, the report said. At the time of the attack, only four Special Operations forces were in the embassy, including two from a unit whose identity is redacted in the report.

Thats not what she hears bro. She keeps hearing the word "WE" in everything she talks about.



Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
***** posting a Fox report doesn't prove anything.

Here's the real report:

And a conclusion reached:

In the main bipartisan report, however, the committee essentially held Stevens himself at least partially accountable for his own death.

******* had asked Washington to beef up security at the Temporary U.S. Mission facility in Benghazi in the months leading up to attacks, based on intelligence assessments and 20 separate security incidents in the area aimed at Western officials. But he also turned down offers of military help from U.S. Africa Command. Its then-commander, Army Gen. ******, offered to extend the tour of a Special Forces team in Tripoli but ****** declined the offer twice, the report said. At the time of the attack, only four Special Operations forces were in the embassy, including two from a unit whose identity is redacted in the report.
It seems as though the censorship is notched up a level for me. I can't even quote a proper name.

Thanks, mods.