Embassy Attacks

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
How many Americans (never mind the brown people) died under Bush in HIS wars? How many under Obama trying to clean up Bush's wars?

I'll save you the research, over 4800 under Bush, under 2000 since Obama has been President.

State Dept deaths under Obama=4, Bush = 53.


Those 53 deaths arent worth politicizing by the right wing. They mean nothing. The death of our ambassador is the dead horse they want to ride to the GOP defeat in november.



Strength through joy
How many Americans (never mind the brown people) died under Bush in HIS wars? How many under Obama trying to clean up Bush's wars?

I'll save you the research, over 4800 under Bush, under 2000 since Obama has been President.

State Dept deaths under Obama=4, Bush = 53.

And bhos still hasn't completed his 2nd term yet.
So comparing the two is meaningless.


Strength through joy
Let's not forget the head injury Hillary claimed .
Honestly do you really want someone running the country who has memory lapses .


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
"What difference does it make"

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
US EMBASSY's that were attacked on sept 11 2012

""On September 11, 2012, a series of protests and violent attacks began in response to a YouTube trailer for a film called Innocence of Muslims, considered blasphemous by many Muslims. The reactions began at U.S. diplomatic mission in Cairo, Egypt, and quickly spread across the Muslim world to additional U.S. and other countries' diplomatic missions and other locations, with issues beyond the offense at the movie trailer becoming subjects of protest. In Cairo a group scaled the embassy wall and tore down the American flag to replace it with a black Islamic flag.

Also on September 11, a well-known group of local Islamist militants launched a planned attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, killing four Americans. The role of the video in motivating the attack quickly became an ongoing dispute in the American political arena. Numerous eyewitnesses reported that the attackers said they were motivated by the video.[21][22][23][24][25][26] Though Libyan officials initially stated that hundreds of protesters had been present before the attack, later investigations by the U.S. government concluded that no protest took place prior to the attack.[27][28][29][30] Republican critics have accused the Obama Administration of overemphasizing the role of the video in the attack and launched numerous Congressional probes and investigations of the incident.

On September 13, protests occurred at the U.S. embassy in Sana'a, Yemen, resulting in the deaths of four protesters and injuries to thirty-five protesters and guards. On September 14, the U.S. consulate in Chennai was attacked, resulting in injuries to twenty-five protesters.[14] Protesters in Tunis, Tunisia, climbed the U.S. embassy walls and set trees on fire. At least four people were killed and forty-six injured during protests in Tunis on September 15.[6] Further protests were held at U.S. diplomatic missions and other locations in the days following the initial attacks. Related protests and attacks resulted in numerous deaths and injuries across the Middle East, Africa, Pakistan and Afghanistan.""


nowhere special
I'll ask again .
Does anyone one have the number of views to the U Tube clip prior to the Embassy attack ?

I had never heard of that video before the attacks when I searched and saw it. Really crudely made and stupid video. Before the attacks it was only a few thousand hits (if that) but I don't remember the exact number.


Staff member
Does anyone know what the covert CIA mission in Libya was all about? How do you guys get completely deranged about an obvious cover story, fooled into following a small group of actors, and completely miss the overall plot?

Let me guess. You hate Obama and are terrified of a Hillary presidency.


nowhere special
Does anyone know what the covert CIA mission in Libya was all about? How do you guys get completely deranged about an obvious cover story, fooled into following a small group of actors, and completely miss the overall plot?

Let me guess. You hate Obama and are terrified of a Hillary presidency.

No, its a matter of Obama administration lying about events.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Old and gray, did you miss the post showing ALL the embassies attacked on the same day in other countries over the video? How hard do you think it was to connect the Bengazi attacks and the others on the same day at the time it was happening??

But, like most normal people would say, "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE NOW?"

Its over bro. 4 people died. You will never know what the CIA was doing there or what sparked the attack. We do some crazy stuff in other countries that we will never know about.

The CIA had a secret blacksite there and we will never know what was going on. Just like BUSH's blacksites where he was torturing prisoners.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I had never heard of that video before the attacks when I searched and saw it. Really crudely made and stupid video. Before the attacks it was only a few thousand hits (if that) but I don't remember the exact number.

A few thousand hits?? That video has over 2 million hits during the time of the rioting at our embassies. Dont be silly.



Well-Known Member
Sure. It was all the films fault ---No I mean Bushes fault ---no I mean THAT news networks fault ???!!!:laughing2::laughing2:

Like all the attacks in Bengazi in the months preceding the Sept 11th attack---did not even have the sense to up security after the earlier attacks.:sad2:

How many people died in Watergate ???