Embassy Attacks


Well-Known Member

So you believe all the Conservative beliefs and values that millions and millions of people have come from Fox and Limbaugh ??

Pretty narrow and lame thinking.

If I claimed in every post that you and all the Millions people that have Liberal beliefs get them from MSNBC or Mother Jones it would make sense to you ???

I am not the only one --- it is really time you moved on -- extremely old and boring:yawn2::yawn2:
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

So you believe all the Conservative beliefs and values that millions and millions of people have come from Fox and Limbaugh ??

Pretty narrow and lame thinking.

If I claimed in every post that you and all the Millions people that have Liberal beliefs get them from MSNBC or Mother Jones it would make sense to you ???

I am not the only one --- it is really time you moved on -- extremely old and boring:yawn2::yawn2:

YA, I do. when its repeated almost word for word. Like you do. Its easy to pick out the apples with worms in them in a apple cart.

You are right, you are not the only one, there are many who repeat the same stuff as you do. Copy and paste jockeys. Without a moments thought.

For me, it doesnt bother me what you call me, I dont watch msnbc or cnn. I read everything i can, and cross reference with all sources. I dont repeat anyones talking points as you do.

I am not sure how you feel you are an independent voice, much like moreluck who like you, just watches, then posts the same thoughts as presented the moment they are presented either on FOX news or limbaughs show?

Its easy to differentiate a separate thought from something already heard on the radio or television. I listen to limbaugh and watch fox news, then read the same thing I heard on both shows on this very board EVERYDAY.

You are only one of the more extreme repeaters on the AM radio side. All you have to so is listen to a person for a couple of minutes to know whether they listen to limbaugh, fox, mark stien, mark davis, Laura Ingraham, Larry Elder, Bill Orielly, Sean Hannity or any other right wing show.

It comes out in the "Thought" or narrative. Its almost always word for word.

AS for you, I give you credit, lately, youve been trying to change a word or two in a sentence so it comes out slightly different, but to no avail, its still the same.

You want to discuss politics and be taken seriously? Then lose the influence.



golden ticket member
If I hear something and I agree with it.....I'm not allowed to post so ????? That's BS !!
If I change any words I'm gonna sound like that guy who can't offer what the other cable co. can. Psty heh jsdrtw nyo itd fhn skiry !!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If I hear something and I agree with it.....I'm not allowed to post so ????? That's BS !!
If I change any words I'm gonna sound like that guy who can't offer what the other cable co. can. Psty heh jsdrtw nyo itd fhn skiry !!

thats the point moreluck. You agree with a FALSE NARRATIVE because its sounds right, or fits your thought process, and however it fits your personal opinion, it becomes your truth whether or not real.

Both wars were supported on this board by the same people who are attacking obama for his actions abroad. Drone strikes, killing of terrorists and such are being criticized by the same people who wanted full scale attacks on anything islamic during the BUSH administration. You were one of them.

Now, you want "rights" for american terrorists. Those same talking heads on FOX have changed the narrative and now want americans who join terror groups protected as citizens with constitutional rights. However, when Obama wanted american terrorists charged and tried in the united states, the cry then was that they didnt have rights.

It matters not. Its the "narrative" that you will repeat. It may fit your personal belief, but it doesnt make it true. Not that you would know the difference, you are already programmed to reject anything different that what you hear.

The constant repeating by right wing media of the "liberal media" is designed to create a thought in your head that makes you disbelieve without question whatever they are telling you and not to trust anything else. This repetitious message even has all of YOU repeating it on this board.

When those of you use "buzz words", "catch phrases" you heard on your favorite show, then repeat them on message boards, what does that say for programming?



Well-Known Member

Only tos's opinions or beliefs count ---Yours or mine are just from Fox news --Sounds Idiotic .

Then he will take anything and everything he hears on Fox news and "assigns " it to one of us --whether we agree or not --????

On top of that --his beliefs --the very things he slammed Bush on ---It is O/K with Obama doing it --unbelievable ---then will turn it back on us or fox ???

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You agree with all kinds crap........but only you are allowed to do so, I Guess.

Show me ONE sentence I repeated from ANY show ANYWHERE?

I agree with what I research on my own. I dont need some overpaid talk radio idiot to tell me what to think, or some cable news show with short skirts and fake blonde hair to tell me what to believe all day.

No matter how many times FOX news gets caught up in a blatant lie, you still watch them no matter what. Thats called programming.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Only tos's opinions or beliefs count ---Yours or mine are just from Fox news --Sounds Idiotic .

Then he will take anything and everything he hears on Fox news and "assigns " it to one of us --whether we agree or not --????

On top of that --his beliefs --the very things he slammed Bush on ---It is O/K with Obama doing it --unbelievable ---then will turn it back on us or fox ???

Island , what is getting old is your denial to the truth. You think you sound original, but if you only realized that everything you post comes from the limbaugh show.

Its clear as a bell. A person who studies can see where you get your information from.

By the way, hows that 2.4 million lost jobs thing working out for ya? All your original sources had to let that lie go down the drain eh?



Well-Known Member

Keep playing the same old song !!

Whose backing away from the "choice" --as Pelosi said --to paint pictures --find their passion---not work --while other people have to support them and all their freebies including healthcare !

Democrats can spin --but will not get away from this disaster !

Keep working those o/t hours while your neighbor finds their passions !!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Oh gee, Bill Kristol, the father of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.... Thanks for the insight bill.... Under your watchful eye only came the largest intelligence failure of USA history with 9/11....

Oh wait a minute, back in 1997 (during the clinton administration when you were not a player in washington) , you said that the american population wasnt in support of going to war in the middle east and that their minds would have to changed by an event that would eclipse PEARL HARBOR..

How Weird, just four years after you stated this in your Project for the New American Century a funny thing happened...Bush took office and you were once again an advisor to the president and... Oh ya, 9/11 happened, which turned out to be an event that ECLIPSED PEARL HARBOR and changed the minds of the american public about going to war in the middle east.

Gee, now you want to give Obama Advice on how to handle the mess YOU created???

Thanks Bill Kristol, but we dont need your advice.



Well-Known Member
I read everything i can, and cross reference with all sources.


I agree with what I research on my own. I dont need some overpaid talk radio idiot to tell me what to think, or some cable news show with short skirts and fake blonde hair to tell me what to believe all day.


what is getting old is your denial to the truth.
Its clear as a bell. A person who studies can see where you get your information from.


Wow! You sure do RESEARCH a lot! "A person who studies..." Wow! "I agree with what I research on my own." Wow!

Too bad you can't turn any of that research into answers! Sad.


Strength through joy
The only Rush I care about is the Rush to change our healthcare , the Rush to change our military strength , the Rush to turn the USA into the USSA .


golden ticket member
Oh gee, Bill Kristol, the father of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.... Thanks for the insight bill.... Under your watchful eye only came the largest intelligence failure of USA history with 9/11....

Oh wait a minute, back in 1997 (during the clinton administration when you were not a player in washington) , you said that the american population wasnt in support of going to war in the middle east and that their minds would have to changed by an event that would eclipse PEARL HARBOR..

How Weird, just four years after you stated this in your Project for the New American Century a funny thing happened...Bush took office and you were once again an advisor to the president and... Oh ya, 9/11 happened, which turned out to be an event that ECLIPSED PEARL HARBOR and changed the minds of the american public about going to war in the middle east.

Gee, now you want to give Obama Advice on how to handle the mess YOU created???

Thanks Bill Kristol, but we dont need your advice.

Yeah, don't address the issue.......you just attack Bill Kristol.......Typical M.O. for you. The article is about Susan Rice..................there's not 2 words about her in your response. TROLL !!!!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Yeah, don't address the issue.......you just attack Bill Kristol.......Typical M.O. for you. The article is about Susan Rice..................there's not 2 words about her in your response. TROLL !!!!!

There is no need to address the issue, you posted an opinion from BILL KRISTOL, the man who got us into two wars and created all the terrorists who are attacking us today.

Retribution for our aggression in two muslim countries. Shock and awe was something Kristol told us would frighten away all the bad guys in the middle east and bring democracy to the middle east.


Then, Vice President Dick Cheney proclaimed that "AL QAEDA is in their final throws"... only to see the war last 7 more years and costs us 7000 military lives.

Kristols opinion is worthless.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Talk about worthless opinions !!

And Susan Rice has no regrets....right !!!!!


Susan Rice didnt cost the USA trillions in debt and over 7000 military lives like Kristols advice did. Something you want to ignore.

You believe what you want, youre incapable of understanding reality.
