Embassy Attacks

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
There is NOTHING in that email that says anything other than normal whitehouse protocol.

You fox news junkies will buy any conspiracy they try to sell you.



nowhere special
There is NOTHING in that email that says anything other than normal whitehouse protocol.

You fox news junkies will buy any conspiracy they try to sell you.

Also contained in the 41 pages of documents obtained by Judicial Watch is a Sep. 12, 2012 email from Payton Knopf, the former deputy spokesman at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations. In this communication, Knopf informs Rice that senior officials had already dubbed the Benghazi attack as “complex” and planned in advance. Despite this information, Rice still insisted that attacks were “spontaneous.
Ed Morrissey reminds us that the White House claimed to have released "all" of its emails on Benghazi nearly a year ago. Gabe Malor asks the right question: Why are we just seeing these ones now? Now, on substance, the first email embedded above reveals a White House in intense spin mode after a preventable terrorist attack that claimed the lives of four Americans, including a sitting Ambassador. We knew that Hillary Clinton's State Department and the CIA were involved in the administration's historical revisionism surrounding this attack. We now know for certain that top White House officials were in the loop, too. Ben Rhodes outlines four bullet points in his memorandum, the first three of which are misleading and/or false
just an excerpt. Read the rest in the link and try to disprove instead of deflect the facts.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
oldngray, instead of quoting editorialized opinions on the emails, why don't you just tell us which statement in which email you consider to be the 'smoking gun'?

My curiosity got the best of me, and I actually downloaded all 100 pages. I've yet to see anything damning to anyone.


Strength through joy
Here's one question no one seems to want to answer.... Why hasn't anyone who survived the attack been heard from ?
Are they all buried in a top secret cave somewhere ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Here's one question no one seems to want to answer.... Why hasn't anyone who survived the attack been heard from ?
Are they all buried in a top secret cave somewhere ?

thats the whole point baba. CIA was in that country capturing and torturing people in a black ops site. If you think the government should give up the names of covert operatives to satisfy YOU, then you have lost your mind.

If giving up names of covert ops is something we should do, then i want ALL THE NAMES of all the covert agents in all of the black sites operating under the BUSH administration, along with all the names of the people they tortured and killed.



Strength through joy
Try to stay on topic and not drag your bds into this.
Why hasn't a survivor came forth & written about their experiences that night ?
Seems like a good money maker .


nowhere special


golden ticket member
"A newly-released government email indicates that within hours of the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks on Americans in Benghazi, Libya; the State Department had already concluded with certainty that the Islamic militia terrorist group Ansar al Sharia was to blame. ...."

Lucy, you have some splainin' to do.........


nowhere special

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
It's about DEAD !!

Ya, its about "dead" moreluck. I want to know, who in the bush administration changed the talking points when pat tillman was killed? Who wrote the original talking points making him a hero, then changed those talking points to admit he was killed by friendly fire??

Oh yeah, you dont care about that american serviceman, its not what FOX news is trying to sell..

