This is my first post. I saw this thread & just had to put my two-cents in! How about an employee that WORKS through their break?!? And to top it off, this same person will punch out, go back to their pull & keep loading trucks! This kind of stuff just irks me to no end! If I mention the fact that they are being anti-union by working off the clock, they tell me I am not a supervisor & they will stop if one tells them to. DUH!! No supervisor is going to stop an employee that works for free!!!!
Hey, Big I, i have restrained myself from commenting on any of your posts, however, i think you are wrong here; generally speaking, people don't change. You often say, they will change or they will leave, I'm wondering, do you think mr. socks represents his company well in his statements and actions? And, if, as your post implies, he is not fit to be a ups supervisor, how do you see him being shown the door?
Just wondering.
if this isn't a big I i've never seen one. I've seen managers in my time that you would have to write that anonymous note every day. Luckily, I have a great center manager now, and never have to deal with that crap. I have serious doubts that anonymous notes or calls to the 800 number would do much to change things with socks or other guys like him.
And, if upper management needs me to tell them that the managers and supervisors that they manage are a mess, well, that just demonstrates a further lack of management connection with the operations.
Ok, I, about 10 years ago we had a center manager who was the scourge of the earth. Every single morning, he would call my on car sup in the office and call him every vulgar name you have ever heard and then some. Do you really think that my on car sup could call that number every morning and report his center manager's actions and the center manager wouldn't know who ratted him out? You are very out of touch with reality, I. I think your I should stand for imagination.
If you are an hourly union employee, why waste your time anonymously reporting abusive behavior by management to some 1-800 number... that is staffed by management?
There is a better way to handle it...its called filing an Article 37 grievance. Document the problem, sign your name on the line, and hold the sup accountable for his behavior.
By being up front about it and creating a paper trail, you are covering your ass better than if you hid behind an anonymous complaint. Retaliation against a union member who files a grievance is a serious violation of both the contract and labor law.
They can ignore anonymous phone calls. They cant ignore a grievance.
Since there are only two on car sups in the building, i think this center manager, even though he wasn't too bright, could have figured it out. You miss the point here, if the dm is so disconnected from his operation that he doesn't know his center manager's character, no amount of anonymous calls will change a thing. And, in this particular case, the dm was born without any character, so it would have only been worse for the poor on car sup. To be perfectly honest, I don't think corporate cares at all.
If you are an hourly union employee, why waste your time anonymously reporting abusive behavior by management to some 1-800 number... that is staffed by management?
There is a better way to handle it...its called filing an Article 37 grievance. Document the problem, sign your name on the line, and hold the sup accountable for his behavior.
By being up front about it and creating a paper trail, you are covering your ass better than if you hid behind an anonymous complaint. Retaliation against a union member who files a grievance is a serious violation of both the contract and labor law.
They can ignore anonymous phone calls. They cant ignore a grievance.
All of your articles are a joke, especially 37. It's been filed before on me, it's a slap on the wrist.
I have always maintained that the best way to deal with internet trolls is to ignore them. For the most part, nothing that you have ever posted here has even been worthy of a response on my part.
I feel compelled to say one thing, though.
In my 23 yrs with UPS I have had the privelege of working for some very fine management people.
What they all had in common...was the ability to motivate their people through respect and encouragement rather than fear and intimidation.
If you truly are a full-time management opposed to some part-time wannabe screwing around on the internet from his parents would do well to learn the value of teamwork and positive reinforcement.
If you want what is best for UPS....versus what helps to prop up your obviously fragile will take a long hard look at the manner in which you portray yourself and project your insecurities onto others by belittling and berating them.
Happy New Year.
If you are an hourly union employee, why waste your time anonymously reporting abusive behavior by management to some 1-800 number... that is staffed by management?
There is a better way to handle it...its called filing an Article 37 grievance. Document the problem, sign your name on the line, and hold the sup accountable for his behavior.
By being up front about it and creating a paper trail, you are covering your ass better than if you hid behind an anonymous complaint. Retaliation against a union member who files a grievance is a serious violation of both the contract and labor law.
They can ignore anonymous phone calls. They cant ignore a grievance.
Great post, and your policy of ignoring trolls is definitely worthwhile....
I did notice however that you have responded a couple of times to the "bait".
Trust your original intuitions.
all of your articles are a joke, especially 37. It's been filed before on me, it's a slap on the wrist.
Have you spoken to your shop steward about this?
This seems like the logical thing to do! The problem is our union steward (which is what I believe you mean by shop steward?) is driving one of the trucks this person loads! What a joke!!!! They are good friends & the steward bends over backwards for this person in order to keep them out of trouble! So thanks for the suggestion, but do you have any others?!![]()