New Member
Yup. Go over his head and go to your BA (business agent).
Will do! I'll keep you posted on what happens! Thanks!
Yup. Go over his head and go to your BA (business agent).
This seems like the logical thing to do! The problem is our union steward (which is what I believe you mean by shop steward?) is driving one of the trucks this person loads! What a joke!!!! They are good friends & the steward bends over backwards for this person in order to keep them out of trouble! So thanks for the suggestion, but do you have any others?!![]()
All of your articles are a joke, especially 37. It's been filed before on me, it's a slap on the wrist.
It doesn't have to be this way. You can change!!!
BigI, the "values, policies and code of business conduct" are just words to the guys who are really running the operations. If you can't see that, it's just because you are so disassociated from the reality of the operation, or you choose not to accept reality. With the exception of my current management team, I've worked for managers who had no integrity and no sense of right and wrong, for most of my three decades. And, if the company's policy of demanding integrity from their managers is dependent on one of their subordinates reporting them to an 800 number, I don't expect you will ever see any changes in the pervasive lack of ethics that abounds among management. You have set up your program for Integrity to fail.
Yes I really think this. How would he know? There are only a couple of ways that he could know. The center manager could guess and wonder and believe and think he knows but again, there are only a couple of ways he could know. I have experience with a division manager that fits the description of your center manager above, the flaw in these individual's characters that makes it even less likely for them to know or even guess who made the call is that they generally are so out of control and feel they are so untouchable that they commit these violations to UPS values, policies, and codes of conduct to multiple people.
Reality is that there are a lot of unhappy UPS Employees and they are unhappy in part because there are a lot of management people who think they can do what they want to who they want because "that's how it is" at UPS. They give you this "if you don't like it leave" attitude.
They are able to do this because we let them get away with it and we are afraid to make the calls that need to be made.
Well I'm here to tell you that UPS is clear as to our values, policies and code of conduct that each and every employee should expect of themselves and those we work for. Maybe it is high time some of these individuals who fit the "scourge of the earth" billing, as you put it should be put on notice that if they are not able to handle the tough job of upholding the values, policies and code of conduct that their job requires then the employees are going to turn them over to Corporate and let them deal with their nonsense. If they don't like the high character standards and integrity that UPS expects of it's management then maybe they should be the ones to leave.
They are "your" articles too.
"Your" company entered into that contract. And as I recall, "your" company actively sought a "yes" vote from the bargaining unit for that same contract.
Did the "slap on the wrist" you supposedly received for violating that very same contract cause you to change your behavior towards the hourly who filed that grievance? Or have you simply chosen to disregard the legal agreement that "your" company entered into?
One final question; do you feel that you perform your duties and treat your employees in a manner that reflects Jim Casey's values, and his vision for the company that he founded?
No i told the other employees that are anti-union, that so and so, filed a grievance on me for not treating him/her with dignity and respect. They had a field day on him/her. Now he/she sits alone everyday in the lunch room and eats lunch alone....
And I'm still waiting for an answer to this simple question; do you feel that you perform your duties and treat your employees in a manner that reflects Jim Casey's values, and his vision for the company that he founded?
Its like the 4th time you have asked him that question. Maybe he is having a hard time comming up with the answer.
I don't answer to the help sorry.
As a management person, is it not your responsibility to answer questions and set an example for your people to follow?
Do you feel that you are truly leading by example?
And do you feel that you perform your duties and treat your employees in a manner that reflects Jim Casey's values, and his vision for the company that he founded?
Do you feel that every teamster lives and dies by "a fair days work for a fair days pay?" Don't lecture me about my duties and responsibilities. I know my job and I do it very well. ..
As for your question...
I don't answer to the help.....
I know my job and I do it very well. As for your question...
I don't answer to the help.....
A woman in a male dominated job who can't deal with guys in good humor is like a bull in a china shop.We had to sign off on the sexual harrassment policy yesterday. (probably because I filed a compalint with the DM). LOL The thing is that they don't enforce it. All yesterday was, was whitewash on a fence that is crumbling underneath. It's the same ol same ol.
A woman in a male dominated job who can't deal with guys in good humor is like a bull in a china shop.