I don't know if any of you have noticed, but time, is flying. I mean, we get to work,pre/reload, jump in the pkg car, behind the desk, in front of the computer, or whatever the job, and before you know it, the day is over. The time we actually have for ourselves/families is minimal, and it, also passes quickly. This is our pace, day in and day out, throughout the year/years we work here. Sometimes we get to a point in our lives, where we look in the mirror and don't recognize the reflection that we see, or worse, wonder how we've aged so quickly.
As a husband and a father, I'd really like to have time, energy and a functioning body, to be able to do things that I wasn't able to do, with the people I love, in my working years, after I retire. This being said, I think this thread should serve as a reminder that working, here at UPS, is not the end all, but the road we must all travel, to the "promised land".
If we don't take care of our bodies and minds, starting at this very moment, our retirement may be a short lived, unpleasant, experience. Young and old UPS'ers take heed, let us not set our goals for retirement, but for beyond retirement.
I've noticed over the years, that my body has grown accustomed to the every day, hectic pace, at which we're expected to work. When I started at UPS, I'd lose and gain weight, daily. Today I do the same, except for the fact that some of the weight is staying around. This means that my body is now used to the routine. Now I find, in order to maintain the body shape and activity level I desire, I need to supplement my UPS routine, with something above and beyond this particular activity level.
For a better understanding of this, you may notice that the thin young man/woman, that started several years ago, may have developed a slight tummy, bigger thighs, or a not so pleasing butt, that just doesn't seem to go away. This is where, supplementing your routine, comes into play, If you want to have a better life after, you no longer wear brown.
This activity shouldn't stop with our bodies, but continue on to our minds. I know that many here at the Cafe, read lots of books, go to the/rent movies, and find many things that stimulate the mind. This is great and really gives the mind/brain a good workout.
I just wanted to post this as a reminder, that we control a vast majority of how our minds and bodies grow old. Let's take this responsibility with all seriousness and stay healthy, so that we'll be around long after retirement. Just something I've been thinking about, and figured would be good to share