Ending DACA


nowhere special
How exactly
What changes in another executive order would be acceptable to Roberts?
Roberts asmits DACA is illegal but twists things with excuses. Trump is making the changes Roberts wanted and going to file again but Roberts will find some other excuse when it comes to him again.


Well-Known Member
Lol!, Worse coverage?!?!? More Americans had insurance that covered more conditions and therapies under Obama than at any other time in history!!

Why didn't he fix DACA? You do know who had to implement DACA because Congress refused to do anything right?
He had complete control for two years. Why wasn't it fixed then? And by worse coverage I should be more clear. Americans are now responsible for more of the costs with much higher deductibles.


Well-Known Member
Because no solution exists politically and democratically. Only peaceful separation.
They are playing political football with people's lives. Both sides. We should do everything possible to stop the flow of illegals but little kids brought over are innocent victims. This is their home and all they know. They should be allowed to stay and not have a cloud over their status. Unless they commit a felony.


nowhere special
DACA was never meant to be a permanent solution. Obama justified his executive order by calling it a temporary measure until Congress did something.


Well-Known Member
They are playing political football with people's lives. Both sides. We should do everything possible to stop the flow of illegals but little kids brought over are innocent victims. This is their home and all they know. They should be allowed to stay and not have a cloud over their status. Unless they commit a felony.
Agree to disagree Van. As much as it pains me, even the most beautiful latinas with babies in tow have to go back.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Agree to disagree Van. As much as it pains me, even the most beautiful latinas with babies in tow have to go back.
So a child raised in the states, educated with our tax dollars that is now gainfully employed as an adult should be deported to a country they’ve never known? Who benefits exactly?


Well-Known Member
Agree to disagree Van. As much as it pains me, even the most beautiful latinas with babies in tow have to go back.
Their culture isn't Mexican or Honduran or whatever. They didn't break the law, their parents did. Send them back to what exactly? Poverty? Too bad for them? I'm 100% for sending any convicted felon back. Staying in the States would be a privilege, not a right, and breaking the law loses that privilege. I just think we're a bigger, better country than one that would destroy people's lives by playing politics.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
So a child raised in the states, educated with our tax dollars that is now gainfully employed as an adult should be deported to a country they’ve never known? Who benefits exactly?
You paint an idealistic picture. What about a realistic picture? That adult could just as easily be a welfare burden, or a criminal.
A one-size-fits-all solution won’t work. That’s why forcing Congress to do their job is necessary.