Eric Holder


golden ticket member
FBI under Eric Holder? Oh, that’ll turn out well…

Via Reuters:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said on Tuesday he had ordered the FBI to open a criminal probe in a growing scandal over the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative political groups for extra tax scrutiny.

Holder’s announcement came about four hours before an inspector general’s report on the IRS portrayed the tax agency as plagued by disarray and “insufficient oversight” during its struggles to review the cases of hundreds of advocacy groups that claimed they should be tax exempt.

The audit, which drew some backlash from IRS officials, also underscored what the agency had acknowledged last Friday: that the IRS had used “inappropriate criteria” for evaluating tax-exempt groups, in part by singling out scores of conservative Tea Party and “Patriot” organizations for increased scrutiny.

The report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration sharply criticized the way the IRS had screened the conservative groups, citing poor management and processing delays. The report suggested that such practices could damage public confidence in the agency.

The criteria used to target the conservative groups “gives the appearance that the IRS is not impartial in conducting its mission,” the report said. However, the report stopped short of saying the IRS actions had been politically motivated.


golden ticket member second neg. is Holder your special person????? (R.R.) Ignorant, huh??? Too bad you didn't have the guts to just say that in a reply........


Well-Known Member
Priorities are everything.....

So, Eric Holder is going to Switzerland tomorrow to try to get the World Cup...... What about the wikileaks crap? other security ?? terrorist's trials to be scheduled??

No, soccer is the most important priority for him. Wasted people in Wash.!! :sick:

Maybe you dont seem to understand basic economics moreluck, oh wait, you dont, You support the republican party.

The world cup would bring millions of dollars to this country's economy. That means J O B S in case you needed a refresher course in business 101.

Why dont you try and post ONE PLAN from any republican in America that shows how they are going to create jobs that doesnt include the words "TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH".

AT least its an idea to create actual jobs and give our country world attention. Unlike the republican plans to create jobs overseas through tax cuts and incentives.

WHy not try and support your country for a change.


Bla bla bla change the spoon fed rhetoric will ya?


Well-Known Member
For the record, I think this current administration is about as incompetent as the last three administrations...

Having said that, I find it interesting that certain posters will slam Obama (and the Obama administration) about the very things that Bush (and the Bush administration) did repeatedly.

Don't forget, the Bush administration was riddled with as many 'scandals' as the Obama administration now finds itself dealing with.

(You bought the 'national-security' line before, but you're not buying it now?...people please.)

Those of you who don't like Obama for whatever reason, please be honest and realize that Bush (and Clinton) got away with murder, literally and figuratively, and the Obama administration is just continuing the curve...I find it majorly ironic that y'all Obama haters are slamming him for basically continuing (and taking to new heights) policies enacted by the Bush administration.

(Are you upset about the expanded nature of Presidential powers?.... Thanks Dubya/Cheney!!!)

We're all getting sold a bill of goods that's rubbish, whichever news source you identify with.


Well-Known Member
For the record, I think this current administration is about as incompetent as the last three administrations...

Having said that, I find it interesting that certain posters will slam Obama (and the Obama administration) about the very things that Bush (and the Bush administration) did repeatedly.

Don't forget, the Bush administration was riddled with as many 'scandals' as the Obama administration now finds itself dealing with.

(You bought the 'national-security' line before, but you're not buying it now?...people please.)

Those of you who don't like Obama for whatever reason, please be honest and realize that Bush (and Clinton) got away with murder, literally and figuratively, and the Obama administration is just continuing the curve...I find it majorly ironic that y'all Obama haters are slamming him for basically continuing (and taking to new heights) policies enacted by the Bush administration.

(Are you upset about the expanded nature of Presidential powers?.... Thanks Dubya/Cheney!!!)

We're all getting sold a bill of goods that's rubbish, whichever news source you identify with.

Agreed! But this is bs. A HUGE group of Americans are fed up with ALL OF IT. Both right and left, both BO and W! And what has happened to them? They're demonized for "obstruction" or called "racist." A two term Marxist proves....racism goes both ways. Wake up America.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
A pathetic joke from a pathetic regime. Holder like Clinton has been caught in a lie ( like they all do) and now once again their defense will be having to prove their intentions. "What is is."