Eric Holder


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
According to Holder, mandatory minimum sentences "breed disrespect for the system. When applied indiscriminately, they do not serve public safety. They have had a disabling effect on communities. And they are ultimately counterproductive."

The drug-dealing daddies are not going to return to the families just because you don't arrest them. This will not stabilize "the family" and will just keep shady people on the streets posing a danger to the general public.

Read more: Holder to call for scaled-back use of mandatory minimum drug sentences | Fox News


golden ticket member
Holder's idea will make America more dangerous.
When you don't put criminals away in prison, guess where they are ? Next door to you, maybe.
Does he really think that if he doesn't put them in jail, they will go home to their, they will continue to commit crimes and their family will still be fatherless or motherless..


Inordinately Right
Holder's idea will make America more dangerous.
When you don't put criminals away in prison, guess where they are ? Next door to you, maybe.
Does he really think that if he doesn't put them in jail, they will go home to their, they will continue to commit crimes and their family will still be fatherless or motherless..

I guess you think America's prison system is working great then?
Nearly half of all Americans in prison are there for drug-related crimes. We have the highest rate of incarceration in the entire world, housing 25% of all people in prison on earth.

Holder's idea is basically to remove mandatory minimum sentences, and give judges discretion to decide which ones are candidates for rehabilitation. It only applies to non-violent offenders. There's no reason for some pothead to be in prison.

We don't put alcoholics in prison just for being drunk. If someone drinks and gets behind the wheel, they are endangering people, and are put in prison. People who have done nothing wrong but being an addict (possession) are not helped by prison, and you pick up the bill for their stay. Total waste.


golden ticket member
So you would be OK with them releasing HALF the prisoners in the system.......that's the drug related criminals............I'm not OK with that !!!
Guaranteed.....drug sellers would be released too........How do you think those addicts keep affording those drugs??? They lose their real jobs and end up selling to feed their habits.
No, I don't think the prison system is perfect, but I do believe if you commit crime, you have to pay!


Inordinately Right
So you would be OK with them releasing HALF the prisoners in the system.......that's the drug related criminals............I'm not OK with that !!!
Guaranteed.....drug sellers would be released too........How do you think those addicts keep affording those drugs??? They lose their real jobs and end up selling to feed their habits.
No, I don't think the prison system is perfect, but I do believe if you commit crime, you have to pay!

It is not complicated. You get so worked up you ignore the facts.
They want to remove mandatory minimum sentences, not the sentence all together, and not just release prisoners arbitrarily. The judge would be able to decide: would it be better for the criminal to serve 30 days and receive probation and rehabilitation services, and have a chance at being a productive member of society..... or just warehouse them in prison for a mandatory 1 year term.


golden ticket member
You forgot the first step of his not discipline in school!!!!
Now, don't lock up criminals.
I already know what it'll be like. No thanks!!


Inordinately Right
You forgot the first step of his not discipline in school!!!!
Now, don't lock up criminals.
I already know what it'll be like. No thanks!!

Do not discipline in school? Again you ignore the facts.
He doesn't want kids going from school to jail. We should be teaching these kids. Punishing them by sending them to jail does teach them, it teaches them how to be criminals. He didn't say no discipline IN the school.


golden ticket member
Eric Holder is the stupidest man alive. WITHOUT A SINGLE DOUBT.

Via ABC News:
The nation’s top law enforcement official suggested Thursday that the terrorist group believed to be behind the recent attack in East Africa could not pull off a similar strike inside the U.S. homeland.

Five days after terrorists launched a deadly assault inside a shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya, Attorney General Eric Holder said the U.S. intelligence community still has not seen “any specific, credible evidence” that al Shabab, an Al Qaeda off-shoot based in Somalia, is planning to do anything in the U.S.

“I’m not sure they have the capacity to do anything in the United States,” Holder added. “It doesn’t mean, however, we will not take the threat that they pose … as a serious one.”


Inordinately Right
Eric Holder is the stupidest man alive. WITHOUT A SINGLE DOUBT.

Via ABC News:
The nation’s top law enforcement official suggested Thursday that the terrorist group believed to be behind the recent attack in East Africa could not pull off a similar strike inside the U.S. homeland.

Five days after terrorists launched a deadly assault inside a shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya, Attorney General Eric Holder said the U.S. intelligence community still has not seen “any specific, credible evidence” that al Shabab, an Al Qaeda off-shoot based in Somalia, is planning to do anything in the U.S.

“I’m not sure they have the capacity to do anything in the United States,” Holder added. “It doesn’t mean, however, we will not take the threat that they pose … as a serious one.”
What did you expect him to say... ya they could kill us all at anytime we're all screwed kiss your ArSSes goodbye.?
He said we're all ok don't worry keep spending money on Ipads and SUV's, that's the status quo.

He said we take all threats seriously and we have no credible information about a plan to attack on US soil. I guess you wanted him to scare people for no reason, or to reveal classified information.

Also, if you see Eric Holder as "WITHOUT A SINGLE DOUBT the stupidest man alive", then you don't know many people.


golden ticket member
"Also, if you see Eric Holder as "WITHOUT A SINGLE DOUBT the stupidest man alive", then you don't know many people." (DIDO)

That wasn't a quote by me, it was part of the printed story.............although I agree with it, mostly. There are a few others that I would consider the "stupidest", but he's in my top 10..


Inordinately Right
"Also, if you see Eric Holder as "WITHOUT A SINGLE DOUBT the stupidest man alive", then you don't know many people." (DIDO)

That wasn't a quote by me, it was part of the printed story.............although I agree with it, mostly. There are a few others that I would consider the "stupidest", but he's in my top 10..
Where was that in the printed story you linked to? ABC News


Well-Known Member
Eric Holder took on Arizona on Illegal Immigration when the State tried to do their own thing.

I would guess we should see some action on Jerry Brown and California in the spirit of obeying Federal laws and consistency.

Don't hold your breath !!