

I Re Member
I certainly appreciate it when susie points out another anonymous supe posting from work.

I cannot imagine why that information wouldn't be appreciated.

Wait a minute, now I can.

Over, I have been here since before susie first started posting and the post you refer to was hardly the first, nor a high point of discussion that I need to review.

I found your lauding of the nazis as "the law abiding good guys" in that march incident a bit strange and somewhat suspect to say the least, however jumping to such overt conclusions and accusations as nazi lover, etc. to be an unjust and unproven characterization that certainly engenders reasons to join the anti-susie fan club, albeit not the pro-over one. :p

As for "majority", please.


I Re Member
On another note, I don't say I am a shop steward, I am.

Although, we don't call them shop stewards here, just steward.

No one in this area refers to UPS as a "shop", that's left for such as General Motors which is big in my area.


Well-Known Member
Last edited:


"98 %? And here I didn't think you believed in polls tie and now you must be taking them.

I think you are mistaking the fact that the verbal bush is god group on the board have a hate campaign going on regarding susie.

You want to talk about intimidation attempts!"

I could be wrong but I don't believe I've raised the intimidation issue at all. I also think you discredit Morelucks prescence here when you refer to the popularity poll. Moreluck has been here for a long time and has shown herself to be a class act. It takes a lot to get her to riled up. Suzie on the other hand goes out of her way to offend. In some cases you're right in that she responded in kind. In other cases someone simply had to disagree with her point of view to get an ignorant response. I kinda like the ignore pout of hers. Perhaps we can all get put on her ignore list.


One last point because I don't think I quite captureed what I was trying to say. Suzie has her right to be opinionated. She doesn;t have to be an ass about it all the time. I don't mind if Suzie wants to post her thousand links but at some point she needs to stand up for her beliefs, in her own words and not by constantly borrowing someone elses words. Suzie can defend herself but if she is getting ripped up as bad as she is by the majority posting here then there is a chance however small she may think it is that there is a message there she can learn from. And finally this is a message board. That means she does have a right to be opinionated and we have a right to rip her up for her opinions. For some strange reason she believes in freedom of speech until its used against her.

Hey More nice place you have here in ignoreville. Barbecue about 7 pm?


I Re Member
As far as the intimidation sentence, that was in reference to a statement about the same by over, not about anything you have said.

And I wasn't ripping moreluck, just making reference that she has double the ref points of the majority of the rest of us.

Errr, outside of you. . .

Primarily, my point about ref points was, is that something important?

Do we get to pick something from the UPS catalog when we accrue a certain level of ref points or something? :D


golden ticket member
ok2be.....I don't know what the rep thing is either, but apparently when you get to a certain level you fall off the end of the world and enter a new planet where you morph into an entity that doesn't get wicked responses from u no who.
Scientists have now named this new planet Ignoreville. Want to come to our BBQ? RSVP to me or tieguy.


From the promised LAND
THe people that set up this format used it as a combination of things. Both the shear number of posts, the quality of posts, discipline that had to be used or auditing of the persons posts.

IF you will look, Cheryl is an unknown quantity on the site.

So while it does not mean much, it is an indication of the posting record of the poster.

So you are not going to invite me? Well you can bite my (ooops, better not. Ill get in trouble) ;)



Well-Known Member
Danny, could you please point out one falsehood on the link I posted, just one?

I hope to heck we are not getting ready to invade Syria, unfortunately there has been considerable evidence that we are considering just that. Hopefully the patriots that are still left inside our government will stop that from happening.


Well-Known Member
First, it sounds to me like we need to start a special prosecutor investigation of where this "leak" of intelligence came from.

Second, you would probably be surprised to know that there are war plans for many different scenarios. I would be appalled if they didn't have "updated target lists" in case the need arose. Also I noted that most of the info in this column was dated 2-3 years ago. No date was given on the "updated target lists".


I Re Member
danny, that sounds suspiciously like just a personal best guess.

Cheryl, care to explain the Rep points and the color coding?

Normally a site has a legend stating such stuff, but I don't see it anywhere.


I started this.
Staff member
ok2bclever said:
danny, that sounds suspiciously like just a personal best guess.

Cheryl, care to explain the Rep points and the color coding?

Normally a site has a legend stating such stuff, but I don't see it anywhere.
This is taken directly from the vbulletin documentation:

The User Reputation system allows your board members to leave comments about one anothers' posts, and thereby contribute to their overall 'reputation'.

User Reputation in its simplest form is a ranking of your user's benefit to your forum. Its basis comes from the opinions of all of your forum users that choose take part in it.

Users gain and lose reputation based on how their posts are scored by other forum participants. Users with the ability to affect reputation, will either give or take aways points by approving or disapproving with a post's content.

The only adjustments to the default user reputation settings are the addition of 1 point for every 365 days since registration and 1 point for every 1000 posts.

Your comments, suggestions and criticisms are always welcome.


I Re Member
Thanks for the quick response Cheryl.

Ok, so almost all of the current points actually reflect seniority :D and posting proclivity at this time, makes sense.

Except for your stats.

I swear you were here before I was, but it shows you just joined in October of this year and have only posted 24 times.

Hey, wait a minute, how did you get 10 with those stats!

The games rigged! :D


golden ticket member
ok2be.....Cheryl's dot is blue. Maybe she's in with The Enquirer Lucky Blue Dot people too, along with the browncafe. Maybe her points were doubled on double coupon day....did you miss it?

I like the part where I click on the scales to either approve or disapprove of someone's post and the thing says I have to spread some reputation around before I can vote for that post. Mom always said spreading reputation wasn't a good thing. Who you gonna believe?


From the promised LAND
"that sounds suspiciously like just a personal best guess."

Well lookie here. I guess my personal best guess was pretty much on the nose.

Actually I have been on several sites with the exact format so it was not a guess.

Susie, What is true on that link. All there is is a bunch of hogwash that is old news. The guys in uniform allways have contingency plans, as has been mentioned. And if they are shooting at us from the other side of the border, then make sure they cant shoot anymore.

OF course you could draw a line in the sand and man it with peace keepers. That has worked really well every place it has been tried.



I Re Member
Geez, you think you were "on the nose"? :confused:

Most of your guesses were in the ballpark of what I guessed or pretty much anyone else would have.

Your response seemed coached as inside knowledge fact though.

It's ok not to know an answer.

Seniority currently counts for over half of the average points at this time and you missed that one, but I didn't think of that one either.

moreluck, earlier I preferred the color blue if we could pick 'em, but I'd say that color was a grey, not a blue.

As that is what the majority of members currently have grey makes sense as a neutral color, green for go or red for stop.

Seems like administrators should either have an unattainable number or none from a psychological standpoint.